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Friday, June 2, 2023

Επιστρέφουν τα ...μουσικά όργανα-καρέκλες... Αγαπημένο ...παιχνίδι οι μεταθέσεις ιερέων...


Ένα ακόμα παιχνιδάκι με τις μεταθέσεις ιερέων, ετοιμάζει ο κυρ Σωτήρης, ώστε να μπερδέψει, για μία ακόμα φορά, τον κόσμο της Εκκληγσίας, μπας και σταματίσουν να διαμαρτύρονται για την έλλειψη εφημερίων στους, ανα την επικράτεια, ιερούς ναούς της Αρχιεπισκοπης. Παίρνει έναν από μια ενορία, τον μεταθέτει σε μια άλλη, παίρνει της άλλης τον πάει παραπέρα, και κατ’ αυτό τον τρόπο, ή μάλλον με αυτό το κόλπο, τους κρατάει όλους στο περίμενε, μέχρι να βάλει ο Θεός το χεράκι του και του στείλει εξ’ ουρανού κάποιους, ώστε να καλύψει,...καμία μέρα,  τις ελείψεις.! Διαβάστε παρακάτω μερικές ακόμα ματαθέσεις και τα ξαναλέμε...Sotirios’s favorite game of musical chairs is making a comeback. Priest transfers are coming again (according to him and his leakers)

Sotirios is transferring Fr Konstantinos from St D’s. Transferring Fr Evangelos from St Nick’s.
Transferring Fr Fotios from Hamilton to “the new Cathedral” St Nick’s (which is under federal investigation thanks to Merkel and Archon Merkel Jr. and their bestie and idol Sotirios.)

Fr Phillipa from St John’s was supposed to retire in August-September but Sotirios is going to keep him on for the rest of the year. It’s like Sotirios is purposely jerking around the GCT—no surprise.

There might be another GCT priest transfer too.
Sotirios personally threatened to transfer Fr. Ted from Prophet Elias already after only 12-weeks. Buyers remorse.

Sotirios’ nephew will be here soon enough once he finishes his military service in Greece.

Sotirios will ordain the new Deacon to the priesthood even though he’s only 22 because of the priest shortage—caused by Sotirios himself.
Oh and now Sotirios is saying that his 50th Jubilee is in January 2024 even though he had “The Merkels” produce calendars and a book celebrating his 50th for this December. Anything to cling to power for another day.

Until next time,


  1. There’s been several red flags that many have witnessed with Fr Fotios over the last number of years. Transferring another new priest at St Nick’s, this time Fr Evangelos to put Fr Fotios at the “cathedral” church is problematic and just like people said to Sotirios about bishop Iakovos — this won’t end well. It’s very easy to verify what’s been written about Fr Fotios since those are all public issues, like his churches live-stream recording where he yelled at his parishioners during liturgy circulated and caused a stir during the pandemic that the Archdiocese had the church take it down. Or the time he yelled at Sotirios when he tried to put him at St Nick’s during the pandemic in front of all the priests who were in the altar for the feast day at Metamorphosis. Or that Sotirios suspended him when he was in Quebec for not going to St Nick’s after asked 2 times. You can even ask parishioners what happened the other Sunday when Sotirios was there for Fr Fotios’s birthday. So clearly something is going on since Fr Fotios has been spotted with Merkel on several occasions. It’s a red flag. The revolving door at St Nick’s is also a red flag. The church has enough problems because of Sotirios, we don’t need more change when he’s already been told that he’s gone as early as 8-9 months from now. While some people are communicating with the Phanar about the problems going on in Canada, we know people are monitoring this blog and speaking with HAH. So I’d say this is a public service announcement. Sotirios is doing things so he still has a reach into the church when he’s gone, I don’t want that, do you?

    1. Is Father Konstantinos for sure leaving St D's? He's well loved at the church, very sad if it's true. Any idea where he's going?

    2. Αδυνατώ να καταλάβω, πώς ξεσπιτώνουν του παπαΚώστα, τώρα που τα βρήκε με την πρόνοια, του κάνουν γιορτές και πανηγύρια στις γιορτές του και βέβαια αποφάσισε να μεταλαβαίνει τις κυρίες εκεί πέρα οι οπολιες δεν είναι πιά επίορκες!!!! Αλλά τι σκ#τ# αρχιεπίσκοπος θα ήταν ο Σωτήριος αν δεν τέριαζε με τους παπάδες και τις φιλοφτώχους; Ομαδικά Γκαραγκιοζοπαίχτες οι άτιμοι!!

