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Saturday, September 24, 2022

Ο Σωτήριος, η Μέρκελ και η ...σκουπιδοσακούλα με τις 47.000 ...σκουπίδια.!!!


Μια καλοβαλμένη ιστορία ή οποία, η οποία μόνον αληθινή μιάζει να είναι, αν την συγκρίνει κανείς με τα έργα και τις ημέρες του Σωτηρίου, και τα όσα έχουν, κατά καιρούς, δει το φως της δημοσιότητας, γύρο από την συγκεκριμένη ενορία. Επειδή, όμως, ο/η συγγραφέας της μας είναι άγνωστος/η,

 ώστε να μην μπορούμε να διασταυρώσουμε κάποια στοιχεία της, επιφυλασσόμεθα ως προς τον σχολιασμό της, περιμένοντας τους όποιους ενορίτες, γνωρίζουν λίγα περισσότερα και με κάποιες λεπτομέρειες...

Διαβάστε την, λοιπόν, και «ό,σοι πιστοί» χριστιανοί,προσέλθετε να καταθέσετε τα όσα γνωρίζετε, προς άφεση αμαρτιών:

Unknown commented on "Ξεκινάει επίσημα έρευνα της Υπηρεσίας Εσόδων, για τα οικονομικά του Αγ. Νικολάου.!"

20 mins ago

The story behind the bag of $47,000 cash dropped off to Archbishop Sotirios of Canada is known because the President of St Nick’s church  publicly said it herself. Tas. Merkel was on the Danforth and went into a Greek flower shop and she had put her bag down to look at some things. When she was done she realized her bag was missing. She lost her mind and started screaming at the store employees saying what happened to my bag?! And that (in Greek) I have $47,000 cash in my bag I need to drop of to Archbishop Sotirios today! Read that again, $47,000 worth of cash for Sotirios! Well she found the bag that she put down herself, and no the employees didn't steal it as she implied to them. My question to Sotirios, who I know has his staff read him Andipothas in the afternoon or evenings like it's his bedtime stories so he can monitor what's being said about him and his corrupt church, is: what do you need $47,000 worth of cash for, Your Eminence? And what did you do with it exactly? Why is the President of st Nick’s collecting that much cash and not depositing it in the bank? And why isn't she transferring the money to the Archdiocese through the bank? It's one thing to suspect things like this happening in the church. It's another when one of the two corrupt people involved admits it by yelling it out on the Danforth. Did they pay taxes on that $57,000 cash? Does the CRA know this is happening between St Nick’s church and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada? And how much is Merkel also personally pocketing from these money cash schemes? Because we know that happened to the money when she organized a bus load of ladies to go to the Elder Joseph monastery in Roscoe NY, the monastery didn't get any donation for hosting and feeding them, the money vanished that she collected. And how much money exactly did Merkel pay in cash for the renovations of her son Archon Evangelιοs (Evan) big house on Bayview? Must be nice to have mommy pay for your house in bags of stolen cash from church. I mean doesn't everyone dream that the home they live in is from stolen cash from your church? At this point nothing surprises me. If someone told me StNicks is a front for money laundering i’d say, of course, what else is new.



  1. Ya I know which florist they're talking about on the Danforth, I know them as does my family, we know about the $47,000 bag of cash for Sotirios too. It's just another day of money smuggling in the Greek Church. She's at the archdiocese every day and she's not quiet when she's bringing Sotirios a bag of cash either, she brags about it like she's somehow cool. Someone might want to tell her she's not and that's she's a kleptomaniac like her buddy Sotirios.

