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Saturday, April 29, 2023

Έργα και ημέρες του επί-σκοπού Ιάκωβου, τη σύντομη, μέχρι στιγμής, θητεία του επί του ...θρόνου.!!!

Αναγνώστης μας, ο οποίος κρατά μεν την ανωνυμλια του, αλλά γνωρίζει πολλά, όπως δείχνουν οι μαρτυρίες του, πλέκει το ...εγκώμιο του σχετικά πρόσφατα χειροτονηθέντος επισκόπου Ιάκωβου, προς ενημέρωση των αναγνωστών μας και πολύ περισσότερο του πιστού πληρώματος της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας του Καναδά, γενικότερα και φυσικά του ...αφεντικού της αρχιεπισκόπου Σωτήριου. Πάρτε μια εικόνα, λοιπόν, και καταθέστε τις ό,ποιες συμπληροματικές ή και διαφορετικές απόψεις σας, για καλύτερη ενημέρωση ημών και των υπολοίπων αναγνωστών μας... 

Well maybe if Bish Iakovos wasn't such a douchebag towards priests they wouldn't feel compelled to criticize him.

Iakovos has verbally abused almost every single priest in Quebec, he threatened the Abess/Gerontisa at St Kosmas monastery, tried to force the nuns to get the covid vaccine at the monastery in Quebec and brought doctors with him to do it, threatened the livelihood and family of Fr Apostolos and Presvytera and was on speakerphone for everyone to hear it first hand, verbally abused the Greek community board in Montreal and then they quit in

December and then the big baby took off for Greece for another indefinite vacation and just last week he was at the Archdiocese before the Arch left for Greece and was screaming and swearing at Sotirios so loud that people could here Iakovos just from coming in the front doors, oh and he threatened Bish Athenagoras that when he becomes Arch of Canada he will cut his legs off (the irony coming from a midget)…and that’s just for starters!

I won’t even get into diddling an altar boy at St Nick's, pocketing $30K from the Philoptochos, let’s keep that for another day.

So ya lots of clergy, monastics, presvyteres, parish councils, Philoptochos, altar boys, and Greek community board members can’t stand him.

And *drum roll* Bishop Iakovos if officially leaving Canada next week for good and temporarily moving to Crete until his gay mafia friends at the Phanar force someone to take him as their Auxiliary Bishop since Patriarch Bartholomew said no to his face to make him an Exarch or Metropolitan.

Yes, you heard it here first, Bishop Iakovos is officially out of Canada and is just packing his stuff to leave the following week for good! Crack open the champagne! Our prayers have been answered!

Iakovos destroyed any sliver of a chance he had to become the next Archbishop of Canada. The one thing you never do to this Patriarch is insult your boss to him behind his back. He tolerates a lot but not insubordination/end runs. And now everyone knows he shit talked Sotirios to the Patriarch so no one wants him. Because if he did it to Sotirios, he’ll do it to his next boss. Oh and he won't be working for the Diocese in Crete, he's going back to the monastery that was stupid enough to to ensure him. So he won't be an active Auxiliary Bishop. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

So Canada officially only has 1 Bishop left—for now. Sotirios sure knows how to pick’em.


  1. Yes Iakovos is leaving soon to Crete where he came from. He's no longer on speaking terms with Sotirios. He's no longer on speaking terms with Tasia (President from St Nick’s) who supported him the most over the years, including all the money she quietly funnelled to him from St Nick’s. She lost her candidate for Archbishop. The cabal has collapsed. Tasia, Frs Fanourios, Peter, Ted and Archon Evangelos are in panic mode trying to figure out what do they do next now that Iakovos is out. Not just out of Canada but out of the running for Archbishop of Canada. That's what happens when you back an amateur bishop who can't control his anger and has an ego far larger than his actual abilities. I think this is when one says: oh, burn!

