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Friday, October 7, 2022

Νίκωνας: Όπως έχω πει και στο παρελθόν, η GCT και η HCGM (Μόντρεαλ) έφεραν την Εκκλησία στον Καναδά και όχι το αντίστροφο. (Δεν με πιστεύετε; Ρωτήστε την Ελληνική Κοινότητα του Βανκούβερ...)


Not for me to say what CRA will do. All I can say they are always looking for favourable press ie.catching tax evaders offshore entities and tax cheats. To set the record straight I personally did not take him to court. The GCT board did. 15 board members and the membership decided to “ take him to court”. Unfortunately I was present during all the discoveries. This really irks the Archdiocese. I heard the real truth under oath. I personally reviewed the court ordered disclosures. The stuff that will never become public because it is embarrassing. Since when did enormous wealth become priority#1 for any religious institution? I shall let those who blindly believe answer that one. It’s like saying you have an army without any soldiers. Completely useless. I personally could care less if the Archdiocese implodes. I As I have said in the past the GCT and the HCGM ( Montreal) brought the church to Canada not the other way around. Besides what the Archbishop Sotirios claims these institutions are not religious institutions if they were he would have taken them over. Don’t believe me ? Ask the Hellenic community of Vancouver. 3:43 pm if you believe what you write you should identify yourself.

Nikona Georgakopoulos


  1. Sotirios spoke under oath? And you think he told the truth? I can't even imagine what you and the board heard and read. It's crazy how an institution like the church here in Canada is run like a dictatorship with accountability to no one. I don't know of any other institution run like this and run into the ground like this.

    1. It was not only The Archbishop who spoke under oath. There were others representing the Archdiocese which I am quite sure would have no reason to lie. There were also legal disclosures such as accounting records and audited statements. Now if you believe the independent auditor lied. Which I do not believe they did then there are bigger issues. The actual redacted statements were disclosed a few weeks ago by CRA and posted on this blog. I had the privilege of reviewing the un-redacted ( blacked out ) versions and can say it was interesting.

      Nikona Georgakopoulos

    2. The sad part this is the m o of our church. Fuck religion bring the money and coverup our misdeeds. That is why it is run as a dictatorship.

    3. It’s telling that no religious leader in Canada trusts Sotirios as far as they can toss him.

    4. Where were the redacted statements posted on the blog? I don't see a big post about it. Thanks.

  2. You were on the board werent you? you voted yes didnt you?

  3. Im willing to bet that this was done so that you sickos at the GCT and your sick obsession with Sotirios and his supposed homosexuality; so that you guys could get him to admit it and that he would be in record that you could publicise and pound your chests. In the end though you got nothing cause everything is sealed up, because you had no case and you were going to be held liable for defamation and personally as well. You probably wont publish this but remember, you settled because you were going to lose large, along with the GCT.

    1. What your boss admitted to I shall leave to your imagination.

      We were never personally liable. As for the statement of claim everything was fully supported. Are the discoveries sealed?
      Ask your boss to get clarification from his lawyers is indeed they are. But according to you guys he has nothing to hide. Yah right!

      Nikona Georgakopoulos

    2. 2:01 why don’t you ask the students in residence about his love of approaching from behind?

    3. yes 11:05 why dont we ask them? Why are you involving them you fucking sicko. Yours and everyone elses fascination with pedophilia and homosexuality and god knows what else on this blog is sick! You all ate sickos.

    4. Γιατί δεν τους ρωτάς εσύ ρε παλιομαλάκα; Κρύβεσαι κάτω από την φούστα σου, παλιοχέστη, και απαιτείς από τους άλλους να ρωτήσουν το γιατί... Μάλιστα ανακατεύεις και τον μπλόγκ, σε αυτό, αντι να πούμε ευχαριστώ που μας επιτρέπει να λέμε ελεύθερα τη γνώμη μας. Γνώμη, όμως και όχι τις πουστιές σας, επειδή είστε όλοι σχεδόν συκιές και φτερούδες!!! Άντε βρες κανεναν παιδαρά να σε βολέψει, πουστόπαιδο επικυψία και άσε την Σωτηρία να απολαύσει ότι προλάβει, στον πισινό της...

