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Sunday, February 5, 2023

Μια ...άλλη άποψη, ομογενή σχολιογράφου, για τον κουραφέξαλο Σωτήριο.!!!


Φίλος αναγνώστης, ρώτησε κάποιον γνωστό του, ο οποίος γνωρίζει αρκετά για τα έργα και τις ημέρες του ...πνευματικού πατέρα Σωτήριου, και μας κοινοποίησε την απάντηση που έλαβε, ρωτώντας μας κατά πόσο είναι στή. Εμεις, τώρα, με τη σειρά μας την μεταφέρομε στο λιγοστό κοινό μας ώσττ να έχομε μια ποιο τεμυριομένη άποψη, όσων περισσοτέρων ομογενών  είνα δυντόν.  Και τώρα η απάνηση:

... Ναί ο Σωτήριος εκβιάζει και απειλεί τούς ιερείς του , ακόμη καί λέγοντας ψέμματα. Είναι επικίνδυνος και άριστος τέχνης του κοτσομπολιού και της κακολογίας . Δεν είναι μόνος του αλλά μαζί του πάνε και κάποιοι παπάδες, που απο τη μιά μεριά τον βρίζουν και από την άλλη κάνουν τον φίλο. Οχι μόνο κάνουν τον φίλο αλλά είναι και "καρφιά" που πανε στον μπαμπά Σωτήρη να του δώσουν πληροφορίες, Τι τραγωδία!!

Περιμένουμε τη γνώμη και τις απαντήσεις σας...


  1. Unknown commented
    Ya, I know Fr. Evangelos wants to leave St. Nick’s. No idea why LOL?! Who doesn’t love to watch the Council President steal your money right in front of your face? But I find it hard to believe he's really looking to move to Greece? I doubt he can ask for a transfer since Sotirios will just do the same thing Fr Apostolos to until he said he’s going back to Greece and then Sotirios conceded. Have you heard the crazy battles going on with Sotirios and the Parish Councils from both Sts Panteleimon (Markham) and Prophet Elias (Mississauga)? It’s like he’s so bored because no one wants to be around him that he’s just starting fights with churches. No idea why he eats alone everyday at the Archdiocese and why Bishop Athenagoras doesn’t speak to him anymore even though they live in the same building.

    1. You edited my message and removed what I wrote about Fr Spiros and tried to blend it into what I wrote about Apostolos.

      I didn’t know Andipothas edits our comments. Was he the one flying the balloon over Canada and not China?

    2. I’d say things between Sotirios and Athenagoras might be worse than Sotirios and Iakovos, and that’s really saying something. That is not a tenable situation. Something’s gotta give between those 3 grumpy hierarchs. So much negative energy from them even in public. Not a good look guys.

    3. Bishop Pataron has yelled before that he’s leaving and Archbishop Sotirios has yelled before that he’s going to kick him out. The fact that those two are yelling in the Archdiocese means the end is near. Pataron nor Sotirios are even the yelling type. That role is always filled by Bishop Andonopoulos.

      The other night at St Nicks when all the priests (minus of course fr Ted who gets a free pass because of his XXX behaviour) had gathered on each side of Sotirios who was speaking from the altar doors to the people but while he was speaking Pataron who was standing next to him just walked away, literally left. That’s a sure way to ensure Sotirios destroys you by embarrassing him publicly. Good luck to Pataron, he’s going to need it.

    4. 11:42 it depends which priests Andipothas likes. He won’t even post mine about Fr Ignatieff harassing priests and faithful and joining Team Iakovos. But it is funny he edited yours like you wouldn’t notice. He has his own agenda.

  2. Unfortunately the situation is tragic. No-one knows for sure how Sotirios treats his priests. The only thing which is trying to do is to threat his priests by telling them they will be transferred or is using false accusations towards them .
    I personally believe that Sotirios is trying to make false accusations but very often accusations may reveal more the character of the accuser

  3. Except when there’s evidence to the accusations and instead of dealing with the problems Sotirios uses it to control his priests. There’s no point reporting anything to the Archdiocese even if it’s concrete evidence. It’s just ammunition for Sotirios. He announced it that this year will be the year of transfers. It’s as if he wants to ensure the church completely collapses before he’s asked to retire. I feel sorry for the next guy. Where do you even start? It’s like you got to start a new church.

    1. 11:20 exactly and yes there is. It’s why Sotirios has prohibited Fr Ted from going to any church but sts. Constantine and Helen and it shows how many people are impacted if he’s banned from going to the vespers that all the other priests across the province are forced to go. It’s been about 3 years this has been going on with Fr Ted. News flash Archbishop Sotirios, hiding your sicko priest doesn’t erase what he’s done starting from Winnipeg. Sotirios is responsible for the degree of sickness in the church.

