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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Μια ...ενδιαφέρουσα απάντιση, σε σχόλιο ανώνυμου...


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Anonymous November 8, 2022 at 9:04 AM

Who cares about Nikona? On the other hand if what you say about the participants of the failed coup is true, Ted should look himself carefully in the mirror and remember that Sotirios is the one who did him a big favor by bring him back to Toronto so that his wife could be closer to her parents that could help raise their kids. That may explain why Sotirios would not do the same favor for Fr. Apostolos Gkolias. Everybody is a backstabber.

Και η απάντιση :

9:04 what are you talking about? Have you met Sotirios? Sotirios didn't do fr. Ted a favour, Sotirios doesn't do favours for anyone if it doesn't directly benefit him.

 He tranfered him to avoid a trifecta church scandal because of inappropriate behaviour towards 2 young woman who each went to him for confession and another woman who left the church completely because of him, to keep it PG for any readers under 19.

 It's funny though that you think Sotirios did it for his family when he separated Fr Odi from his family when he sent him to BC, separated Fr Michael from his family when he sent him to quebec, tried to break up fr Haridimos’ marriage, threatened to separate fr fanourios and his family during multiple spoons drama and then told Fr Konstantinos that was at markam that the reason it took him so long for his wife to get pregnant is because the devil is inside of him.

That's how fucked up Sotirios is. And that's why Sotirios hasn't give Ted a large or important parish even though he repeatedly sabotaged Fr Theo to try to take over prophet elias. He tried to get into st nicks and even Merkel didn't want him because she doesn't like him or his family, which is ironic given what a cow she is.

Skoutakis has asked for Fr Theo prophet elias to go to st john’s Scarborough a million times and Sotirios won't do it because he knows he’ll just move to America so because she asked for a young priest he wanted to shut her up and tried to give her fr ted and she said absolutely not and was pissed so they're at a standstill for who will take over at John's. Moral of the story, Sotirios tears families apart, not helps them out.


  1. Someone actually thought Sotirios tried to help a priest and his family out of the goodness of his heart? Yea that sounds in line with a sociopath pedo thief. People are so naive.

    1. 100% dummies if they believe that. Sotirios just can’t afford to kick out priests because then he’d have a lot of closed churches so instead he covers up everything and anything.

    2. Exactly! Sotirios doesn’t give a shit about anyone except protecting himself and the image of his church.

  2. Sotirios doesn’t like Fr Ted and openly says to people really slowly lololo «Ο Παρασκευόπουλος δεν είναι αυτός που νομίζετε.» He says the same thing about Fanourios. I haven’t heard that he’s said that about any other priest. It’s funny hearing it from Sotirios but the asshole’s right about both of them.

    Andipothas can you find out why Sotirios has forbidden Fr Ted to go to any feast days. He’s the one that used to go to all of them and openly criticized the priests who weren’t there. Now he is at none of them. You might also want to find out why Sotirios had him shut down his Facebook account. Both things happened roughly at the same time during the pandemic. I was told it’s way worse than what happened in Winnipeg. Apparently Bishop Athenagoras told Sotirios to call the police but Sotirios didn’t want another church scandal, so now he’s been banished from going to anything, even at the graduation he wasn’t allowed, not even the female monasteries is he allowed to go to. I’ve heard things but I don’t know if I have the whole story. Maybe Andipothas or someone else can tell us?

    1. 6:58 PM: that’s true about Paraskevopoulos but he’s also banned from being alone with women from the church. The only time he can be alone is if he’s inside his church and doing confession which if he can’t be alone with any women why would Sotirios put women at risk during confession? Especially given what happened in Winnipeg. But Sotirios doesn’t want to have people start asking why their priest is banned from confessing women. Just ask a young woman to contact him and say she wants to talk with him about the faith and if they can meet up for a coffee, you will see he will make an excuse. Sotirios also made him stop his re-catechism classes.

      There is no other priest in Canada who is banned like this from Sotirios. And Sotirios is a pedo/sex abuser himself, so for him to impose such severe restrictions on only one of his dirty priests means it’s damn serious.

    2. 6:58 pm: when Sotirios bans a priest from being alone with young women that’s code for one thing. If only Soririos would impose that same ban on himself when it comes to young boys.

    3. I’d like to know what bullshit Ted told his wife of why the priest that went to every single feast day, every single graduation, frequented the monastery, held things like re-catechism all the time, was all over social media, just stays home now? I’d like to know how it took this long for anyone to say something. Sotirios publicly shames the good priests on a regular basis but protects the dirty ones. Just look how he protected Iakovos when he stole $30K from his Philoptochos. He even had Fr Ignatieff drive him immediately and stayed there for quite some time until they strong armed all the old women. Why does Sotirios cover for his dirty clergy? But shames the good ones? Welcome to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. No wonder the churches are empty.

    4. From one sicko to another. Sotirios needs to go along with his dirty priests.

  3. Yes Fr Ted and his weird obsession with Fr Theo. I’m surprised Fr Theo hasn’t punched him out by now. He shit talks him every chance he gets. He’s pissed because he thinks he’s the smartest priest and deserves the biggest parish. He’s tried and tried for Prophet Elias for so many years. Stopped trying for St Nicks years ago. And thought he should have gotten Markham over Fr Nikodemos. He’s disliked by a lot of priests and his own spiritual fr. Peter openly shit talks him to priests.

    1. 8:31 all the things Fr Ted’s slandered Fr Theo about is what he’s done himself. Read that again. Deflection much? There’s a reason Fr Theo is the most popular priest and not him. He’s a decent human.

  4. What Sotirios did to Fr Haridimos and his family was the worst. Not to say that those other families didn’t suffer a lot. What’s worse is that Fr Haridimos and Presvytera went to Fr Ted for spiritual counsel and he told lots of people what they said and what Sotirios was doing to them. Fr Haridimos knows he broke confidentiality and fucking hates him. Imagine if you went to a priest for counsel and he went and told people?? Sotirios and Ted need to get the fuck out or be removed already.

  5. Sure Frs Ted and Apostolos were “transferred” by Sotirios but for very different reasons. One was to avoid a church scandal and the other was because he tried to stop Merkel from breaking the law with false donation receipts. So typical of Sotirios to make the one that tried to do the right thing suffer — Apostolos — and try to make the dirty priest look like it was a family transfer — Ted. This explains Sotirios to a tee!!!!! So no, you can’t call Apostolos a backstabber, get your facts straight.

  6. That’s laughable that Sotirios helped a priest out. For Sotirios transfers are to either:
    1. punish/control priests
    2. avoid scandals
    3. fix a problem in a church ($$$)