    5. 7:41 gamiesai palio poustara. ai glypse ton kolo to nikonaass poustara.

  4. Νικοναας, πας να δικαιολογήσεις τα αδικαιολόγητα. Μην κάνεις των αθώο γιατί δεν είσαι, και δεν κοροϊδεύεις κανέναν. Πήγαινε βρες τα με τον Σωτήριο και μετά ελα να μας πεις για την αθωότητα σου.

  5. Ρε μαλάκα αν πιστεύεις τις μαλακίες που λες θα βάλεις το όνομά σου

  6. 2:05 pm with no name. You know there is no chance in Hell I would do anything you don’t believe in.

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

  7. Nikonass voted against the shitty proposal and stated it publicly many times.

    The guy who fed CRA info on the illegal activities going on at the Metropolis and now the Archdiocese. God bless the fact there are disgruntled priests, directors and staff who love to share little secrets with me.

    1. So the Philiptochos lost it's charitable status a while back. So churches (except Pronia) can't issue tax receipts for philoptochos donations.

      Does anyone know exactly how long ago this happened and why?

      It's a big deal to lose your charitable status. It's a big deal for the philanthropic arm (or what it’s supposed to be instead of a slush fund) of the archdiocese of canada to lose it.

    2. Philoptochos controlled by Sotirios was thrown out of all the GCT owned churches.

  8. I dony know how long ago but i know its because of nikonaass and others persistent and sick obsession with taking down Sotirios. Everyone pays because of their sick obsession.

    1. 2:13 ummm, nooo it's Sotorios and the Philoptochos who is to blame for having their charitable status revoked. If they were clean and did things by the law even if someone reported them no one could touch them. The federal government doesn't launch an investigation without evidence because it's too resource intensive otherwise.

      That's like a drunk driver getting caught because someone called 911. It's the person who is driving who is responsible for his actions not the person who did the right thing to ensure the streets are safe. Since when is sweeping Illegal behaviour under the rug acceptable behaviour? Whoever reported them did the right thing because there are old ladies who give all of their money to the church and don't have much to begin with, it’s extremely unethical and immoral what the Philoptochos and Sotirios did. Frankly, it's disgusting.

    2. 2:13 pm. You are probably right now go back and play with your boss before he goes after another innocent child.

    3. That turned dark fast. And if it was Nikona, someone give him the medal of freedom. Thank you for your service.

  9. Ο Σωτήριος κ. δικολάβε του, πέρα από τον αγώνα του να ικανοποιήσει τις επίκτιτες ορέξεις του πισινού του, επιμένει για πάνω από 40 χρόνια, τώρα, να ικανοποιήσει και τις οικονομικές βλέψεις όλων των πατριαρχών και του Φαναρίου, όπου στεγάζονται, μεταφέροντάς τους ΟΛΗ την περιουσία των Ορθόδοξων αποδήμων Ελλήνων του εξωτερικού!! Για τοιούτα καθάρματα ομιλούμε, χωρίς να ντρέπονται καθόλου. Η μισή Κοινότητα του Τορόντο έμεινε ακόμα εκτός με το ένα πόδι της και βασικά η Ελληνική Κοινότητα Μοντρεάλης, η οποία ετοιμάζεται να κατεβάσει τα πανταλώνια της δια του κ. Σύρου. Ο πρόεδρος γιατρός Τσούκας προβάλει μια κάποια αντίσταση, αλλά δεν θα αντέξει, και λόγω ηλικίας, τις πιέσεις του περίγυρού του. Προχθές, μάλιστα, αναφέρθηκαν και δημόσια κάποια ονόματα από αυτά και δεν εύγαλε κανένας ούτε μια κουβέντα κάτι που δίχνει την αλήθεια του γεγονότος. Αλλά ο καιρός θα τα επιβεβαιώσει. Περιμένουμε.....
