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Monday, January 30, 2023

Αναγνώστης ρωτάει για κάποιες Φιλόπτωχες αδελφότητες...

 Greek Orthodox Ladies Philopochos Society of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto ( Canada)


It was recently brought to our attention that the above non-profit Corporation was registered under te Ontario Corporations Act. Some time prior to March 20, 2014. This entity appears to be an in active entity which has neer filed a charity return could this possibly be as a result of the GCT creating Pronia which is a department under the GCT and independently audited  every year ? Why is it not active? Is Sotirios hiding anything else? Could this be the reason his private source of untraceable funds are being audited by CRA? A thorough search of ALL incorporated non-profit corporations shows the following Philoptochos Societies that appear to be independent of the Archdiocese:

1.     Greek Ladies Philoptochos Society " Kimissis Tis Theotokou " Ottawa , Ontario , Canada" 

2.     GreeKOrthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Parish , Windsor

What is going on here? could it be Sotirios is loosing control  or could he be seeing the light that transparency and diafania are indeed paying off


  1. I believe you forgot one more. St Nicholas Laval has one too. This is old news but interesting observation.

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

  2. So what does it mean that they haven’t filed a charity return since 2014? That they supposedly have no money?

    If they’re a registered charity why don’t they give out tax receipts then for donations over $20?

    Sotirios’ money is untraceable because it’s all in his mattress. He sleeps on money. LOLOLOL!

    1. Also can someone respond to 12:41 if you can? I wanna know what it also means that they haven't filed a charity return since 2014? I don't know how those things work.

  3. Is the CRA really auditing the Archbishops’ private source of untraceable funds? But they don’t disclose what they’re investigating even to those who provide evidence. Sotirios has been doing what he’s been doing for decades. Not sure how they’ll catch him now? Who even knows how much money has disappeared after decades.

    I’d like to know how the ecumenical patriarchate is getting $900K lump sum and $900K for building and staff expenses every single year if the audited statements don’t show $1.8 million. I get giving some money to the patriarchate but I don’t get or agree with it not being transparent or done the legal/ethical way. That’s why I don’t get why people give money to the archdiocese when they have no idea where it’s going.

    Would you give your money to a bank if you had no idea where it’s going? If they did not provide you with any documentation? So why is the archdiocese different? Because some old white man is wearing a cross and crown is taking it from you? The stupidity of the people after 50 years of Sotirios is truly embarrassing. He’s played them all. Dummies.

  4. 12:21 pm the $1.8 Mil to the patriarch can only be sent if all those donating are not looking for a tax deduction. Even the Archdiocese cannot hide that much money. How do they send it via a courier? Highly unlikely. As for the CRA audit they have more than enough stuff that does not add up.

    1. 9:12 I’m telling you, it’s $1.8 million a year to the Patriarchate. That’s from Sotirios’ mouth and confirmed by the Phanar. It used to be $900K a year but doubled over the past 3 years. In fact, there was a small group from Canada who went to turkey and the EP said that while America does a lot for the phanar it’s Canada “που στηρίζει” the patriatchate. His words. Not mine.

      There’s some money flowing to the patriarchate from Archons in Montreal. They have an account that sounded like it's not tied to the Archdiocese. There’s a recording of this that was played to me last year. You tell me how to email it to the CRA and I will get them to send it to them if you think it might be useful? Bishop Iakovos is on the recording and he's tied to those archons in Montreal they say on the recording, some Archon who's the finance guy to Sotirios/Archdiocese (not Terry) is on it too and Archbishop Sotirios himself. I could only recognize 2 of the 3 voices but they address the finance archon guy by name I just don't remember but the person who has the recording knows him. It didn't make sense to me why there's this other account and why the money isn't flowing through the Archdiocese like they do in America. No idea but they talk about the money.

      What do you think? Worth sending to CRA or not? Let me know.

    2. I don’t get why they can’t just be normal and have to do everything so secretive. It’s that money secretly going from Quebec to the Phanar which is why Bish Iakovos brags to people how much money he’s sending the Patriarch and why he’s so confident he’ll be next Arch of Canada.

      I don’t suggest sharing it with the CRA now. I’d wait to see if the Patriarch is stupid enough to make him the next Arch and then release it for all to hear, including the feds. Implicate them all if it’s true.

    3. 9:12. You underestimate our Archbishop, he can make money disappear. Including millions. And the CRA won’t be able to pin anything on anything. He’s smarter than all the priests combined in Canada. No one else would have lasted for 50 years for what he’s done. Other would have been removed or been in an orange jumpsuit.