  2. While I know he’s formally no longer an employee of our Archdiocese, I just don’t know what happens to his Apolyterio since he’s going to his monastery on Crete and not to work for the Archdiocese there. Plus it’s apparently temporary and he’s in a holding pattern until he hears from the Phanar. It’s unprecedented since people don’t leave without a confirmed posting. I guess it either goes to the Archdiocese in Crete? Or maybe since he’s a floater it goes to the Patriarchate? Anyone know?

  3. Yes. We know , but we don't want to feed all the curious and gossiping people.
    “Don't be too fast to highlight the weaknesses of other people. That is the quickest way of exposing your own weaknesses.

  4. No idea what sotirios was thinking making Iakovos a bishop in the first place. He screamed at Sotirios in front of others before he was even made a bishop. Did he think somehow things would get better by giving him more power and a crown? It was one of the stupidest things I’ve seen sotirios do.

  5. 9:35 The Patriarchate monitors this blog ever since the story broke on here about people leaving our churches to go to the Russian churches, which is the most concerning thing for them. So I’d say it’s worth sharing the truth about Iakovos so others don’t have to suffer like they did here, especially now while the Patriarchate decides what to do with Iakovos. Let’s not forget the minutes from the Quebec clergy meeting which says Sotirios stripped Iakovos of his Bishop responsibilities was requested once they saw this blog about it. Now many hierarchs in the world have a copy of those minutes and can influence the Patriarch. I’d say Andipothas knows exactly what he’s doing and what he’s posting.

  6. Sure Tasia and Evangelos. Your master plan just tanked. Let’s see what you do now that CRA comes running up your ass for the frauds you have committed at St Nick? Sotirios will chirp “ I have no idea what these people these people have done”. Sotirios retires and the house of cards comes tumbling down for the new Arch to deal with. God indeed is great.

    1. 8AM: but is the CRA really running up their asses? I haven’t heard anything in a while about the investigation. And from my understanding it’s Tasia who left fingerprints, not Evangelos? The the friend for the CRA have an update for us?

  7. Hum, Karma is coming back to life. More to come I’m sure.

    Nikona Georgakopoulos.

  8. Except the Church doesn't believe in karma. Wrong religion.

  9. The unfortunate thing is the CRA is coming after your corrupt ass Nikona. Maybe someone should tip them off to the $500,000 you paid your lawyer friend. I wonder how that paid, err worked out. Btw you are on record saying the lawyer was working for free. Fraudster!

    1. I’m no GCT or Nikonass supporter but I remember them saying that the lawyer would provide the preliminary stage fees free of charge. Everything after that was charged. There was discoveries, settlement agreement charges and whatever else. I have no idea how that stuff works.

    2. 7:25pm I have never been scared of the CRA,in fact I have had a great over 35 year professional relationship with them. Unlike the Archdiocese the GCT makes its financials public, they have no 1 personal employee benefit trusts in place for their leaders. If CRA comes knocking on my door I will sing like a bird.

      Nikona Georgakopoulos

    3. Has anyone seen the payment, cheque, e transfer, certified cheque, bank draft? The bank account statement showing the transaction?

  10. A few months ago Andipodas released the Archdioceses’ CRA filed audited statements that confirmed the existence of this Employee Benefit Trust. Since the auditors wrote it it has been confirmed.

    1. So what does this mean that they have an Employee Benefit Trust? What's the problem with that?

  11. Guardian Capital manages it together with Jim Anis.

  12. It's quite telling that Sotirios made 3 Bishops for Canada not too long ago and now he's down to 1 but he stripped him of his bishop responsibilities.

    Sotirios does not know how to pick good bishops or manage them.

    The church in Canada is on life support because of Sotirios. He thinks the church owning assets defines success. Someone forgot to tell the Archbishop it's a spiritual leadership roll, this isn't the financial district.

  13. Employee benefit trust (EBT)
    Any trust established to hold assets to provide benefits for the employees of a company or group of companies (and sometimes also former employees and employees' dependants). Very often, EBTs are set up to acquire and hold shares in the relevant company, to provide benefits to employees and former employees in the form of shares or options over, or interests in, shares. EBTs usually comply with certain statutory requirements.