  4. Πολύ χαμηλού επιπέδου λασπολογία και βρομερές κατηγορίες χωρίς καμιά απόδειξη. Φλυαρίες χωρίς περιεχόμενο και είναι όλα δικές σου φαντασιοπληξίες αντίποδα. Έγινες πολύ παράξενος και όπως φαίνεται δεν υπάρχει γυρισμός.

    1. 12:46: the Archdiocese has pages of screenshots of XXX text messages, what’s app messages between Fr Ted and young women. They also have copies of XXX videos and photos Fr Ted took of himself!! Barf!
      And a shit load of other things over the years with money, guns, etc. etc. It’s not just one or two people. If you wanna see Fr Ted in his homemade porno videos go to the Archdiocese and ask to watch them, the staff have played them for people. You can see him and hear him, it’s fucking disgusting but you might enjoy it. I just don’t understand why he’d take naked photos or videos of himself when he’s fat. Who wants to see that shit? So ya some of us know what’s been going on for many years and why Ted’s indefinitely banned from going to any church but his own, because the people/families affected, are from a number of different churches across Toronto. It’s one thing for people to talk shit, it’s another when there’s a shit load of evidence. Sotirios owns his ass and it’s why Ted has gone underground and cancelled his classes, sermon recordings, videos, Facebook pages.

      When’s the last time you saw Ted at a feast day over the past 3 years with Sotirios and all of the other priests who are forced to go?? The answer is never.

    2. 12:46 am — then you tell us why Fr Ted has not been to a single Vespers with Soririos and all of the priests who are forced to go from Ontario in three years and counting? Then you tell us why his re-catechism classes, sermon podcasts, interactive Ted talk videos, facebook accounts are all shut down and stopped? Then you tell us why he’s not allowed to be alone with women in the church except for the purposes of holy confession? Then you tell us why the only things Fr Ted shows up to are where it’s only men allowed like at the clergy retreats. Then you tell us where he’s been for 3 years when all of the other priests are being closely monitored if they show up to events and services with the Archbishop. Tell us if you think you know better!

      Let’s see if he’s at St Nick’s on Saturday night with all the other priests and the Archbishop which is just around the corner to his apartment. I already know the answer but you seem to think that you know better.

    3. 12:46 ya i’d like to see if Fr Ted shows up on Saturday night for Vespers at St Nicholas.

      The Archbiahop sent out a formal letter to all priests, Parish councils, Philoptochos etc to go on Saturday night. It's also Sotirios’ birthday so there will be a dinner celebration after. Let's see which priest doesn't show up. Hint: it’s the porno priest Ted.

    4. That’s the least of the churches worries about Fr Ted. His own spiritual father Fr Peter reported him to Pataron and Sotirios about a number of things including how over the past few years he’s become obsessed with guns and has been buying a bunch of guns and trying to get priests and faithful to go shooting with him even in the forest. The other issue is how he has been getting the money to buy these guns when he’s told everyone that he might have to declare bankruptcy and doesn’t even have money for gas but he has money to be a member of a gun club, buy a bunch a guns? Canons of the church are clear, clergy are not to be in possession of weapons. He also spends hours a day watching videos of things being lit on fire on YouTube. Other priests and faithful have reported him for all of these things and much more to Pataron. He’s not well in the head and the last thing we need is a priest showing up at church with his guns. No wonder Sotirios has banned him from all the church events he’s at, he’s no fool.

    5. Ya I think Sotirios banned Fr Ted not to protect the faithful but to protect himself. When you know you have a priest who’s addicted to watching YouTube videos of things burning down and using guns it’s like you’re half way through the checklist of profiles for school shooters.

    6. 12:59 agreed Sotirios doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's done that to fr ted for himself. Sotirios is an asshole but he's no fool.

  5. Πολλά γίνονται που δεν τα ξέρουμε . Αυτή την εβδομάδα έρχετε από την Αμερική ,ο άλλος Αθηναγόρας που έχει «λυσσάξει « να πάρει τη θέση του Σωτηρίου
    Μανία για θρόνους και εξουσία. Τι αρρώστια και αυτή .Και όλοι κάνουν τον ταπεινό . Του κ@λου

    1. Τώρα εξηγείται το γιατί ...λύσσαξε ο Σωτήρης να τον εξαποστείλει, από κει που ήρθε.! Και ενώ για τον Σωτήριο ήταν ..ανίκανος, μόλις πήγε στην Αμερική, χειροτονίθηκε Επίσκοπος.! Είχε βέβαια τους λόγους του ο Σωτήριος. Δεν ήταν κουσουριάρης αυτός ο Αθηναγόρας, όπως ο παλιός καλός φίλος του και μετέπειτα πατριάρχης Φαναρίου!

  6. Εδω πρέπει να έρθει που ξέρει ν αγαπάει περισσότερο και να μιλά λιγότερο.Να μην παρασύρεται από τους δίπλα του.
    Καί να διδάξει με το παράδειγμα του, την απλότητα. Κάποιος που έχει κάποια πνευματική ισσοροπία.
    Ισως έτσι και κάποια παπάδες να πάρουν κάτι θετικό, ώστε να προσέχουν και αυτοί να μην κατηγορούν και να κριτικάρουν συνέχεια.τους συναδέλφους τους.

