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Friday, August 4, 2023

Μόλις ...ζωντάνεψε, έτρξε στις Τράπεζες.!!!

 Ένα ακόμα ανεπιβεβαίοτο σχόλιο αναγνώστη, για το λυπηρό συμβάν στον Σωτήριο και την θετική, μέχρι στιγμής. εξέλιξή του...  Γράφει, λοιπόν:


Αγαπητέ μου Αντίποδα, επ’ετρεψέμε να εκφράσω δημοσίως τη χαρά μου για την αποκατάσταση της υγείας ενός συναθρώωπου μας, έστω και αν αυτός είναι ο όχι και τόσο σοβαρός, Αρχιεπίσκοπός μας, Σωτήριος. Για μένα είναι ένας άνθρωπος και δεν θέλω το κακό του, όπως και για κανέναν άλλο, ανεξαρτήτως τι θέλει ο ίδιος και τι έκανε για να περιέλθουν στα χέρια του τόσο το μοναστήρι του πατρικοσμά, στο Μπόλτον, όσο, και πολύ χειρότερα, το μοναστήρι του αΐμνηστου Μαρτίνου, ο οποίος βρέθηκε τυλιγμένος με το παλτό του, λίγα μέτρα πιο πέρα, από το μοναστήρι του, στο Μόντρεαλ! Δεν είμαι και δεν θα γίνω σαν αυτόν, αλλά και μόνο το γεγονός ότι μόλις έβγαλε το ποδάρι του από τον ...λάκο, έτρεξε στην Τράπεζα να ...χαϊδέψει τα λεφτά του και σιγουρευτεί ότι δεν του τα έκλεψαν οι γύρω του, τα λέει όλα από μόνη της η πράξη αυτή. Έτσι, λοιπόν, έχουμε την επιβεβαίωση ότι δεν θα γίνει ΠΟΤΕ σοβαρός άνθρωπος, αλλά ας είναι καλά να γελάμε μαζί του...


  1. Ε, Παρασκυή σήμερα, πέίρε το πέος τσέκ και πήγε να το καταθέσει, νομίζω, όπως κάνουν όλοι με τα πέο-τσέκς με τα οποία πληρώνονται Τι το παράξενο για αυτόν αφού όλο με τέτοια ασχολείται!

  2. Bullshit. Sotirios is a Jew the $2 mil claim he and his Montreal bullshitters claim they make is orchestrated by Bart to get the Americans to give more.

  3. Τα ίδια και τα ίδια για τόσα χρόνια λέτε. Και ενώ αυτός καλοπερνάει ,όλοι μας ασχολούμαστε με το Σωτήριο. Και αυτός ίσως λέει. "Εχω αξία .όλοι ασχολούνται με μένα"
    Βρείτε άλλα θέματα. Ο Σωτήριος είναι έτοιμος για το αιώνιο ταξείδι. Αφήστε τον

  4. 11:21 Sotirios used to give $900K to the Phanar annually. And America was giving $1M (according to their finances and media reporting). Still not even close to equal based on the number of churches America has (over 500).

    Once Elpidophoros became Archbishop of America (over 4 years ago), within 3 months Sotirios was elevated from Metropolitan to Archbishop of Canada as well. And coincidently the money to the Phanar from Sotirios doubled to $1.8M. A recording of Sotirios and the treasurer who’s an archon at an archdiocesan council meeting last year said that Canada gives $1.8M and they explained that it’s broken down into $900K to the Phanar and $900K to the maintenance of the building and staff.

    Elpidophoros made a public commitment and it’s also in the news that America would give $2M moving forward but if you look at the recent archdiocese announcement it’s only $1.5M this year, which means Canada still gives the most.

    Sotirios only gives that much so he could be Archbishop and so he can remain. Over 4 years ago there were talks about replacing BOTH Archbishop Demetrios and Metropolitan Sotirios at the same time but one got the boot and the other got a promotion that was not for free, that’s for sure. Sotirios will do anything to keep his job at any cost to the church/faithful. He just cares about the throne.

    1. Sotirios is leaving next week to visit Phanar. People are saying that Sotirios will resign around Christmas time.
      Who knows ! Perhaps he can not fulfill his duties anymore.
      Power corrupts people!

  5. We have heard this before but if the $2 mil were true where is the proof? Surely coming from Sotirio’s mouth is not truth it just verbal diarrhea.