  14. Αμερικανοποιημένοι θρησκευόμενοι ρωμιάτσοι, η κοινωνία έχει σαπίσει και σεις ασχολείσθε με το πλούσιο παπαδαριό. Αν αυτό δεν το έχετε αντιληφθεί ακόμη, τότε αυτό σημαίνει ότι το πρόβλημα είναι ακόμη μεγαλύτερο. Υπάρχουν και άλλα μεγαλύτερα προβλήματα στην παροικία που φθίνεται καθημερινά, Κοιτάξτε γύρω σας, έχουν εξαφανισθεί όλοι οι σύλλογοι, ένα πρόβλημα, αν σας ενδιαφέρει.

    1. Αγαπητέ κ. 1:25, ως αναγνώστες του Αντίποδα, έχουμε δικαίωμα να επιλέγουμε και να σχολιάζουμε τα θέματα που μας ενδιαφέρουν, ή έστω που γνωρίζουμε, και όχι αυτά που αφορούν, ή αρέσουν σ' εσένα. Εξ' άλλου εσύ δεν μας ρώτησες όταν επέλεξες ως θέμα που σε "απασχολεί" την εξαφάνηση των Συλλόγων! Και γιατί, παρακαλώ, θα πρέπει τα παιδιά ή και τα εγγόνια μας, να ασχοληθούν με το σύλογα Λάρισας ας πούμε, όταν δεν έχουν πάει ή ίσως και να μην πάνε ποτέ τους στα μέρη εκείνα;

  15. I bet Teddington and a special condo in Glyfada is included in those assets for Sotirio. Guess what CRA is looking at that too.
    Friend of CRA.

    1. I think you mean Sotiros’ summer bordello home. LOLOLO! How’d you even find this out? You need an award.

  16. 12:58 am. Do you know where on Andiothas I can view the financials? Do you think the audited statements are problematic in anyway, meaning do you think it's worth sharing them with the Patriarch?

  17. WHAT?? The Archdiocese owns a condo in Greece for Sotirios to vacation at?

    That sounds like when Makarios from Australia was made Archbishop and the first thing he did was buy a $10 MILLION dollar condo for himself and then when the media busted him he lied and said it was investing in an asset which is good for the Church. He's part of the gay mafia too.

    CRA friend do you know how much the condo in Greece is worth?

  18. Let’s be clear Sotirios never wanted auxiliary bishops they were shoved down his throat. Bishop Athenagoras (Salmas) is untouchable and Sotirios knows that. Nothing he can do about it. That really pisses him off.

    1. 1:58 pm untouchable? You do realize Sotirios sent Bishop Athenagoras a letter informing him that he is no longer a regional Vicar for Ontario and that he's no longer director of the office of the archdiocese. Sotirios also informed all the clergy across Canada by sending them the report from his meeting with clergy. He's only Dean of the Academy, and barely that. He can't get into America because what's Archbishop Elpidophoros going to do with a lazy bishop and pay him $100K? Just because you're friends with someone doesn't mean you hire them to sit in his room all day. He doesn't have a spot to go to back in Greece as a Bishop because he wasn't made a Bishop there for a reason, everyone knows he's a “tembeli.” The Patriarch has enough lazy hierarchs getting paid to do nothing at the Phanar, but others aren’t going to do that. And he doesn’t have a relationship with the Patriarch. So he’s stuck. And somehow he’s delusional enough to think he’s going to become Archbishop of Canada even though the Patriarch doesn’t know him. These Bishops in Canada think they’re so smart and important but they’re not. Just look what happened to Iakovos and ask him when he’s going back to his monastery in Crete when he’s a Bishop?

  19. Friend of CRA go do a title search of Teddington. You will see St Nicholas and Reppas Holdings as the owners. Unless you can pierce the corporate vail you are full of shit. CRA is indeed looking at it thanks to the know it all Nikonass who appears to know what he is doing.