  2. Ρε σεις κύριοι, η Σητήριος δεν ντράπικε ποτές του, όταν ακόμα ήταν νέος, για τα έσχη που έκανε, όσον αφορά τα οικονομικά σκάνδαλα και θα ντραπεί τώρα που λιγόστεψαν τα ψωμιά του και το ξέρει; Δεν ντράπικε καθόλου όταν οι αρχές ερευνόντας τον θάνατο του μοναχού Μαρτίνου, κατέλιξαν σ' αυτόν ως τον ΜΟΝΑΔΙΚΟ κατηγορούμενο και βέβαια λόγω των σχέσεων με την γνωστή υπεροργάνωση, τη γλύτωσε φτινά! Δεν ενοχλήθηκε όταν το αδελφάκι του μικρού που αυτοκτώνησε από τη ντροπή του επειδή το έβαλε χέρι, τούριξε δημόσ
    ια εκείνες τις σφαλιάρες και το στικάκι, δεν έκανε κιχ έκτοτε για το ζήτημα, ως να μην συνέβη κασι τα παρόντα κασθίκια τον ακολουθούν ακόμα, αποπίσω... Ακόμα και πουστόπαιδα της πρώην διοίκησης υπόγραψαν να τα πάρει όλα κι' έβαλαν μια προεδρίνα μπροστά για να τους καλύψη και να φωτογραφηθεί λιγο παραπάνω, όπως κάνει ο Σωτήρης. Γιαυτό σας λέω μην ασχολείστε με την σακούλα γιατί υπάρχουν πολλ΄λες τέτοιες καταθεμένες σε οφ σώρ εταιρέίες! Μια άλλη φορά όμως.

    1. 5:22 pm what?? Can you share more about the death of Monk Martino? Was he a monk at Geronta Ephraims old men’s monastery in Ontario? Would this be in the English newspapers? Never heard about this.

  3. Less paper trail less chance of getting caught. Unfortunately Merkle the idiot can’t keep her mouth shut.

  4. Archon Enangelos pay is public, you can Google it, he only makes just over $100K and he’s building a $5 million dollar home. The family doesn’t come from inherited wealth and Merkel only lives in a bungalow so they didn’t grow up rich. To build you need money up front, it’s not an IOU. He also has kids which aren’t free either. Hopefully when his house is complete he will invite over the parishioners from St Nick’s church who are unknowingly paying for his $5M new build home. Merkel works in a cafeteria of a school as her day job so only a few hours a day, that’s it. That family has been stealing money from the church since Bishop Iakovos was the priest there and then had to leave in the middle of the night after Sotirios got the call from that mom that Fr Iakovos “pulled a Sotirios” on her son in the altar. That’s when it started and it went into full gear when Fr Fanourios took over, he’s as clean as Merkel and Sotirios. And once Fanourios was kicked out for fake crying over spoons, it’s been a revolving door of priests since so far none of them are ok with her writing false donation receipts, or taking cash from the school and not declaring it, and taking all the cash from the church. We already know Sotirios is as dirty as they come, does it get any lower than being a pedophile? But we also know he sexually abuses priests, students and Archon. Evan.. That’s been happening for a very long time, what mother turns a blind eye to that? Your son is in the Archbishop’s bedroom alone for how long and you do nothing? No wonder she gets to take so much money from St Nick’s and Sotirios doesn’t say anything. We know Sotirios is a pedophile, what’s her excuse? Money? The people who give money to St Nick’s are part of the sick problem in the church! It’s hard to run a church with no people, when will people stop going there? Sure there’s less people there now after what they did to Fr Apostles and Presvytera at the hands of Bishop Iakovos, Merkel, Sotirios, but there’s still people. Who can go to a church knowing that their money is being stolen by the Merkel,, Archon and Archbishop? Wake up people your church is being investigated by the CRA (Canadian revenue agency) for a reason! If people say they love the church, then they need to go to another church that will actually use your money for the church, not to pay for archons homes

    1. Off topic but have you heard anything about Fr. Konstantinos being moved from St. demetrios? I hope this doesn’t happen

  5. That “money drop” from Merkel to Sotirios happens guaranteed once a month. Anyone who works at the Archdiocese and has a pulse know about it because she comes in like the Tasmanian devil. And none of that cash is accounted for. No one, including his financial lap dog, has any idea where the bag of cash goes. I’d like to know where she’s storing all this cash until she gives it to Sotirios and how much is her cut? Is the cash being kept at the Presidents house? How much does Archon Evangelos get from mamma dearest?

    Let’s do some basic math:
    $50K x 12 months = $600,000 CASH to Sotirios per year and this charade has been going on for a solid decade so $6 MILLION DOLLARS CASH to Sotirios courtesy of St. Nick’s dummy parishioners, the Chinese students and let’s not forget the mobile mosque in the basement of the church during the week.

