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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Επίσκοπος Ιάκωβος προς Δ.Μανίκη: «Αυτό το οποίο αναφέρετε σχετικά με τις εκκλησίες είναι ανακριβές, κοινώς δεν είναι αλήθεια».!!!


Στην προηγούμενη ανάρτησή μας -με την παρουσίαση του κ. Μανίκη- απάντησε άμμεσα ο πρόσφατα χειροτονιθείς επισκόπος Ιάκωβος, αρμόδιος για την Εκκλησία του Κεμπέκ, και ίσως όχι μόνο, αφού με τον Σωτήρη, κανένας και ποτέ, ΔΕΝ μπορεί να γνωρίζει τι συμβαίνει... Γι’ αυτό εξ’ άλλου πάμε καταδιαβόλου, τόσο ως Εκκλησία όσο και ως Ελληνισμός, αφού με τις ίντριγκές του μας έχει χωρίσει στα δύο – αν όχι σε περισσότερα – κομάτια.!!!

Στην απάντησή του αυτή ο κ. Ιάκωβος, ούτε λίγο ούτε πολύ αποκαλεί ψεύτες, τόσο τον κ. Μανίκη, όσο και την ομάδα «Πράξις», αποφεύγοντας βέβαια τη χρήση της λέξης η οποία είναι αποκλειστικότητα του Σωτήριου.!!!

Διαβάστε, λοιπόν, την απάντηση και τα συζητάμε αργότερα όλα μαζί...


Κυριακή του Θωμά, 1ην Μαίου 2022

Κύριε Μανίκη,

εύχομαι να είστε καλά και Χριστός Ανέστη! Αυτό το οποίο αναφέρετε σχετικά με τις εκκλησίες είναι ανακριβές, κοινώς δεν είναι αλήθεια. Δεν έχει καμία σχέση αυτό το οποίο αναφέρετε και αναλύετε σχετικά με τις εκκλησίες με ότι είναι οι εκκλησιαστικές κοινότητες των Αρχαγγέλων και του Αγίου Κωσταντίνου και Ελένης, οι οποίες ορίζουν την περιουσία τους και μπορούν άνετα να οργανωθούν και να ανταπεξέλθουν σε όλες τις ανάγκες τους.

Αυτό το οποίο εσείς προτείνετε δεν υπάρχει ΠΟΥΘΕΝΑ στην Ελληνική Διασπορά και είναι απλά επικίνδυνο και θα επιφέρει διχασμό στην Παροικία και θα είστε υπεύθυνοι εξολοκλήρου. Είναι καιρός πλέον να λέμε τα πράγματα με το όνομά τους και να μην αφήνουμε να αιωρείται ένα θολό τοπίο.

Αν πράγματι δεν θέλετε τις εκκλησίες στην Ελληνική Κοινότητα διότι θέλετε να δημιουργήσετε ένα πολύ φιλελεύθερο σύστημα νέας εποχής στον οργανισμό τότε να παραδώσετε τις εκκλησίες στην Αρχιεπισκοπή και να συνεχίσετε με τις υπόλοιπες ιδέες σας οι οποίες και αυτές δεν έχουν βάση.

Με εκτίμηση

Επίσκοπος Ιάκωβος


  1. Ο Σωτήριος ανησυχεί ότι δεν θα πάρει τα 40.000 $ πλεον για κάθε εκκλησία. Σύμφωνα με το σχέδιο Σύρρου, το ποσό θα είναι το 15% των ετήσιων εσόδων ανά εκκλησία και προφανώς ο παΤΕΡΑΣ μας δεν είναι ευχαριστημένος γι' αυτό. Συγχαρητήρια στην ομάδα Πραξις για την αφαίρεση οποιασδήποτε αναφοράς στους «Ομοιόμορφους κανονισμούς» στο σχέδιό της. Θα έχει ενδιαφέρον να δούμε πώς ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος θα στηρίξει την ομάδα του Δρ. Τσούκα και ο Επίσκοπος που θα στηρίξει την ομάδα του νυν ΔΣ.

    1. Εσύ είσαι ικανός να πιστεύεις ότι η "Πράξη" με τους ό,ποιους Μανίκηδες στις τάξεις της (οι οποίοι όταν κλ@ν@υν μυρίζει λιβάνι,) θα πάει κόντρα στο Σωτήριο και Βαρθολωμαίο; Τα τούβλα θέλουν αυτοί μωρέ ώστε όταν αρχίσουν να κλείνουν οι Ι. Ναοί, να πωλήσουν για εκατομύρια και όχι για τα ψωροσαραντάρια που παίρνουν τώρα! Η τουρκοκρατούμενη Εκκλησία θέλει τον απόδημο Ελληνισμό ξεβράκωτο, χωρίς ίχνος περιουσία, με την οποία θα μπορούσαν να βοηθήσουν την Ελλάδα, κατά των Τούρκων, αν και όταν - ω μη γένειτω, χρειαστεί!!! Τέτοια πουλημένα καθάρματα είναι, σχεδόν, όλοι τους....