    So what’s the harm? A few million dollars stashed away tax-free for Sotirio’s eventual retirement. I’d hate to be the guy trying to explain this tax fraud. Tax free contribution to a pension with tax-free withdrawals upon disability. That is the only way it will work.
    How do I know this? We in the tax world who deal with high net worth clients used to call this a Fraser Milner special.

    I worked miracles until CRA closed the loophole.

  20. , heathern Graeconia will revert to Ottoman Suzerainty as the Prometheus plans of 1853, 1967 and 2008 failed to neutralize their sovietical presticulations. Greece and China Signed 16 Deals on November 11, 2019. On Jun 14, 2021 Greece said they have no plans to end economic ties with China. Paese Eznepede told the Greeks the Russians and Chinese will save them (Suroti 1999) so they made him a saint on January 13, 2015. May 27, 2008, Greek chief priests of Manhattan, Boston and Atlanta report to Moscow. Greek Archbishop Elpedorfus Partook in the Black Lives Matter NYC Protest on Jun 3, 2020. Nigerians go learn Trojan Horse from Greece. Greek priests front for Putin in Cuba and Venezuela. A neighboring official wrote how their perfidious, slothful cult of envy begat Communism (World Bank WPS8399 April 2018) Alexi Gianoulias, Patrick Theros front Iran. Athens Archbishop Gristledole said we deserved 9/11. In 1983, Jesse Helms, who defeated Galifanakius for Congress, opposed a national holiday on grounds MLK was communist On March 15, 1965, Greek Archbishop Iakovus marched beside Martin Luther King at Selma, pictured on cover of March 26, 1965 Life magazine. Marchesini was going to expel the US Fleet and Macarius give Breznev bases. (Clayton Fritchey, Chicago Tribune, Nov 13, 1973, p. 14). December 1919 Bristol commission condemned Greek atrocities at Smyrna. Dionysan orgy underbrush fodder for pyro oil lamps, burnt selves off Smyrna in 1922,Thesalonia in 1917, Pyrgos in 1934, Pikermi in 1902, Parnasus and Tatoi in 1923, Oropus 1889, Pentelieus and Hymettus 1887, Thessaly 1878. Athos been a soviet spy base since 1839 (NY Times Aug 18, 1878. p. 6). Theodosian Code promoted confiscatory taxation and Diocletian socialism (Rostovtzeff 1926, Gibbon ch. 13) that Toynbee (1939, IV p. 399) said caused Anatolia to apostase into Islam. After the communist zealot massacre of Thesalonia aristocracy in 1342, Cantacusene usurpation of 1345 orchestrated by Moscow with omphaloscopic hesyogasm. Massacres of sixty thousand Latins in 1182 Istanbul blinded Enrico Dandolo who sought revenge in 1205 when Russians subdued by Mongols. Pope made Charlemagne emperor because Irene Fourtipace invented welfare. Justinian closing the universities promoted plague and Islam. Justinian Novella 85 is the precedent for gun control. Faya Yaya!

    1. sure, my doctor advised to always agree with you. What is the kind of weed you said you are smoking?

  21. So does anyone know the value of the the Archdiocese’s secret condo in Greece? Where’s it listed that someone found it? And how does no one know about this if it’s been an asset for who knows how many years? Asking for a friend.

    1. 8,000,000.00 euro

    2. 927 pm. Sotirios bought a condo in Greece that costs $8 million euros? That’s $12 million Canadian. Or did you mean $800K? While I have no doubt sotirios has purchased assets that most don’t know about, I’m not familiar with real-estate in Greece. A condo goes for $8M euro, is it like the penthouse? I don’t know if a condo in Canada that costs $12M Canadian which is why I’m hoping for you to clarify it before I go and inform the big guy. Do you know what year he bought it or anything? Any info would be appreciated.