  6. 10:24– LOLOL! When “pulled a Sotirios” is synonymous with pedophilia. While true, it’s still batshit crazy.

  7. Here we go again Nikonass , the pousti roufiano stirring the pot again.
    What is wrong with Merkle taking from the church and giving to her son who happens to be a Manager of Intergovernmental Relations for the Province of Ontario and makes $115,745.42 per year to build a multi million dollar house?

    The 2021 St Nicholas CRA disclosure shows revenue of $73,896 (receipted donations plus non-receipted deessco donations) less total salaries of $50,736 which leaves $23,160 or $445.38 per week to pay heat,hydro,snow clearing and everything else for 30,000+ square feet of buildings.

    How long do you think it will take CRA to catch on?

    1. 10:47 you are the funniest. I agree, no idea what’s wrong with the President of a Greek Orthodox Church taking money for her sons home, I mean he is a parishioner after all!
      Do all parishioners at St Nick’s get money to build their homes, if so I’ll start going there instead, my house could use a few upgrades.

      The revenue is listed as $74K for the year at St Nicks? LOLOLOL!!!! That’s next level bullshit.

  8. Έλα Αντίποδα, το γύρισες από εδώ το γύρισες από εκεί, πάλι στο αγαπημένο σου θέμα, το παπαδαριό. Και με πολλούς αναγνώστες που ενδιαφέρονται τόσο για αυτό το θέμα. Δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω γιατί τόσο ζόρισμα σε όλους αυτούς, αφού το γνωρίζουν πολύ καλά, πως οι εκκλησιές είναι δικά του μαγαζιά και πολύ καλά κάνει που μαζεύει τις εισπράξεις από τα ερίφια, έχοντας και το κατάλληλο προσωπικό τις παπαδο-χήνες.

  9. 10:47 for starters your wife who was my ex-girlfriend would disagree with the "pousti" part and I can easily get over the " roufiano" part. Your analysis was exceptional BUT you forgot to subtract the consulting fees of $2,826 which leaves St Nicholas parish with $391 per week to pay those expenses. That in my opinion would be a miracle which I do not believe in.
    All the best with their upcoming concert.

    Nikona Georgakopoulos CPA,CA,CFP,TEP

  10. Nikona or anyone else who knows church finances. How much would an average church that size bring in a year?

    Because $74K doesn’t make any sense just even when you think of paying for a priest and office secretary, if those numbers were real, which they’re not, they’d have to sell the church because it couldn’t sustain itself on such little money. But I have no idea how much churches of that size bring in a year (outside of covid lockdown).

    Also I know those numbers are garbage because Merkel alone issued $40K worth of donation receipts to 4 people (but they really only gave $2-3K each but got a receipt for $10K, another church scam) in 2021, witnessed by others, included men in black.

    I don’t know who reported this to the CRA (but thank you!!) but if someone has additional information to provide them about what they’ve witnessed how would one go about reporting it now that an investigation has been launched. Can you still provide information or testimony?

  11. So all of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese churches in Canada have now been reported to the CRA. Whether they will investigate all of them is yet to be determined. It’s not so much the actual churches that will be the problem here since those parish councils (except St Nicks) hate Sotirios and aren’t his lapdogs. It’s the other properties or initiatives that fall under the direct purview of the Archdiocese and Archbishop that will be the problem. Like Prophet Elias has a massive warehouse that’s being rented out but the tenants pay Sotirios directly and bypass the church council completely so no one has any idea if they’re paying in cash or not or if taxes are being paid. Metamorphosis has a daycare that’s not run by the church council either and the money goes directly to the Archdiocese. Etc etc.

    I want to know what’s going to happen if the CRA looks at the yearly income for the large churches like St Panteleimon and Prophet Elias and compares it with St Nicks who only declared $74K last year. How does the church explain how the other large churches are bringing in a lot more money but the 30,000 sq ft church at Nick’s brought in a measly $74K?

    All anyone is talking about is how St Nicks is being investigate by the CRA. Maybe Sotirios should ask his buddy Bishop Iakovos to steal more money from his Philoptochos to deflect attention away from his beloved Merkel and Archon Evangelos?! I’m sure if Sotirios asks nicely Iakovos will say fine I’ll take more money from my church.

