Λάβαμε ένα γράμμα στην αγγλική γλώσσα, την οποία ο
αντίποδας δεν χρησιμοποιεί, αλλά αναγκαζόμαστε να το δημοσιεύσουμε διότι
αναφέρεται σε πρόσφατη ανάρτησή μας και διότι μοιάζει να γνωρίζει ο συντάκτης του, πολύ περισσότερα από εμάς. Αν κάποιος από τους ενδιαφερόμενους ή ένας
από τους αναγνώστες μας μπορεί και θέλει να το μεταφράσει στην ελληνική,
ευχαρίστως θα το δημοσιεύσουμε….
Dear Antipodas:
Regarding your article "The killer always returns at the seen of the crime", i would like to add my own observations and express my own feelings, and the feeling from other members of the GCT we spoke to, regarding this matter .. They all expressed similar feelings, some of disapointment others of outrage for the disgusting behaviour by this politician who came back hopping to use us once more for his political courier. The disapoinment was evident towards the people that we elected recently to protect us from past negative experiences.
Mr. Artemaki, you were supposed to restore confidence to the members in this Community if you want people to trust you and contribute financially. Instead you choose to get elected to protect the former president,s interest and not the community's. Did you invite Menegaki for advice on how to run our community? You can not hide any more, the masks are down.
There is an old Greek Saying . God protects ton k.l.….. but he also protects ton Nikokiri as the saying goes. This time you got caught with your pan… down having him in the community office. .
Your actions sends members away. You should understand why people don't trust you any more, and why they stopped contributing to the community.
Didn't you get the massage when a lot of people cancelled their tables at the dance last week. You were told this many times and you chose to ignore it..
They were told, that since they chose to invited Mr Menegaki to the event people decided to cancel and refused to go.
Don't they get the message? No they chose to ignore everyone and continued to please their master, not the people that elected them.
How can we forget the behaviour displayed by the "AMETANOHTO EFIALTI"…, a man who deserted our Greek Canadian Community and left it in economic disaster.
This Community was once a proud one, guided by the vision from another dissent, charismatic, 'HONEST' and honourable former President Mr. Polymenako.
Whatever Polymenakos, a respectable Lakonian build, another embarrassment for the community and Lakonians, torn down with his brilliant!!! management… practices.
We are all upset because we are afraid, based on last fridays events, that our community's afairs are still been influenced by the former president through his PUPETS. It seems that his loyal friends are still running the community, following his management style.
His friends, the 3 stooges, brought him in to the community the day the auditors were present. That gives us great concern. How can they open the door to the person that caused so much pain and embarrassment, especially near our financial records. . Could it be coincident that he just dropped in? The people from inside that happen to be present at the time don't seem to share that view.
The picture is very clear now and no one is stupid enough to believe the Menegakis dropped into the Community offices because of his love for the Greek Community.
We were told that the new 'TROJAN HORCE" plan, supported by his tree stooges , Kritiko, Spartiati, Kyprio, should be taken very seriously. It is possibly that the Trojan horse plan hides long term catastrophic implications for the Greek Community of Toronto.
You have probably heard of the expression '"BE AWARE OF GREEKS BARRING GIFTS "? Unfortunately this is probably one of these stories full of political games , manipulation, and based on peoples opinions we happened to speak to on the Danforth, everyone believes that it is an insult to our intelligence..
Read to understand as we were informed, what they manufactured and hope to cell to the community members:
Read to understand as we were informed, what they manufactured and hope to cell to the community members:
The information we received claims that the 3 elected officers within the community, are hoping to convince us, that this politician is our MESIA and saved us from returning aprx. 2 million to the Federal and Provincial governments. 2 million dollars from the money collected after the community centre on Warden was sold.
The plan is supposedly, having the Toronto Greek Community executive, approve and announce, that their conservative idol and M. P, used his political influence with the Conservative party, and convinced the Canadian Government forgive the one million dollars, the federal funds that were given to the Greek Community for the development of a new community centre.