  2. Here we go again give the Archdiocese the assets which happen to be churches. And they will take care of them just like st Nicholas in Toronto, and St. Paraskevi and Anna in Markham for the kleptocracy who sell god to to the idiots who believe them. Time for Andonopoulos/ Iakovos to come clean on his theft of funds from the philoptochos for his summer flings. Then derepomaste?

    1. hey 12:40. or should i say rat-ta-tool aleta the roufiano. why dont you piss off

    2. Για να πούμε κάποιον ρουφιάνο πρέπει να γνωρίζουμε όχι μόνο τη ρουφιανιά του αλλά και ποιός μαλάκας το λέει... Μήπως είσαι εσύ η ρουφιάνα και για το λόγο αυτό κρύβεις το όνομά σου;

    3. 4:33 why don't you tell “bishop” iakovos to.piss off after he's returned the $30K he stole from the Philoptochos AKA THE POOR! T-H-E P-O-O-R! But thank God he had the money to jet set to Greece for over 3 months last summer and in February again during LENT, the holiest period of the year he was bragging how he was going to France and Greece. Next time he goes to Greece he should stay there, permanently, like his other bishop buddy bartholomew.

    4. George Goulakos wrote on Facebook today about Bishop Iakovos regarding this situation:

      “I never saw a man of cloth speak to his parishioners like I saw at the last meeting. This disrespect must stop.”

      George, George, George, this ain’t nothing new! Every single priest in Quebec has reported to Archbishop Sotirios that he verbally abuses them, on a regular basis. Priests across Canada who aren’t under his jurisdiction have also reported to the Archbishop and to Bishop Athenagoras of the verbal abuse. The nuns have even reported verbal abuse from him to the Archdiocese. The nuns! LMAO!!!!

      He’s not a real bishop. He’s a midget with an oversized crown who steals money from his own church. Sotirios Jr. except in miniature size. I wonder if he buys his vestments at a kids costume store for size?

    5. The roufiano/a you speak about could care less about the Klepto syndicate or the closet homos that run it. She is more than happy to see it disappear, together with its followers in the name of a true Jesus who preached salvation and not sodomization and capitalisms.

  3. Sandy Nikolopoulos on Facebook today:

    (Bishop) “Iakovos Antonopoulos I think a man of your stature should be using his voice in a different manner you should be politically neutral I’m
    Very shocked to see the way you express yourself and speak to people and quite frankly surprised no consequences have been laid forward you should focus on bringing our community closer to our churches not driving them away as god’s servant I think you forgot what your role is enough with attacking people this has become ridiculous”

    Another satisfied customer!!!!! LOL!

    Ya Sandy we want to know why he wasn’t disciplined after he stole $30K from his church or after he went to Greece for over 3 months without the Archbishop’s approval. And the money that he pretended to give his community to try and cover up the money he stole from it, came from…wait for it…St Nick’s in Toronto. Straight cash from Merkel (the corrupt president of the church who’s in Sotirios’ pocket funneling money to him without declaring the money to give time to).

    I completely understand why proposal for HCGM to make the churches independent and not follow the Uniform Parish Regulations of the Archdiocese. No one has ever seen the financials of the archdioceses. They’re under investigation from the Canadian Revenue Agency. I wouldn’t give them a dollar. Sotirios and Iakovos can go and do their homo shit somewhere else, not in our churches and with our money they ain’t!

    1. Who is going to discipline the Master's thief? Who do you think gave the orders, when CRA questions Sotirios he will claim he had nothing to do with it OR better yet IF he did it was an calculated and honest mistake. When they get to Bishop Iakovos he will say the same. My friends all we have here is a church led BORDELLO.

    2. 3:12 pm: you said it best, church led bordello! The master homo isn’t going to disciple the midget homo.

  4. But Sotirios sent in his pit bull Iakovos to buy all of the HGMT churches for zero dollars! Not for them to become independent and no longer follow the UPR. Sotirios fault for putting such an anaperos to do his dirty bidding.