  12. Don’t worry CRA is aware of these posts.

    1. 1:05 now that is helpful sir.

      Hello CRA,

      There are Greek Orthodox priests who are willing to talk to you about what they witnessed firsthand from the President of St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church on Bayview Avenue in Toronto. And what illegal activity the President Tasia tried to get them to do but they refused to do and she threatened that she would get them back for it. Priests have been fired and transferred for not cooperating in the illegal schemes of signing false donation receipts for taxes because they saw the amount that was given in cash and the amount listed on the receipt did not match, not even close. The tax receipts from donations supersede the 2021 income filings of St Nicholas church. This has been going on for over a decade. The reason it's come out now is that there is a revolving door of priests who won't participate in the illegal activity the previous two priests did (Frs Fanourios Pappas you can find him now at Metamorphosis Church on the Danforth and Dimitrios Antonopoulos, now known as Bishop Iakovos who can be found at St George in Montrea or sleeping over at President Tasias house). The school on the property only pays the President Tasia of the church in cash every month and this has been witnessed many times. The banquet hall on the property has events on a regular basis that people pay in cash but are not listed as income to avoid taxes. And every single month the President Tasia brings a bag of cash to Archbishop Sotirios of Canada at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada at 86 Overlea Blvd in Toronto in amounts ranging from at least around $50,000 but they are not accounted for in the Archdiocese books. Some staff, current and past, have said some of the cash money is being sent to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, you can find him at: Yavuz Sultan selim Mah. Dr. Sadık Ahmet Cad. Nr. 19, 34083 Fatih, Turkey. A recent recording also exists from an Archdiocesan Meeting of Archbishop Sotirios of Canada and his financial advisor informing the council that in 2021 they sent the Ecumenical Patriarchate $1.8 million dollars but if you look at the Archdiocese tax filings for 2021 nothing even close to that amount is listed. The recording also has how the money is broken down: $900K for the Patriarchate (like a franchise fee) and another $900K for staff and building maintenance of the Patriarchate. If there's a way I can upload audio.recordings about money regarding the 2021 filings to the CRA please let me know how to do it and I will try to figure it out.

      Thank you for your service CRA. We just want this illegal activity to finally stop in the Greek Orthodox Church of Canada. And they owe you a lot of money in taxes which I would think the federal government would want.

      While the CRA caught illegal activity happening a long time ago at All Saints Greek Orthodox Church on Bayview Avenue in Toronto with tax receipts for donations, that was nothing compared to the massive operation happening at St Nick’s Greek Orthodoc Church in Toronto because the Archdioxese owns the property of that church so Archbishop Sotirios can control it easier. All Saints Church is under the Greek orthodox church but the property is privately owned because they don't trust Archbishop Sotirios.

  13. 7:40 should be somewhere between $350k and & $500k on a non covid year.

    Nikona Georgakopoulos CPA,CA,CFP,TEP


  15. As I read all these posts I find myself saying these people doing these illegal activities must have shit for brains. The smart people who do these kind of things never let anybody in on what they are doing, not their family members , priests or anybody else. One thing is for sure when they nail Merkle and her family members EVERYBODY WILL COOPERATE WITH CRA including Sotirios’ bitches who receive the funds on his behalf because he never gets his hands dirty that is why he always gets away with this kind of stuff. Wait till his priests start talking too. We will become the joke of the town. The best part those that supply usable information will get paid for their services. Praise the lord.

    1. 1:24 a.m. How would people who supply usable informatuon get paid for their services? By the government? I thought it's all treated as anonymous.

      Also do you really think a Greek mother stealing from the church could keep her mouth closed? It's genetically impossible for Greek mothers not to gossip about anything and everything. This is why you get men to do this.

    2. 1:24 i’ll give usable information, how do I get paid?! Everyone will give usable information then LOL!

  16. Does anyone know what happened at All Saints back in the day when they were caught for fake donation receipts? Did they lose their license or have to pay a fee?

    All I know is that Fr John Kouloras was kicked out of our church but that was from Sotirios.

    I ask because the president of at nick’s church Tasia/Merkel is brazenly telling people: Ναι καλά, τι θα με κάνουνε; Ya ok (whatever), what are they (The CRA) going to do to me? The President thinks she’s untouchable because she's been breaking the law for so long and nothing has happened to her or the church.