If this is true, these brainless individuals, as we were told, are so arrogant, that are planing to convince the community, that their master politician, negotiated the other portion that the Ontario Provincial Government contributed. How can a federal man interfere in the Provincial government affairs? He used MESON this is not Skoura he leaves in Canada now.. In Canada we don't have ROUSFETIA. ELEOS PLEASE…..
It has became obvious that this is the reason his 3 puppies invited him to visit the offices at our community centre together with the accountants. You are all probably wonder why did the meeting take place at the Polimenakio? Was it because of the accountants presents at the time made it easier to manipulate the information from the sale from the Menegakio disaster centre as we were told ?
Do they think anyone will buy this fairy tail ? They must think that we are all stupid in this community.
We all know that the people that bought the centre were representing a NON PROFIT organization, and there was no issue as far as returning the 2 million dollars to the respective governments.
Even if it wasn't sold that money where going to be written off by the Government after 20 years. The 20 years are over and the loans are written off without Menegakis involvement.
After antipodes article was published, no one from the community's executive has come forward to deny the incident. Based on their silence we can safely assume that what we were told is true and they except the allegations as being true.
It seems to all of us that the 3 individuals values, are of a typical shameless politician looking back as we look back on their friends record.
What does his record like? lets look at it looking back from our experience with him.
He does not seem to be loyal to anything or anyone. He left the GCT in debt, he damped the liberal party and join the conservatives, just after organizing a fundraising Gala for IGNADIEF , the former Liberal leader at Crystal Fountain, where he was verbally blasting Steven Harper for his policies at that event. This event took place only a few months before he joined Harper and his conservatives and agreed with the polices he was objecting to, when he was a liberal.
Are these the people that represent the values that Steven Harper and his conservatives want to portray? If these are the values Mr Harper wants us to respect him for, goof luck to him, he can have him!!. How long before he betrays Harper ?
His record clearly displays his values. We were misled by his full of (crocodile tears) resignation press conference, that he is ending his political efforts in the community to go buck to his family. He even told his friends a few hours before the press conference that he will cry and he will put an emotional show on.
This creature did not hesitate to lie to us by using his own children, claiming he was going buck to them because he missed them . Everyone in that room thought that he was honest and everyone supported his choice . We all wished him goof luck because we all believe that family comes first and we respected him for that. Why did he lie to us? If he feels he didn't he could have given us an explanation, but he did not. Someday he might discover what honesty, and conscience mean. He misled all of us by continuing to pursue his political courier.
All the community knows that his tricks have one purpose, to restore Menegakis credibility in the Greek community , in order for him to score points with Steven Hurper.
The timing is well calculated and well planed in order to rebuild his image and claim to the conservative boss that he will bring the party votes from the Greek Community at the next federal election.
Don't forget that all the political parties are planing to start their preparations for the next federal election starting February 2014. They are also planing to bring him to the parader Οctober 28. to Danforth.
We, as Greek Canadians feel that this man has humiliated and embarrassed all Greek Canadians, and Lakonians across the globe. He should have had at least some respect for the people in his community, who unfortunately, made the big mistake trusting him with their community and its finances. Didn't this man have the decency to stay away from the daed body of a community he brought near bankruptcy? Express politely your feelings at the parade.. We should not forget every EFIALTI that choses to distroy our community for his personal gain .
We will certainly be informing your constituency of your past record, during your re- election campaign if you don't live us alone. We will see you then……
Someone should ask why the GCT is down to only 9 board members, and why the resignation of many good board members was not announced anywhere. There are only 3 people making important decisions with no regard to anyone. Same story over and over.....Let it fall and from the ashes perhaps something good will rise!
ReplyDelete9:36 am could it be because the employee and / board member Kosta Flegas left because he could not get his way and the rest followed ? The problem is nobody wants to do the hard work.