    1. 9:44 ya just like how Sotirios says he’s going to get all the GCT churches too for barely the price of one of the 4 churches. The good thing HGMT has going for itself is that they have to deal with the temper tantrum Iakovos who screams at everyone. So they’re way more motivated to make the churches independent and break off from the UPR. I hope they do it just to spite him. I’ve never met a ruder hierarch in my life than Iakovos. Someone needs to put him in his place. Let’s go HGMT!!!!

    2. Oh ya! Do it HGMT! I just want to see Iakovos lose his shit like a kid who had his toy taken away. When he screams it’s like he’s in an insane asylum and they forgot to medicate him. At the archdiocese he’s screamed to the point where we aren’t sure how the windows didn’t crack. He’s so mentally unstable. Like take a pill guy. Or take a bottle.

  5. Bishop Iakovos is a dangerous man, not to mention a very big narcissist. During Liturgy, he has his personal photographer taking pictures of him and posting them on his Facebook page. Minimum 20 pictures every time. If your looking for him and he is not in church you will find him shopping on the second floor at Rockland.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. HGMT and GCT should just put the churches up for sale and if Sotirios wants them he can purchase them for market value. The Greek communities shouldn’t be in the church business when that’s not their core function but we’re also not going to hand them over to Sotirios for $1 either. He created this division in the church, he’s not a unifier, he’s not a collaborator, he just takes what he can. And his short
    side kick is either of those things either AND publicly Bish Iakovos verbally abuses the faithful from the HGMT and even our Priests and Presvyteres. Get them both out! The only people that like them have a direct benefit for it, either financial, power or both. That’s not the church. That’s satan’s playpen.

  8. Οχι, λάθος κάνετε. Πάμε κατα διαβολου γιατι ακολουθήσατε τον Νίκονα ΓεωργακόΠουλο.

    1. ¨"Πάμε" (κατά διαβόλου) γιατί ..."ακολουθήσατε" τον Νίκωνα; Εσύ ποιόν ακολούθησες (για να πάμε καλά) μωρέ; Τον Μενεγάκη, τον Σωτήρη, τον Αρτεμάκη ή τον Καραντώνη; Τουλάχιστον, ο Νίκωνας (και ο Ερμής) δεν ψήφισαν υπέρ της συμφωνίας - έκτρωμα - Καραντώνη, Σωτήριου, Αρτερμάκη!!

    2. 9:30 A.M Αν πάμε κατά του διαβόλου θα μας το πει ο καιρός.
      Στην θητεία μας καταφέραμε να σώσουμε την κοινότητα από χρεοκοπία.
      Δυστυχώς δεν καταφέραμε να κάνουμε αυτό που έπρεπε να κάνουμε με τις εκκλησίες.

      Ποιος φταίει; Αυτό το ξέρει μόνο ένας θεός.

      Nikona Georgakopoulos

    3. Breaking News !! Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople just announced that Archbishop Sotirios is finally being replaced by an equally and more money hungry godless asshole. Bishop Iakovos Andonopoulos /(Archidopolis) who will assume his duties after he rapes the HCGM's philoptochos of all their money, an then makes Merkle a priest at St John's in Toronto.

    4. 12:10 PM-- LMAO!!!!!! Makes Merkle a priest! That's awesome. But come on you know bish.iakovos is going to take more.than just the hgmt philoptocohos money, he's clearing out as many accounts as he. can in Quebec before he. finds out Bart didn't make him archbishop and he goes to live.with his BF next store at the Greek school on an.island in Greece, I'm hearing Lesvos.

  9. Το προΒλημα ειναι άνθρωποι σαν τον Νίκονα και άλλοι βέβαια, που θέλουν και έχουν απαιτήσεις να είναι αρχοντες εκκλησιών χωρίς να έχουν ιδέα απο εκκλησία και πως λειτουργεί! Άνθρωποι τέτοιοι δεν δικαιούνται να διοικούν στον χώρο αυτο.

    1. 6:29 where were you when the GCT was at risk of losing everything with the help of Sotirios and his buddy Menegakis?NOWHERE!! Nikona was there and saved all these useless churches and the GCT. Go back to the cave you came from.

  10. Ποιος φταίει; εσύ. ένας που δεν σέβεται και δεν τιμά τον τίτλο και τον θρόνο του επισκόπου ασχέτως ποιος είναι δεν εχει δικαιώματα πολλά. Πηγές την εκκλησία στο δικαστήριο όπως οι Εβραίοι πήγαν τον Ιησού. Ντροπή σου.