  17. All saints got saved by some really friendly pros that made it crystal clear the board was not involved in anything to do with the inflated/ fake donation receipts. It cost them a few hundred thousands of dollars in legal fees. In the case of Merkle she appears to be the ring leader if what is written is true she will get a rude awakening. I see some charitable statuses being revoked as a minimum. Then let’s see how Sotirios gets future donations. St nikolas’ crimes are small compared to those of the archdiocese’s. Remember how Al Capone got busted.

    1. Good point, Al Capone got busted on tax evasion and the rest is history.

  18. 1:49 so the All Saints tax scam was solely blamed on Fr John K? Really? I doubt Fr John was signing all the tax receipts that apparently was in the millions?

  19. The other churches owned by the archdiocese that have day cares, warehouses etc. are dealt directly with the archdiocese. The parish councils are completely out of it. So the tenants pay the archdiocese and it's a lot of money. But no one knows if they pay in cash and if it's accounted for on the archdiocese income filings.

    Also I'm sure if the CRA compared the 2021 filings of say the other large churches like Prophet Elias and St Pateleimon church they’ll find a significant discrepancy in declared income for 2021 which wouldn't make sense how another church could declare $500,000 + and St Nick’s only $74,000.

  20. You guys are cutting off your noses to spite your faces. If CRA takes away tax status, they will do it for all the churches including the GCT ones. Not only are you all lowlife low IQ rats or should i say roufiani, your also dumb. Way to go nikonass.

    1. 6:32 The GCT churches aren’t owned by the Archdiocese. Their NPO status has nothing to do with the Archdiocese. GCT is registered separately. Read the federal legislation.

      And here’s a news flash. You don’t ignore illegal activity in the church when evidence appears. If you think a coverup is the solution than you’re part of the problem and you're not different than they are.

      Frankly I'm surprised it took this long to finally get the evidence after Merkel, Sotirios, Iakovos and Fanourios were doing this illegal shit for over a decade. The good thing that came out of Sotirios kicking out Fanourios from St Nick’s for the failed coup against him was that they filled St Nicks with priest after priest after priest who not only witnessed illegal activity at the church, at the banquet hall and at the school but that on top of it Markel tried to implicate them by trying to force them to sign the fake tax receipts and then threatened them when they didn't!

      The CRA doesn't investigate without evidence. And whatever happens to St Nick’s isn't anyones fault but Merkel, Sotiros and their side kicks. The actual people that are stealing. Period.

    2. 6:32pm “your also dumb” LOLOLO! Buddy you can't even spell out the insult. That’s middle school English. I’d be shocked if your IQ is over 90.

    3. hey 6:11. he did spell it correctly. I think you should check before you speak. Seems your IQ is lacking.

  21. Oh and tomorrow’s the next Archdiocesan meeting. Let's see what they tell us about St Nick’s.

  22. To be quite frank with you 6:32 pm GCT would welcome an audit which would give CRA more details of what really goes on at the Archdiocese. GCT’s financials are public unlike others. They got nothing to hide.

    Nikonass Georgakopoulos

  23. If I was speaking to CRA chicken shit of the cloth you guys would all be in jail.

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

    1. Please Nikona speak to the CRA on behalf of all of us in Canada!

  24. rats? Because people are reporting serious illegal activity? This isn't jaywalking. You have a problem with what's going on with the CRA take it up with the degenerates breaking the law. I'm sure you have them on speed dial. And in case you don’t here's Sotirios’ cell # (416) 575-1936.

  25. 10:34 Which Archdiocesan counsel ? The one that listens to bullshit lies the Archbishop says and then repeats it enough times to try and make themselves believe it? Ask him how much of the $200k raised for Baby Alexander went to him. Could it be under $1,500 as Nikonass and CRA state in public.

    1. The archdiocesan meeting that took place on Monday at the Archdiocese. And then Sotirios went to Kingston for the Synaxis with the clergy which ends on Thursday afternoon. Sotirios started off the meeting with the complaints he’s received from clergy against each other. Fun times. Zzzzzz!