      How does our Archdiocese not even have a single email subscription for information. But it owns a mansion in Toronto and an $8 million euro condo.

      Sotirios reminds me of his gay buddy Archbishop Makarios of Australia who bought a $10 million dollar condo so he can live in when he took over. I don’t understand how these degenerates use parishioners money for themselves. It’s so disgusting but sadly still not as bad as sotirios being a serial pedo.

    3. Ya when Arch Makarios bought his 3 bedroom penthouse everyone lost their minds and media attacked him. It went on for quite some time. Then he backtracked and said it’s a good investment for the Archdiocese. Except he lives there.

      In America when Arch Demetrios was bankrupting the church he sold the Archbishops house which at that time was on the upper east side and sold it fast for $3M which was stupid since property on the upper east side costs a fortune now. The Archdiocese in America is on the upper east side (Arch Athenagoras back in the day bought it). And when Arch Elpidophoros came he could have purchased another house, but didn’t. He had an office converted in the Archdiocese to a room. He lives like he’s in a cell in a monastery and doesn’t complain.

  22. 5:16 wtf are you talking about?

  23. Ε, όχι 10.29 pm, δεν έχετε κανένα δικαίωμα εσείς οι φίλοι και αναγνώστες του αντίποδα να απαγορεύσετε κανένα πολίτη να πει τη γνώμη του σε δημόσιο μπλοκ. Αν θέλετε φτιάξτε ένα ιδιωτικό και μυστικό κλαμπ και να τα λέτε, αν φυσικά μπορείτε να συνεννοηθείτε μεταξύ σας, γιατί οι θρησκευόμενοι ρωμιάτσοι δεν μπορούν να συνεννοηθούν μεταξύ τους. Σας βλέπω, τρώγεστε με του αιπόλους σας που αγοράζουν πανάκριβα διαμερίσματα και κατοικίες με τα λεφτά των κορόιδων, αφού τους αγαπάτε τόσο τι ζοριζόσαστε. Και στο φινάλε, γιατί τα δικά μας παιδιά και εγγόνια να μεγαλώνουν με παραμύθια της χαλιμάς και με μια κουλτούρα ξένη από την ελληνική; Ο Σύλλογος Λάρισας προσέφερε πολλά στην παροικία όπως και η ελληνική κοινότητα που την ξαναφήσατε και αυτήν, ενώ τα Ι.Μ, Ι.Μ τα χρυσώνετε καθημερινά, χωρίς να γνωρίζετε τι κάνετε και ζουν και βασιλεύουν. Για αυτό και αυτά, έχουν πανάκριβα σπίτια και πεντάκριβες στολές που θα μπορούσε ο πληθυσμός της γης να είναι χορτάτος. Άντε να δούμε που θα σας βγάλει αυτό το δικαίωμα να σχολιάζεται θέματα που ενδιαφέρουν μόνον εσάς και τον αντίποδα, ίσως και για αυτόν ακριβώς το λόγο, δεν πάει πουθενά τόσο η παροικία, όσο και

    1. σωστότατος!

    2. Μόλις επέστρεψα και διάβασα το σχόλιό σου, και δεν μπορώ φυσικά να μην σου πω ότι από μαλακίες έχουμε χορτάσει από διάφορους ανόνυμους σαν του λόγου σου. Το σπουδαιότερο όλων είναι το ότι ο αντίποδας σε έγραψε κανονικά εκεί που έπρεπε και συνεχίζει να μας επιτρέπει να εκφράζουμε τις απόψεις μας ανώνυμα, όταν είναι κόσμιες και δεν θίγουν επώνυμους. Για την απαγόρευσή μας να εκφράζουμε άποψη είναι καθαρή δουλειά του αντίποδα και νομίζω ότι δεν τον σκπροσωπείς. Είδα ότι ανακατεύεις και κάποιον Σύλλογο, τον οποίο ρεζιλεύεις χωρίς να γάζεις το όνομά σου, κ. βλάκα ή έστω μαλάκα!!
