Πληροφορούμαστε ότι η βοθρολομαίϊκη «Ακαδημία» ξεκίνησε και πάλι την παραγωγή κληρικών για τις ανάγκες της Εκκλησίας. Σε πείσμα της αναχώρησης και επιστροφής τους στην Ελλάδα, των δυο πρόσφατα εισαχθέντων στον Καναδά, ο Σωτήριος αποφάσισε να θέσει σε λειτουργία την «ακαδημία» για την παραγωγή νέων ιερέων.
Έπιασε που λέτε, πάντα κατά πως λένε οι κακές γλώσες, έναν νεαρό μαθητή, ή μάλλον φοιτητή - αφού είναι πανεπιστημιακού αναστήματος και επιπέδου η σχολή του- και πριν προλάβει να μάθει το κυρελέησον, τον χειροτόνησε κληρικό, ώστε να καλύψει κάποια κενά τα οποία δεν πρόλαβε, στα μόλις 25 χρόνια λειτουργίας της,!!! Και ενώ μπορεί να μην τα καταφέρνει καλά στην παραγωγή παπάδων, τα πάει θαυμάσια με την συλλογή χρημάτων από δωρεές και …διαθήκες πιστών οι οποίοι επιδιώκουν μια θέση στον παράδεισο και συγκεκριμένα στο …οικόπεδο που …διαχειρίζεται ο κουραφέξαλας Σωτήριος.!!!
Έτσι, που λέτε, μετά
την χειροτονία αρκετών ρεμολιμέντων, υπερήλικων και άσχετων, συνταξιούχων, ήρθε
η ώρα να μαζέψει και να χειροτονήσει διάφορα παιδάκια της …πιάτσας, τα οποία με τον καιρό
θα μάθουν και το «Δόξα Πατρί».! Τα διέλυσε όλα η κουσουριάρα και μέχρι να
ξεκουμπιστεί δεν θα αφήσει τίποτα όρθιο η …γλυκανάλατη κουφάλα... Λίγη ΝΤΡΟΠΗ,
επιτέλους, βρε παλιοτόμαρο…
The seminarians (students) at the Patriarchal Toronto Orthodox Theological Academy (PTOTA) are suffering in another new scandal at the hands of Archbishop Sotirios of Canada. There’s repeated calls going out from the Archdiocese to people in the community and priests, to bring food for the students because they don’t even have bread to eat. The seminarians have reported that they run around the Archdiocese looking for toilet paper. They don’t have basic essentials. This started last month after Fr. Ignatieff was transferred to Montreal for trying to be a whistleblower for the sexual abuse happening in the Archdiocese at the hands of Archbishop Sotirios. Fr. Ignatieff has been the defacto Dean of the School since the current Dean Pataron couldn’t be bothered and no one else around Sotirios seems to care either. While Sotirios was in Florida the previous week with his boyfriend that’s when the students started talking about their inhumane treatment. They’re terrified of the monster that is our “Spiritual Leader.”
ReplyDeleteRemember the last time Archbishop Sotirios left young men in the church starving? Decades ago when the late Geronda Ephraim of Arizona had opened up a mens monastery in Ontario and all of the money they were collecting through donations would flow through the Archdiocese except Sotirios wouldn’t give them any of it and would keep it all, no one still knows what happened to all that money since Sotirios hasn’t produced a financial report in over 40 years. When the faithful realized the monks were starving and that Sotirios wouldn’t even give them money for food the women from Toronto started bringing home cooked meals and essentials to the monastery instead of giving money to the monastery since Sotirios would keep all of it. That situation between Sotirios and the late Geronda Ephraim and the monks became so untenable that the monks left in the middle of the night to America without telling anyone. They received no blessing from the Archbishop and ran to save their lives. When monastics don’t obtain blessings in the church to leave that’s an automatic red flag that there’s some form of severe abuse or extreme behaviour such as starving monks that is occurring. It’s not a reflection on Geronda or the monks, it’s what one does to survive in the Church. And now America has so many men’s monasteries and we do not have even one male monastery in all of Canada because no monks will come back after what Sotirios did to their fellow brothers in Christ. (You can find more information about what happened back them online).
What is going on at the Patriarchal Toronto Orthodox Theological Academy is inhumane. Could you imagine going to college or university and staying on campus in dorms and they didn’t even have bread or toilet paper for you? When will we all say enough? When will we all say OXI to Sotirios? When will Patriarch Bartholomew stop talking about vaccines and trees and start actually saving the lives of his flock in Canada?
Ναι ρωτήσανε τον παπά μας να φέρει φαγητά για τα παιδιά στο σχολείο γιατί δεν είχαν. Πως δεν έχουνε ψωμί για τους φοιτητές; Πως δεν ντρέπεται ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος; Τι χάλια έχει γίνει η εκκλησία μας στον Καναδά.
DeleteΈνα από τους φοιτητές είπε ότι έτρεχε γύρω στις τουαλέτες να βρει χαρτί υγείας. Τι άσχημο πράγμα. Και ο Πατάρων δεν πάει πίσω, ένα ζωή κοιμάται.
Delete10:51 The only word to explain what is going on over there is bordello
Delete1:05 yep and it’s only getting worse now that Fr. Ignatieff (the Archdiocese police) has been transferred far far away. When the Archbishop starts using the Chapel for his sexcapades that’s when I wonder how much worse could this get at this point?!?!
DeleteI remember when Archbishop Sotirios publicly made fun of Premier Kathlynne Wynne during his sermon at church saying, she’s a lesbian and she’s proud of it! And I was like, does Sotirios not understand he’s also gay even though he has sex with men secretly, he’s the definition of a closeted gay. Who uses the pulpit to insult the Premier of Ontario for being a lesbian? Our church in Canada is lead by a clown who’s turned it into a circus.
Are you talking about Fr.Evaggelos ( deacon) or Fr.Evdokimos( priest)