    1. 6:37 PM--you either are dumb as nails or you're part of Sotiroulas parea, because no sane person would say that. Ntropi ston Sotirios.who’s a knows sex abuser from boys to even his own priests. It's too bad all they did to him was sue him.

      And the Jews taking Christ to court is not even the GCT taking Sotirios. Christ is HOLY. Sotirios plays with the devil and likes it.

    2. Respect what church and title?The one that abuses little boys and steals from old ladies who truly believe in god? Go find a bridge and jump off. world doesn’t need any more malakes like yourself.

  11. 7:05, so because someone doesnt agree with you they are part of the bishops parea? really? And where is the proof that sotirios is a sex abuser. you guys keep saying it but never have you provided a shred of proof. Your all innuendo and conjecture. And yes suing the church is a bad thing. if Nikona actually understood what he did he wohld be begging for forgiveness. Theres still time Nikona. Repent while you still can.

    1. 8:55: Why don’t you go find out why priests left Canada. Why don’t you go find out why students left the seminary. Why don’t you go find out why altar boys never returned to church. Why don’t you go find out how many NDA’s the Archdiocese has for abuse. Why don’t you go find out how much money the Archdiocese has spent on legal fees to protect Sotirios and some for his own dirty priests (one who is a bishop now too).

      And news flash: Sotirios isn’t only a sex abuser, he’s a pedophile too. It’s the worst kept secret in the church.

      And the GCT didn’t start the lawsuits, Sotirios and his priests did. Facts matter.

      And who tells someone to repent, who do you think you are, God? There’s nothing more arrogant than telling someone else to repent. Learn how to read the Bible s-l-o-w-l-y.

    2. Listen 11:39, first take a breath. You know nothing about the bible or the orthodox faith. If you did you wouldn't be talking like that. Second, either provide proof or piss off. No one believes those lies anymore. If you or anyone of nikonas cronies had proof im 100% sure it would be plastered all over the cities billboards. so put up or shut up.

    3. 9:52: You clearly have no idea what’s going on in our church. What Sotirios and a few of his priests/bishop have done and do is the worst kept secret in the church. There’s a reason Sotirios is so disliked by many. As well as his little sidekicks. You told me to shut up, that’s the best you go LMAO!!

  12. The GCT membership sued the church not Nikona. He who would rather go to hell then repent for the abuses of these useless tits.

    1. No it was Nikona and that sorry excuse of a bullshit committee or symvoulio or whatever you want to call it.

    2. 10:06 which planet are you from first of all I was not the president when the GCT filed its counterclaim after getting permission to do so from it’s paid membership ( for which I doubt you ever have been)at the annual AGM. Get you facts straight and be a man or women and freely publish your name. When you write uninformed bullshit like that the vlakies you wrote. Nikona Georgakopoulos

  13. Nick GeorgakopoulosMay 7, 2022 at 9:21 AM

    The chances of that happening are slim and none. If you are a betting person bet everything on NONE!! I don’t hide like you behind anonymity. Nikona Georgakopoulos

    1. Funny how you were sitting front row at St Ds a couple weeks back. Too bad the priest didnt throw your fat ass out. Think of how badly you messed up his family with what you did not paying him for seven years. Im sure your family is really proud of you. Ill tell you that no one else is.

    2. 10:09 pm - you watch Nikona in church? !!?? WTAF!? Seriously go check yourself into a psych ward!! Your Nikona obsession has reached single white female levels plus you like to talk about his penis too. You’re a big sicko.

  14. Ya that’s pretty funny M....... becomes the first trans priest and is made one from the next homo Archbishop because one homo Archbishop wasn’t enough for the church. This pretty much sums up the church right here. This is what happens when you make “celibate” priests into bishops and fake “monks” who’ve stayed at a monastery for 5-minutes into bishops. Same result every time: trailer trash

    1. And you know 1:59 because you attend church for 5 minutes every year. man your soul is in such bad shape. did your wife divorce you like nikonas did and now you have given up on life. maybe you should become trans and apply for yhe position you claim.

  15. 10:09 who the fuck are you to cast the first stone it’s the priests that filed the lawsuit. The Gct responded and filed a counterclaim. The priests were and continue making money for doing nothing. Try getting married or gif forbid a funeral without paying the priest. They will all deny to do it. In fact they have done so on numerous cases. Nikona had the balls to fight the churches wrongs. Like refusing communion to the Pronia ladies that refused to continue with the corrupt philoptochos run under the Archdiocese’s bylaws the same one which allowed Iakovos to steal $30k. Your a pussy who sees injustices being done by the church and you say “it’s ok in the name of God”. Well it isn’t.