ReplyDeleteIt is becoming more and more clearer to everyone that the so called by someone earlier, the GCT's "THREE STOOGES", fooled us long enough. They don't want anyone on the board other than the once Menegakis approves.Their real mission is,first to protect him from any possible legal action and and the second is to finish the job left in the middle by the deserter,and slowly give all the churches to his master Sotirios. As we all know Sotirios influenced Harper to take him in his party.He owes the lords representative big time. Hallelujah....Skouropoula
P.S Didn't these guys Ermi and Antoni get tires from been Menegakis golfers?
I Smell trouble soon.
2:02 pm re Elethie what legal action is there to protect him from? Stupidity and mismanagement is not a crime theft is and none was found . The Glynn Group tracked every payment and it corresponded to actual work done. Maybe you should read the Dagona's report which clearly showed the whole board took on a project too big to complete. The three stooges you talk about saved the community from bankruptcy. What did you do? Sit on the sidelines and watch?
Deletewill be nice if this person will put his name if he is so sure about about Mr. Menegakis.
ReplyDeleteΚάπως σαν εσένα ας πούμε… Είχες μια σωστή άποψη, -ότι έπρεπε να βάλει το όνομά του,- και την εξέφρασες …επώνυμα.!!! Αυτή είναι …μαγκιά, μεγάλε.!
ReplyDeleteI do respect your perspective. The fact is that the truth is only one and has been clearly stated. The MESSAGE is what is important to the members of the community not the MESSENGER. I would have respected your even more if you had addressed your concerns to the ones that held the secret meetings. I am disappointed that your main concern is to crucify the messenger instead of pursuing truth. Possibly for personal reasons...st?
ReplyDeleteNo one has the courage to come forward and deny this allegations in person.
Did Mr. Menegakis visit the community secretly? And if he did why,and what was discussed behind the executives back ?
To most of us silence is an admission of guilt!!. I hope something positive will come out of this.
Trust be silence is there best option at this point.
I agree sell everything and start new. Get out of the church business. Me
ReplyDeleteI agree sell everything and start new. Get out of the church business. Menegakis
ReplyDeleteThe only thing Menegkis was telling the board was that he left the GCT on solid ground and that the new center was 3 months away from being completed. Sure it was, $18 Million away from completion.
ReplyDeleteΕσύ, ρε άσχετε, πώς και από που ξέθαψες το σχόλιο τούτο, 10 χρόνια μετά, για να μας πεις τις μαλακίες σου υπέρ του κ. Μενεγάκη; Νομίζεις ότι το τότε νέο Διοικητικό Συνβούλιο, ΄το οποίο στην μεγάλη του πλειοψηφία ήταν με τον Μενεγάκη, δεν μπόρεσαν να δουν ότι σε μόλις 2-3 μήνες το "Κέντρο" θα μπορούσε να τελειώσει, αλλα αναγκάστηκαν να το πουλήσουν για να σώσουν τον οργανισμό "Κοινότητα" από τα εκατομύρια του χρέους με τα οποπια τον είχε φεσώσει ο πουλημένος στον Σωτήριο Καραγκιόζης και να τον βολέψει με μια βουλευτική υποψηφιότητα και σχεδόν σίγουρη εκλογή του, όπως και έγινε; Ρε μήπως είσαι μενεγακικός, Λάκωνας, και επανέφερες στην επιφάνεια την πουστιά που προσπάθησε και σχεδόν, παραλίγο, να καταφέρει; Βέβαια, θα μας πεις ότι, αυτά που ΔΕΝ κατάφερε αυτός, με το φρένο που έβαλε ο Νίκωνα;, το πέτυχαν 9 χρίνια αργότερα, οι Σωτήριος - Καραντώνης, με την υπογραφή του αλητήριου Αρτεμάκη... Γιατί νομίζεις ότι η σημερινή διοίκηση, τρέχει ξωπίσω από τον "πνευματικό" της πατέρα, κατεβάζοντας τα βρακιά τους και εκλυπαρώντας το "σφάξεμε αγάμ ν' αγιάσω"; Η ξεφτίλα του αιώνα από έναν αλητήριο κουσουριάρη αρχιδεπίσκοπο...