    Βάβαια και ο αγιώτερος να έρθει, πάλι θα του βρούνε κάτι. Αλλοιώς δεν γίνεται. Κουβαλάμε σαν έλληνες αρκετή μιζέρια !

  7. Ο Αθηναγόρας έκανε από τη μια μεριά τον πνευματικό και από την άλλη μεριά είχε το υπεροπτικό του ύφος ,όπως το έχουν και κάποιοι άλλοι παπάδες του Καναδά
    Στην Αμερική έγινε Επίσκοπος διότι γνώριζε τον Ελπιδοφόρο.
    Οι γνωριμίες τελικά βγάζουν τους Δεσποτάδες και όχι το Αγ. Πνεύμα που λένε οι παπάδες
    Άμα γίνει Αρχιεπίσκοπος Καναδά «Βράσε ρύζι «
    Και εάν και δύο μείνουν στο ίδιο κτήριο , τότε θα γελάσουμε πολύ !!

    1. 4:21 pm: you have no idea how the Church works, you sound as dumb as you buddy Bish Iakovos.

      When Bish Athenagoras used to work in Canada Arch Sotirios had a number of meetings with him, Bish Iakovos (Andonopoulos) and Bish Bartholomew (now retired) informing them that he will make all 3 of them Auxiliary Bishops. They’re recordings of some of those meetings. Since Bish Athenagoras at the time was an Archimandrite to the Ecumenical Throne/Patriarch, he would become instead become Auxiliary Bishop to the Patriarch and on loan to Canada. There was lots of fighting between Bish Iakovos and Arch Sotirios about what order the Bishops would be made in and their titles etc. In fact a screaming match broke out when Bish Iakovos found out he’d be last. During that time Arch Sotirios was sorting out details with the Patriarch including how all the bishops would reside at the Archdiocese etc. etc. So they all knew they were going to become bishops. All of this was done in writing by email, and yes some of us have seen it.

      Then the Patriarch had to remove Arch Demetrios from America because of the financial scandal in America which almost bankrupted the Archdiocese and put in Arch Elpidophoros. And this is where the “taxi” of the church comes in. Yes Arch Elpidohoros wanted Bishop Athenagoras to go to America but he couldn’t ask Arch Sotirios because Athenagoras was an Archimandrite to the Ecumenical Throne. So he asked the Patriarch directly. And it was the Patriarch who decided and called Arch Sotirios while we were all in Vancouver for the clergy-laity convention/congress and told him to release Athenagoras to America. Arch Sotirios didn’t go to tell Athenagoras directly, he told the group (Iakovos and Barthomolew)
      about his call. And then all the other priests found out.

      So when Athenagoras went to America he didn’t become Arch Elpidophoros’ bishop. He became what he was going to be in Canada, Auxiliary Bishop to the Patriarch but on loan to America instead.

      And whoever becomes Archbishop of Canada will not be decided by Sotirios or anyone except the Patriarch. And more importantly Arch Sotirios isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. So whoever takes over will have to wait until there’s either a huge scandal like what happened in America (which is doubtful because Sotirios is smart), or when he’s on his death bed. In fact Arch Sotirios might outlive Patriarch Bartholomew. So no one except God knows for sure who will take over Canada.

    2. 4:21 and so you think who exactly will become Archbishop of Canada? Since you act like you know everything tell us.

    3. 4:21// why don't you tell us who it is then so I don't gave to buy a bag of rice? You won't because you know shit.

  8. όλοι καταλάβαμε ότι έγινε επίσκοπος ν´ αναλάβει τον καναδά όταν φύγει ο σοτος, η όταν διώξουν τον σοτο. κατα τ´ άλλα ότι είναι πατριαρχικός παίζει μεγάλο ρόλο. αρχικά τον έστειλαν για το τι μέλλει γενεσθαι στον καναδά και μετά στην αμερικη για προετοιμασία.

    1. 5:09: No one is kicking out Sotirios, not even the Patriarch. Sotirios will leave when he wants to and as he likes to remind everyone that his mother lived until she was like 104 years old. Sotirios will still be Archbishop well into his 90s. He'll outlive us all. So enough with the conspiracy theories. Go take off your tinfoil hat.

    2. 5:09–Archbishop Demetrios of America was 92 years old when he was forced to resign by the Patriarch because of the misappropriation of funds with St Nicholas/Archdiocese. 92! Archbishop Sotirios is 86 years old, so he will be here well into his 90s. just look at the Patriarchs desk to understand how disorganized he is, he’s got no 10-15-20 year succession plan. The guys around him at the Phanar are useless. This is no Vatican. It’s just constant chaos.
