Αναγνώστης μας γράφει:
Πληροφορούμαι ότι αρκετοί ιερείς στο Μοντρεαλ και Τορόντο, παραπονούνται ή ακόμα και διαμαρτύρονται, επειδή, λένε, πρέπει να παραβρίσκονται σε κάθε γιορτή, κάθε χειροτονία συναδέλφου τους,σε σχολικές εκδηλώσεις ή και απονομή πτυχίων σε απόφοιτους της ...Ακαδημίας Βαρθολομαίου.! Ό,σοι, λοιπόν, δεν εμφανίζονται σε παρόμοιες εκδηλώσεις, ακούνε τον ...εξάψαλμο τόσο από τα Δ Συμβούλια των εκκλησιών – όσοι έχουν τα κότσια, δηλαδή - και ιδιαίτερα από τον ίδιο τον Σωτήριο...
Φυσικά και έχουν όλοι τα δίκια τους, αλλά να δούμε
και την πλευρά των ιερέων, οι οποίοι ναι μεν πληρόνονται ακριβά, αλλά δεν
μπορούν ρε συ Σωτήρη και οι λοιπές κυράτσες να είναι όλη μέρα μαζί σας στα
διάφορα γεύματα και τσάϊα που διοργανώνετε, στα διάφορα υπόγεια, για να είστε
όλη μέρα έξω από τα σπίτια σας... Εντάξει, τα κάνετε όλα αυτά για να μαζέψτε
χρήματα για τους παχυλούς μισθούς τους, αλλά η κότα όταν πίνει νερό κοιτάει και
τον Θεό. Εσείς, Τον κοιτάτε; Και, καλά, όταν μαγειρεύετε με τα χεράκια σας καλό
σπιτικό φαΐ, να το καταλάβω, αλλά όταν τους ταΐζετε με κείνα τα ετοιματζίδικα,
από κάποια φτινιάρικη κουζίνα, πώς να φχαριστηθούν οι πατέρες μας και να τα
...ευλογίσουν; Λίγη προσοχή, λοιπόν, καλό φαΕι, καλό κρασί και καλοφτιγμένο αλλά
όχι με πολή ζάχαρι, γλυκάκι. Αυτά, και αν ξανακούσω παράπονα θα επανέλθω.
Εξάλλου οι άγιοι πατέρες θέλουν και τον ελεύθερο χρόνο τους για την προσευχή
τους υπέρ υμών, δεν είναι μόνον τα λεφτά που τους απασχολούν!!
Last time I looked priesthood is a calling. When possible they should be everywhere spreading the word of Sotirio or God whomever they feel is their higher power.
ReplyDelete“spreading the word of Sotirios or Whomever they feel is their higher power” LMFAO!!!!!!!
DeleteAnd yes, they are supposed to do work, above just doing Sunday liturgies. Must be nice to only work a couple of days and get paid six-figures (with tips).
Unknown commented
ReplyDeleteSotirios has his people take attendance at every feast day, ordination, graduation, nameday for Sotirios, which priests are there and which are missing. The ones who are missing usually get some back handed comment or receive a call or message from the bishops. It’s like police academy. But the reason the priests are so pissed about this more so now is that Fr Ted gets a free pass and doesn’t go to a single thing and just stays home. Shouldn’t the bad priests have to do more work and not less? How is banning a priest from doing his job a punishment? Who wouldn’t want to stay home all day and get paid for it too, well above he Canadian average I might add. If you need to ban a priest from being around women, how about instead Sotirios does his job for once in his life and get rid of the dead weight? Sotirios always punishes his good priests and covers his bad priests. Sotirios has no moral compass. He couldn’t do the right thing if his life depended on it.
And ya priests in TO/GTA are fucking pissed that one priest, fr ted gets a free pass and they gotta eat lots of Sotirios’ shit when they miss one thing even if it’s for a death in their family.
ReplyDeleteWell do you blame them? They eat shit for missing one event even if it’s for a serious reason. The message it sends to clergy is break the canons/laws and then you can work just on Sundays and get paid a shit load of money. It’s like a really expensive weekly welfare cheque. Priests have complained about Fr Ted’s free pass with zero response from the Archdiocese.
ReplyDeleteWell it’s Archbishops Sotirios’ fault. What did he think was going to happen? That by transferring Fr Ted for what he was doing in Winnipeg would just stop because of a location change? That’s like saying if they made Sotirios Archbishop of America instead he’d stop sexually abusing altar boys/priests/students. It’s not how it works, the sickness doesn’t just stop. Fr Ted’s banned from everything, even ordinations, graduations, feast days, even Sotirios’ nameday LOL!!!! because this time around it’s not limited to one church, it’s a city wide problem now involving people from numerous churches.
DeleteI don’t think most of it will come out while Sotirios is Archbishop because everyone knows if you give evidence to the Archdiocese like videos, photos, text messages, emails, recordings etc. Sotirios just puts them in his file to blackmail his priests.
People have been told by friendlies to give them to the next Archbishop because there’s a much higher probability he’ll do something. Look what happened in America, it was discovered that former Archbishop Demetrios paid tens of millions out to cover for his dirty priests and bishops. Now Archbishop Elpidophoros won’t spend a cent of the churches money to cover up for the degenerates and is instead removing hierarchs through the Patriarch and defrocking priests across America. They’ve implemented policies (you can find them online) because it’s the only way to clean up a church. It takes time but it’s happening there.
Leave poor Fr Ted alone he got a pass when he shut down his Facebook page.
ReplyDeleteSotirios made Fr Ted shut down his Facebook page. Did you ever stop to think why Sotirios who doesn’t even know how to use a computer or text would ban only one of his priests in all of Canada? Photos were sent to Sotirios. I’d find out what photos they were before you say “poor Fr Ted” and have a barf bag ready when you see them.
DeleteEven if you are a comatose priest in GTA you are making well over $100,000 per year. Gravesite readings baptisms, weddings and let’s not forget the $300 mandatory funeral fee. All tax free and I bet not reported. Don’t shed a tear for them. They have it easy relative to the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteFriend of CRA