    3. Sotirios is still upset with Fr Konstantinos because during the pandemic when the GCT fundraiser to save the churches was happening he donated a chunk of money and his name was published with the amount. Sotirios wants his priests to give money to the church just not GCT ones. Sotirios told Fr Konstantinos a few months ago that he’s been at St D’s for too long and it’s time for a change. In hopes of not being transferred, Fr K sold the most raffle tickets for the car for the Academy to show he has given more money to the Archdiocese than the GCT. Apparently he bought a chunk of those personally. When priests feel the pressure to do things like this to protect themselves you know it’s time for Sotirios to goooo!

  2. 11:34 am: Sotirios doesn’t care if a priest is well loved, look what happened at Prophet Elias in Mississauga. For Sotirios it’s about control and vengeance. All Star leadership.

  3. Sotirios is hated by his bishops, scratch that out, bishop and almost all his priests and most of the faithful across Canada. His transfer games is one of the many reasons why.

  4. Sotirios is scum. He only cares about $!!

  5. I can’t name one parish in Canada that likes or respects Sotirios. And if you’re thinking well, St Nick’s, that just 2 people from the entire church who are financially benefitting because Sotirios allows it. Did you know even though Merkel is the President of the Parish Council (a volunteer position) she is paid $10K per month. So $120,000 a year. And that doesn’t include money “missing” from the priests donation baskets. My question is, does she declare that income? Because according to former priests there she takes it as cash. Maybe our friend of the CRA can let them know to look into it?

  6. Sotirios will do anything to mess with the GCT especially in his final year. It’s why he’s apparently putting his nephew into a GCT church when he arrives from Greece. That way Sotirios will still have his hand in the cookie jar and will annoy the GCT until his last breath. Nothing says FU than putting you blood in the one organization he desperately and pathetically tried to destroy the past 50 years. GCT will outlast him and his family.

    1. 1:15 I blame those midgets Nikona and Artemakis for not following thru with the lawsuit and burying him and exposing his lies and not so heavenly deeds.

  7. Fr Phillip never announced his retirement. The bishop announced it, probably hoping to embarrass him into retiring. Don't expect that one unless you hear it from Fr Phillip himself.

    1. Τι να την κάνει τη σύνταξη ο Φίλιππος ρε σεις κύριοι; Ο άνθρωπος κονομάει τα άντερά του από τον μισθό τα τυχαιρά από τις γριούλες που τις ξεζουμίζει το χαρτζιλίκι τους και κάποια άλλα που πέρνει από τη φιλόφτωχο με τα τσέκια που τις έδινε ως δήθεν δωρεές; Ο παπά αυτόλς ξεπέρασε ακόμα και τον Αρχιεπίσκοπο στο μάζεμα χρημάτων, για τα ...γεράματα ίσως! Οι άνθρωποι τούτοι είναι απάτη σκέτη βρε, μην έχοντας καμία σχέση με θρησκεία και θεό! Με το διάολο κάποια επαφή μπορεί να έχουν, αλλά δεν έχω στοιχεία ακόμα...

    2. 5:24 the GCT President is expecting Fr Phillip to resign this fall based on Sotirios and has now been told that it will be the end of this year now. Sotirios jerking Betty around--again.

      The only way St John’s gets a new priest is if he installs his nephew there. Which is possible.

    3. 8:47 for what retirement? Fr Phillip is like 85 years old. How long does he think he’ll be living for? He's already passed the average life expectancy in Canada. Is he a money hoarder like Sotirios? Don't know him well.

    4. I don't know what he has done or hasn't done. I was just correcting a few comments made about Fr Phillip being replaced because he said he was retiring. All I said was, he didn't say it, so don't expect it to happen in the next round of changes.

  8. Interesting how one of my comments is still missing after days.

    1. Κάποιο λάθος θα έγινε στο ...ελεγκτήριο, ή ίσως μπερδεύτικε με μαλακίες άλλων σχολίων. Πες μας το όνομά σου, ώστε να το ψάξουμε μήπως και το ...συναντήσουμε κάπου. Ή για διευκόλυνση στείλτο ξανά, με επισήμανση ότι είναι το χαμένο...

    2. Εάν του το έγραφες στα Ελληνικά θα καταλάβαινε το νόημα του σχολίου σου αλλά είναι καχύποπτος με τα Αγγλικά, όπως και με τα Ελληνικά αρκετές φορές. Άλλα του λες και άλλα φαντάζεται ότι διάβασε.