  16. Mister 11:19, dont talk about first stones while living in a glass house. Nikonas slandered father phillip and his children! Because phillip wont kiss his ass. So Nikonas accuses him of not only stealing church funds but then goes to the CRA to accuse him falsely. How did that one work out in your court case? I can tell you that that bullshit symvoulio got its ass handed to them. at least artemakis was smart enough to cut bait. Nikonas not so smart.

    1. If I had indeed slandered anybody they would have sued my ass. Unfortunately you cannot
      claim slander when there is proof. If indeed you are correct why is it that the same individuals made a voluntary disclosure to CRA ?Nikona Georgakopoulos tax expert with over 30 years experience.

    2. Ah what are loopholes for? They cant sue you because you slandered them through your lawsuit. Which if there was proof as you say you would have won the case. And you lost or shall i say admitted you had no proof and had to settle. Cause then you and the GCT would have gotten its clock cleaned.You should be thankful Sotiris agreed to settle with you. And btw it wasnt a voluntary disclosure, they had to open up all there taxes because you were searching for anything to prove your case.

    3. All the parties if they want transparency can mutually agree to release their sealed discoveries. I know because I was present for most of them that the Archdiocese does not want them released. The GCT could care less. As for the voluntary disclosure do your homework Father Philip admitted this to quite a few people. And for your information they cannot sue because they all took the money, and they themselves agreed no too. Are you noticing a pattern here?
      Nikona Georgakopoulos

  17. 12:48 Nikonas had the balls to publicly vote against a lousy deal. Artemakis and the rest of the board put up the white flag and surrendered everything.

  18. Hey mister 12:48, haven't you figured out that this was all a setup? That these guys are on Sotiris team? I mean Artemakis visiting Sotiris at the metropolis at his condo. Several times What was that all about? We have been played by these guys for years. It was never about a strong independent community. It was just about who can control the largest share of the money.

    1. 7:51 am. It wasn't Artemakis ( who does not swing that way) but rather Skoutakis and Dr.Karantonis. Artemakis's board changed constitution to make sure the GCT will remain independent. As for visits to the condo word has it that all his bitches and bitches in training visit regularly for a special treat.

    2. Προσπαθείς μήπως να μας πεις ότι ο αρτεμάκης που υπόγραψε τη συνφωνία των άλλων είνε καλλίτερος; Δεν είνε όλοι πωλημένοι στη σωτηρία;

  19. I am still waiting for the so-called press to request a copy of the "sealed" discoveries from the Archdiocese and the GCT. They can easily be released if the Archdiocese agrees to do so.( Don't hold your breath) Then let's see who is saying the truth. The GCT has nothing to hide and will immediately agree after the Archdiocese does.

    1. Your saying this because you know that you have no say, at least officially, with the gct. On the other hand an anonymous poster can easily post these supposed incriminating pieces of wisdom. Not en masse but you know what i mean.

    2. I have no say BUT guess what? I know all the contents of the discoveries which are indeed the property of the GCT and the Archdiocese unfortunately for those who hide. They cannot control me. So have a great day 9:10 pm.

    3. 9:10 P.M I guess you don't know Nikona well he doesn't give a fuck about your boss and his corrupt church. If Sotirios has nothing to hide but honest mistakes then let him release what he has on the GCT which is NOTHING!! I guess CRA will take care of it. Good Luck.

  20. Look GCT, Archdiocese, Nikona, your all crooks period. And almost everyone has figured you out. Just look at your membership figures, not to mention revenues.

    1. It's easy to call us crooks when you do it anonymously. I for one am not a crook, you be the judge of the others. If you indeed had anything you would post the useless name your father gave you . So until you post your name gutless idiot don't waist the world's time.
      Nikona Georgakopoulos

    2. Yes your right. I should file a fake lawsuit against you in court and call you a crook in the filing. That way I would be protected from any defamation/slander suits.

    3. Nick GeorgakopoulosMay 21, 2022 at 5:24 AM

      Go for it. You know where to find me. Gutless piece of …a

    4. Nick GeorgakopoulosMay 21, 2022 at 5:27 AM

      Just to be clear the settlement the Gct signed did not dispute the facts in the statement of claims and defence.

  21. Bottom line. YOU LOST nikonass.

    1. Bottom line is the majority of the GCT board agreed to accept a useless deal without looking at the facts that were clearly presented to them . My article titled "Do As I Say NOT as I DO" in the next few days will clearly demonstrate that the GCT got the short end of the stick.

    2. Εγω θα έλεγα οτι από τα τρια πήρατε το μακρύτερο.
