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Saturday, November 12, 2022

Αν είναι (;) δυνατόν.! Ο Σωτήριος συγκεντρώνει στοιχεία για τους ιερείς, για να τους εκβιάζει;


Διαβάστε το σχόλιο αναγνώστη μας και βγάλτε τα συμπεράσματά σας... Γράφει, λοιπόν, ο εν λόγω κύριος, που όπως όλα δείχνουν, κάτι θα πρέπει να γνωρίζει:

Unknown commented 

Well it’s Archbishops Sotirios’ fault. What did he think was going to happen? That by transferring Fr Ted for what he was doing in Winnipeg would just stop because of a location change?


That’s like saying if they made Sotirios Archbishop of America instead he’d stop sexually abusing altar boys/priests/students. It’s not how it works, the sickness doesn’t just stop. Fr Ted’s banned from everything, even ordinations, graduations, feast days, even Sotirios’ nameday LOL!!!! because this time around it’s not limited to one church, it’s a city wide problem now involving people from numerous churches. I don’t think most of it will come out while Sotirios is Archbishop because everyone knows if you give evidence to the Archdiocese like videos, photos, text messages, emails, recordings etc. Sotirios just puts them in his file to blackmail his priests. People have been told by friendlies to give them to the next Archbishop because there’s a much higher probability he’ll do something. Look what happened in America, it was discovered that former Archbishop Demetrios paid tens of millions out to cover for his dirty priests and bishops. Now Archbishop Elpidophoros won’t spend a cent of the churches money to cover up for the degenerates and is instead removing hierarchs through the Patriarch and defrocking priests across America. They’ve implemented policies (you can find them online) because it’s the only way to clean up a church. It takes time but it’s happening there



  1. Your so full of shit that your eyes are brown.

    1. If you want to insult then learn how to spell first.
      You + are = Your
      How many times do we need to go over this?

      And if “your so full of shit” why doesn't fr ted go to any feast days, graduations, ordinations etc. when if any other priest doesn't go they get “the call.” Everyone’s noticed since it's been going on for some time now. Why isn't he allowed to be around women anymore except for confession? Why isn't he allowed to go to the female monasteries anymore?

      And if Sotirios doesn't threaten his priests why are they so terrified of transfers? Why are priests leaving Canada or going to other orthodox churches that aren't under Sotirios where they're paid less? Why is Sotirios separating families or threatening to do so, when the values of the Church is to keep families together?

      And if Sotirios hasn't spent any money on NDAs for victims, why won't he show anyone, including his Archdiocesan Council, the books? What's he so scared of people seeing when he hand-picked his buddies on the Archdiocesan Council?

      Why would you even defend these predators? If you're so confident why don't you bring a young boy you love to stay with Sotirios for the day, without anyone else around? If you're so confident why don't you have a young female you love to meet with fr ted outside of confession and let us know if he says yes, he’ll meet with her.

    2. Awww someone got their feelings hurt because they didn’t want to hear the truth. Maybe Sotirios can comfort you.

  2. It only took you guys how many decades to figure that out?? There are people in JAIL for the shit that went down under Archbishop Demetrios, and he’s been gone for over 3 years. Imagine what we’ll all find out when archbishop Sotirios is told to retire? What’s the Patriarch waiting for? Let’s get this show on the road! I’ll bring the popcorn.

  3. 7:42 I guess the truth hurts. Someone must have gotten their nose out of joint.

  4. ok 1:00pm you are full of shit. happy now? chutezia.

    1. 8 pm: You still didn’t answer any of my questions but happy to see you learned how to spell a word.

  5. Είναι αλήθεια οτι ο Σωτήριος κρατά όλα τα στοιχεία και όλες τις πληροφορίες για τους ιερείς του, για να τον φοβούνται.

    Αρκετοί ιερείς αναγκάστηκαν να φύγουν διότι αγανάκτησαν.

    Αλλά και οι ιερείς, δεν είναι μονιασμένοι. Εχουν μερικοί ύφος και εγωισμό που δεν κρύβεται.Προχθές άκουσα ένα παπά να μιλάει σε εμας τους ενορίτες του, εναντίον κάποιου άλλου. Ντροπή. Παπάδες!!!

    Νομίζω ότι κ ο Σωτήριος φοβάται. Διότι όταν προκαλείς φόβο σε πολλούς , φοβάσαι πολλούς

  6. 6:16 pm well said! Ya Sotirios has files on his priests in 2 places: the general stuff in the Archdiocese HR files. And the serious ones that can cause a scandal locked up in his bedroom. He’s pulled out those files to show people. He does show and tells quite often because he loves shit-talking people when he’s not talking about how awesome he is. Some documents numerous people have seen more than once. And then for non-clergy, he also keeps those files in his bedroom.

    As ya some of the priests have taken after Sotirios with the shit-talking about people, including their fellow priests. The shit roles from the very top of the Archdiocese. Monkey see monkey do. I would have said something to that priest because I can't stand those priests.