    1. It’s not just Sotirios’ mouth. HAH has said it himself.

      Also there are internal people who have confirmed the $900K a year from Canada and Turkey from documentation. But I have not seen any for the $1.8M just both sides confirming.

  6. Ever heard of Fintrac? If $1.8 mil was sent to Turkey outside of a charity the Canadian government would have jumped all over it. The Archdiocese charity return shows under $200k. Something does not add up. Nikona where are you hiding?

    1. Yep I know what Fintrac is. I’m not saying it’s properly being sent but the $900K I know was being sent. As for the additional $900K that’s based on the Archdiocesan Council update and the Phanar. I’ve heard the recording. I can probably get a copy of it if there’s a way to share it on Andipothas, but I don’t know how to. Help?

    2. 12:28 am. Just staying low not hiding at all. According to the Archdiocese official charity return filed with CRA $301,829 was sent to our Patriarch as for the $1.8 mil others claim is a fact. I will agree with your previous writers and state again that I highly doubt it.
      (Unless somebody flew down to Turkey with a very heavy briefcase full of $100s)

      Nikona Georgakopoulos

    3. Δεν είναι απαραίτητο να ανεβάσεις το ηχητικό. Το πιο ασφαλές είναι να απομαγνητοφωνήσεις την συνομιλία και να την γράψεις σε κείμενο. Αυτό αρκεί, και άσε τους άλλους να τρέχουν.

    4. Since CRA & Fintrac are investigating I can guarantee there is nothing written in the minutes. The voice tapes have surprisingly disappeared.

    5. 11:19 am: the recordings have not disappeared. The person who recorded the Archdiocesan Council meeting does not know who to send it to at the federal government and how to send a recording. Is there a link to a website on how exactly to do this? And do they guarantee confidentiality? Asking for a friend.

  7. Send it to Nikona he will make sure the proper authorities receive it. Everybody knows his gmail.

  8. Your recording does not really matter. Unless you have proof in the form of a money order or wire transfer.

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

  9. It's a a recording of an official senior meeting of an NPO/Institution: I think the feds would want to hear it so they can ask questions/start digging. Sotirios & Treasurer will have to tell them something: that they flat put lied or that find a way to explain how that much money is getting to Turkey. I'd say it's worth sending.

    Also, whoever has it is send it to the Greek reporters, they can print the transcript. People will go nuts if they hear $1.8M a year to turkey when it's public that America only is sending $1.5M this year.

    Also, what happens to that friend of the CRA guy? I heard he has some special email account that can't he traced for those who email him?

    1. For your information Friend of CRA is a female not a "guy".

    2. 12:02 sure sure he’s a she.

    3. 12:02 ok, Nikona. You’re secret is safe.

  10. $1.5 mil in US dollars is equal to $2.1 mil cnd. Even if those tapes say what you claim both Sotirios and his treasurer will claim they lied on the orders or Bart in order to get the Americans to pay more. Mission accomplished. Good luck getting audited statements from Bart.

  11. I’m here still. I keep on feeding CRA with more information from the rats at the Archdiocese. How is that non existent museum coming along. Premier Ford’s friends in opposition and the press which Sotirios cannot control will be asking to see it.
    Friend of CRA.


    1. Λόγια - λόγια από το φίλο της φορολογικής υπηρεσίας του Καναδά. Ξέρουν κάποιον και νομίζουν ότι μπορούν να επιδράσουν τους υπεύθυνους της φορολογικής υπηρεσίας.
      Ολοι γίνανε ειδήμονες και έχουν μπάρμπα στην Κορώνη. Οι μεγάλες γνωριμίες !!!!!!!

  12. 10:46 pm if the Archdiocese has nothing to hide why does it not disclose the details of the one person (Sotirios) Employee Benefit Trust that CRA is auditing?
    Nikona tell us the details that the Archdiocese doesn't want Bart and other priests to know.

    Friend of CRA

  13. Friend of CRA your questions should be posed to the Archdiocese and CRA. I bet that unlike the US Archdiocese you will not get anybody to speak. My question to you is how did you get your hands on un-redacted financials could it possibly be the same person who mailed to me a copy?

    Good Luck

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

  14. I had asked CRA for them before they got audited.

    Friend of CRA

  15. Can someone given them to Mr. Andipothas to post on here?

  16. They were posted a few months ago.