    4. Φυσικά και είναι (;) πιο ...έξυπνος από τους ιερείς της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας του Καναδά, αλλά, δεν μας λέτε, γιατί; Τι τον κάνει να παρουσιάζεται στα δικά σου μάτια ως εξυπνότερος όλων μαζί των ιερέων; Ρε συ, μπας και τους εκβιάζει ...λιγάκι, ως αφεντικό τους, ή αδύστακτος «ιεράρχης» που είναι; Προσωπικά έχω ακούσει με τα ίδια μου τα αυτιά να λένε κάποιοι ότι, αν δεν υπακούσουν στις εντολές του, θα χάσουν τη δουλειά τους και θα αναγκαστούν να κάνουν ντελίβερι πίττσες και άλλα διάφορα ...πικάντικα εδέσματα ή θα βρεθούν πεταμένοι στις εσχατιές του Καναδά, γιαένα κομμάτι ψωμί! Συμφωνώ όμως μαζί σου στο ότι είναι ...μαέστρος στην εξαφάνηση χρημάτων, ακόμα και εκατομμυρίων, χωρίς να μπορεί να τα εντοπίσει ούτα καν η Εφορεία, αλλά αυτό εγώ δεν το λάω εξυπνάδα αλλά μάλον αλητεία θα ήταν η σωστότερη λέξη!! Αλλά, όταν έχει τέτοιους φίλους, τι τους θέλει του εχθρούς; Αφού εσείς τα γνωρίζετε καλύτερα και τα λέτε και ομά......

    5. Ναί ο Σωτήριος εκβιάζει και απειλεί τούς ιερείς του , ακόμη καί λέγοντας ψέμματα.
      Είναι επικίνδυνος και άριστος τέχνης του κοτσομπολιού και της κακολογίας
      .Δεν είναι μόνος του αλλά μαζί του πάνε και κάποιοι παπάδες, που απο τη μιά μεριά τον βρίζουν και από την άλλη κάνουν τον φίλο. Οχι μόνο κάνουν τον φίλο αλλά είναι κ "καρφιά" που πανε στον μπαμπά Σωτήρη να του δώσουν πληροφορίες, Τι τραγωδία!!

  5. We have heard that a voluntary disclosure by a friendly priest and his family opened the eyes of CRA.

    1. 9:15 and his family. right on. Finally, a priest speaks up. Finally, a priest says something, finally! Let this nightmare be over.

    2. You guys shouldn’t right stuff like that because the Arch has people monitoring this blog and they think it’s either Fr Evangekos or Apostolos. Not helpful for them.

    3. 1:42 am the Arch knows it is not not a priest but most likely Nikona who is a dick and Friend of the CRA who is part of his own board. Even the blind deaf and dumb know that the Arch and Merkle have starved and stolen from both these priests that is why they have left or are in the process of leaving. Could it be a mother-in-law of a priest who is bitter at the abuse Sotirios is inflicting on her daughter's family?

      One thing is for sure the arch has a lot of enemies from within and out.

    4. Ya, I know Fr. Evangelos wants to leave St. Nick’s. No idea why LOL?! Who doesn’t love to watch the Council President steal your money right in front of your face? But I find it hard to believe he's really looking to move to Greece? I doubt he can ask for a transfer since Sotirios will just do the same thing Fr Apostolos to until he said he’s going back to Greece and then Sotirios conceded.

      Have you heard the crazy battles going on with Sotirios and the Parish Councils from both Sts Panteleimon (Markham) and Prophet Elias (Mississauga)? It’s like he’s so bored because no one wants to be around him that he’s just starting fights with churches. No idea why he eats alone everyday at the Archdiocese and why Bishop Athenagoras doesn’t speak to him anymore even though they live in the same building.

  6. It’s not active because there’s no money on the books. Way to go Philoptochos, instead of friends of the poor they should call themselves friends of Sotirios.

  7. 10:19 pm Even if there is no "money or activity" they are still obligated to file an information return. I am quite sure somewhere in this Philoptochos they are indeed helping the poor. As for their extra-curricular activities that is another story of its own.

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

    1. If the National Philoptochos is indeed helping the poor, why doesn't anyone know about what they're supposedly doing?

    2. 7 pm because there’s nothing to tell. It’s a slush fund for Archbishop Sotirios. They do nothing. An embarrassment.

  8. Wouldn't it be nice if on a weekly basis the Philoptochos informed the congregation of what it did the week before that was charitable?

  9. 2:49 pm. Wouldn’t it be nice if the GCT Pronia didn’t send all their money to GCT headquarters and actually helped the poor? So not sure what weekly update you’d expect from the 4 GCT churches if they just send it to GCT. What a Sotirios move.

    1. Last time I looked Pronia fed directly and indirectly over $350 families during Christmas anything that is left over goes to the GCT as it should because it provides the facilities that enables these ladies to make money.

    2. 2:51 and then people complain about Sotirios. Philoptochos money should not be going to operating costs of the GCT. People give the money to help the poor. If people want to give the GCT money they will give it directly. And Pronia doesn’t tell people when collecting money that part of the money goes to the GCT operating costs. If people knew that they wouldn’t give. Pronia and Philoptochos are the same. Slush funds. Not helping the poor.

    3. 2:51: Then Pronia should say we are easing fund for the poor and for the GCT. If Sotirios said the money is for X and it was for X and Y, you guys would be all over him, and rightfully so.

  10. Is Pronia not using GCT facilities? Who is going to pay for heat and hydro?
