Αν και είναι λίγο νωρίς ακόμα, για να ασχοληθούμε σοβαρά με αυτό το θέμα, αφού ο Σωτήριος ΔΕΝ έχει φτάσει ούτε καν τα 90 χρόνια της ζωής του και φυσικά αισθάνεται ...παιδάκι, μπροστά σε άλλους, της κατηγορίας του.! Διότι, μην ξεχνάτε ότι ο κουραφέξαλας, ως ...εκπρόσωπος του Θεού στον Καναδά, καε σε ...συνεννόηση μαζί του, έχουν ανεβάσει το προδόκιμο ζωής των εδώ χριστιανών στο 120ο έτος της ηλικίας μας, και το οποίο ο ίδιος προσδοκεί να ξεπεράσει.!
Πέρα, όμως, από το τι λέει ο ίδιος ως
...προφήτης, για το θέμα αυτό, ας ακούσουμε και κάποιες πληροφορίες που έχουμε
από έναν εκ των επιτετραμένων μας, και τι κουβεντιάζεται στα πέριξ,για τον
αντικαταστάτη ...πατέρα μας, και τις κάποιες ...πρόωρες κινήσεις, για
...συμμαχίες του έταιρου επισκόπου και ...πατρός υμών Ιακώβου.!... Διαβάστε,
λοιπόν, και τα ξαναλέμε.:
Unknown commented on "Ο
Σωτήριος, η Μέρκελ και η ...σκουπιδοσακούλα με τις 47.000
1 hour ago
The alliances for the next Archbishop in Canada are in
full swing. Bishop Iakovos has been working desperately hard to flip Toronto
priests and leaders in the community to his side for support. Last night he was
spotted at one of the most expensive steakhouses in downtown Toronto, Harbour
60, where just the single piece of steak costs between $120-$250 (you don’t
even get fries with that! That’s extra money!) but who was he with you ask? Fr
Peter Avryopoulos from GCT Panagia church. Iakovos was also at his church on
Sunday. Is Iakovos targeting GCT churches or Fr Peter specifically? But Bishop
Iakovos only cares about the senior clergy/leaders. He yelled at one of the
junior priests during liturgy yesterday at the Chapel at the Metropolis. Same
bishop who threatened the livelihood of Fr Apostolos and Presvytera last year.
Same bishop who threatened and bullied the Abbess from the monastery in Bolton
earlier this year. Same Bishop who’s either threatened, sworn at, screamed at
pretty much every priest in Quebec and eastern Canada. THE CRAZIEST PART is
that Bishop Iakovos has been sending money to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
to try to BUY the seat as Archbishop of Canada. Read that again. That money is
not his own, Iakovos collects money every time he’s in Toronto when he sleeps
over at Merkel’s house (of St Nick’s) because that is where she keeps the
stolen cash from the church. So Merkel and her Archon are stealing money from
the church to ensure who their next partner in crime will be. So what exactly
is the going rate of bribery for the throne of Canada these days anyway??
Mr. Andipothas, the part about Bish Iakovos trying to pay off Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for the Archbishop seat in Canada has been going on for less than a year, so it’s quite new. He has not only told leaders and clergy in our church here in Canada and Greece that he sends Patriarch Bartholomew «πολλά λεφτά» lots of money but he also confidently tells them he will be the next Archbishop of Cananda. WHO TELLS PEOPLE THEY WILL BE THE NEXT ARCHBISHOP OF CANADA? I don't know what deal he's made with Pat. Bartholomew but he tells lots of people like it's a fact, a done deal, that he will be the next Archbishop of Canada. He even threatens clergy if they don't do what he wants that he will destroy them when he’s Arcbishop. Leadership comes naturally to him.
ReplyDeleteArch Sotirios also told people in Toronto that Bish Iakovos is sending a lot of money to Patriarch Bartholomew. We already knew the money is being funneled from St. Nicks because Merkel has told people she's financially backing Bish Iakovos for Archbishop. She can't not brag.
Also Arch Sotirios won't be staying until he's 90+, recently this year he has started bad-talking Pat Bartholomew to the clergy, to donors, to archons, to faithful. Just ask priests what he said at the one of the more recent synaxis about the Patriarch. This shit always has a way of finding it's way back to the ears of the Patriarch. Let's the games begin..
It will be fucking hilarious to watch the day Barthomolew announces the next Archbishop and it's not Iakovos and he realizes that he got played LMAO!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe day Bishop Iakovos becomes Archbishop is the day the church completely collapses in record time. I give it 5 minutes.
ReplyDeleteYou think that's bad? Well when Bish Iakovos was visiting Mount Athos he told the monks he's going to be the next Archbishop of Canada. Not maybe, but that he will, as a fact. But wait for it, that wasn't just this summer, he said it summer of 2021 too, even before he started sending Patriarch Bartholomew money that's stolen from St Nick’s church by Merkel & Archon E
ReplyDeleteHe tells everyone who will listen that he will become the next Archbishop of Canada. Telling the monks on mount athos is hilarious but he’s also told the nuns here the same thing when he bullies them.
ReplyDeleteread the BS comments between Sotirios and Antonopoulos before he became an auxiliary bishop.
The comments at the bottom of the link are between Antonopoulos and Archon Evan Sotiropoulos from what I see. He was the priest at St Nicks being “interviewed” by the Presidents son for a phony interview? This just get stupider by the minute. These guys are clowns.
DeleteThe funny part is that Bart will appoint Athenagoras as the next archbishop.
ReplyDeleteYep, Iakovos and Athenagoras each met with Patriarch Bart when they were on vacation this summer. It was after Sotirios was at the Phanar for a couple of days (beginning of July). Except the only one who tells people they’re taking over is Iakovos. The only reason Athenagoras hasn’t left Toronto despite the chaos at the archdiocese is because he’s waiting to see how things play out which makes sense. He’s the only one from the old crew left at the Archdiocese who lives there. Everyone else has left or was transferred. Athenagoras told people in Thessaloniki and Toronto that Iakovos told him when he (Iakovos) becomes Archbishop that he’ll take him out at the kneecaps LMAO! The midget threatening the giant? LOLOLO!
ReplyDeleteΒρέθηκε τελικά και κάποιος που να αναφέρει το όνομα του επικρατέστερου διάδοχου του Σωτήριου, του Πατάρων Αθηναγόρου. Μέλος του Ροταριανού όμιλου και φανατικός οπαδός του, άφησε την Θεσσαλονίκη για να έρθει στον Καναδά και να είναι υπό τις διαταγές ενός κατώτερου σε προσόντα, συναδέλφου του, του Ιάκωβου; Αν είναι δυνατόν!!! Εκτός κι' αν το συγκεκριμένο κουσούρι, είναι αχτύπητο στους ..κόλπους της εκκλησίας! Ο χρόνος θα δείξει.....
DeleteAt this point I just want Sotirios gone and anyone to replace him except for Iakovos because it will be endless entertainment to watch Iakovos lose his shit. For those who have watched or been the recipient of Iakovos losing his shit and screaming and swearing, I don’t believe there will be a more priceless moment than the day Sotirios’ successor is announced. It will be victory for clergy and monastics across Canada who can’t stand him.
DeleteΓίνανε Επισκοποι για να υπηρετήσουν το Χριστό ή το χρυσό. ?Ολοι για θέση και εξουσία ενδιαφέρονται. Οι δήθεν ευσέβειες είναι του κ@λου.
ReplyDeleteΚαι εσείς όλοι σας είσαστε αυτό που λέει η παροιμία "δύο γάιδαροι μάλωναν σε ξένο αχερώνα". Οι μεν υπέρ, οι δε κατά, λέω εγώ τώρα, συναντηθείτε κάπου και πλακωθείτε στο ξύλο, να ησυχάσουμε και εμείς και από τη φαγούρα που έχουμε αν θα γίνει αρχιεπος ο άλλος ο κουραφέξαλας. Έλεος πια!
ReplyDeleteSo don’t read the blog then. No one’s forcing you to read the comments.
DeleteΕίσαι βλάξ που κάθεσαι και διαβάζεις το τι κάνει κάθε κουραφέξαλας, λες και θα σε δώσει μερτικό από τα τυχερά του. Διαβάζω πολλά και διάφορα blogs μήπως και ανοίξουν λιγάκι τα μάτια μου. Εσύ με τα παπαδίστικα blogs δεν πρόκειται να ξετσιμπλιάσεις στον αιώνα τον άπαντα.
ReplyDeleteΛες να μην το ξέρω κύριε ότι είμαι βλάκας, και όχι μόνον επειδή διαβάζω στα μπλογκς, για το τι κάνει ο κάθε κουραφέξαλος; Όμως πώς θα ξέρω τι γράφουν αν πρώτα δεν τα διαβάσω; Στο κάτω κάτω, το ίδιο δεν κάνεις κι’ εσύ, ώστε να γράφεις τα όσα γράφεις; Εκτός κι’ αν το έκανες, μόνο και μόνο για να έχω παρέα, έναν ακόμα βλάκα, εσένα! Ακόμα, πώς ξέρεις ότι δεν διαβάζω και γω διάφορα άλλα μπλόγκς; Εκτός του ότι εσύ που τα διαβάζεις, το κάνεις «μήπως και ανοίξουν λίγο τα μάτια σου» όπως ομολογείς... Σταμάτα λοιπον τις παπάρες σου γιατί εκτίθεσαι χωρίς να καταλάβεις!!
DeleteWait a minute, Bish Iakovos tells everyone he is vegan. Wonder how he liked his steak at Harbour 60?... maybe he just had salad! Clown!
ReplyDeleteHe tells people he’s vegan? Well you can also find him at La Castile, another high end steak house when he's not at Harbour 60. I'm sure he orders a salad.
DeleteΚάποια κυρία παλαιότερα, έλεγε πως από όλες τις σαλάτες καλύτερα είναι τα στέκια. Μπορεί κάτι να ήξερε για τον bish.
ReplyDelete10.09 AM, είσαι πολύ αργός, σκέπτεσαι σωστά αλλά πολύ καθυστερημένα.