  26. CRA: Things to look deep into:
    1. Baby Alexander fundraiser where funds were raised for one purpose and used for another-Sotirio's war chest talk to Nikona Georgakopoulos he may be able to shine some light.
    2. St Nick's-Rental Income Metropolitan Banquet Hall- non remittance of HST and unreported income.
    3. St Nick's-Rental income from basement not reported
    4. St Nick's - Rental income from Daycare not reported
    6. St Nick's - Rental income from Yorkland High School not reported
    7.Metamorphosis - Rental Income from daycare Network child services-
    8.Prophet Ilias Mississauga - Rental of warehouse not reported.
    9. St. Panteleimon Greek Orthodox Church of Markham- Rental income from farm land -not reported
    10. All priests get paid between $300 and $600 per funeral unreported income.
    11. Secret annual Christmas cash payments to Sotirios to do as he sees fit around $50,000.
    12. The Ladies auxiliary in Greek called Philoptochos of every church is a front for delivering cash payments to Sotirios none of them can reconcile their books. a few hundred thousand per year.

    There are at least another 50 more your auditors will have a field day with the above and others. This institution is worse than the mob when they get caught they will claim it was an honest mistake. How many of those can you have without getting charged

    There are at least another 50 more your auditors can find them but pay special attention to the cash deposits which never reconcile.

  27. 11:19 PM that is solid list.

    For the CRA in regards to #3: the President of St Nick’s Tasia has been renting the basement of the church to a Muslim group who gather 2 nights during the week for worship. The faithful in the church know because there has been overlap of Greek Orthodox services on the main floor and the Muslim services in the basement and parishioners could hear them praying so loud the Greek priest had to turn up his microphone to drown the voices in the basement.

    Also, we know the CRA was already investigating the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the National Philoptochos society and the Greek Orthodox monastery in Quebec. I have a recording of Archbishop Sotirios of Canada telling his Archdiocesan Council (his executive committee of people he trusts and some of the people who participate in the illegal activity in our church) that if you/the CRA find anything he will just tell you that they didn’t know and it was an honest mistake and nothing was done out of malice. He told his executive committee what his “talking points” would be if they get caught, before the CRA even tells them if they found anything.

    If you would like the recording to hear it yourselves just let me know where to send it. It’s the same strategy they will use if you find anything at St Nick’s and all of the other church properties listed above. Archbishop Sotirios knows how to play/work the system, he’s very smart, and has elected officials and other senior leaders who help him out when he’s in a bind. He’s gotten away with this for decades, he’s that good.

  28. Hey 11:19, are you sure?

  29. Hey NikonASS have you paid all the people that you owe money too? Are they still chasing you trying to get their money?

    1. Γράψε και το γαμιμένο σου όνομα ρε μαλάκα, όταν κατηγορείς κάποιον άλλο για τέτοια πράματα. Γράψε το για να δούμε πόσες απάτες έχεις στην πλάτη σου. Αλλά κάποια πούστρα της Σωτήριας κλίκας είσαι και συ, με τι αρχίδια να ομολολγήσεις;

    2. Να γράψω το γαμημενο όνομα μου όταν γράψεις εσύ το γαμημενο δικό σου, ρε μαλακα ανώνυμε.

    3. Και μόνο που νομίζεις ότι είναι το ίδιο πράμα, σκέψου λίγο, πόσο Μ Α Λ Α Κ Α Σ είσαι!!! Εσύ ρε μαλάκα αναφέρεις το όνομα κάποιου Νίκωνα, γνωστού σε όλους μας σχεδόν, και τον κατηγορείς ότι δεν πλήρωσε κανέναν από όσους χρωστάει.. Το ίδιο πράγμα είμαστε ρε αρχιμαλάκα του κερατά; Αϊγαμίσου αρχιδι-άκονε βρωμερή πούστρα της Σωτήρος.....

    4. Ναι το ίδιο είναι. ανώνυμος εσύ ανώνυμος εγώ. Άρα εσύ είσαι ο μέγας Μ Α Λ Α Κ Α Σ. Και αφού βλέπω οτι καταλαβαίνεις από πούστηδες, είσαι και μέγας ΠΟΥΣΤΗΣ!

  30. I most certainly do not owe anybody money especially any money worshiping godless idiot of the cloth. By the way why don't you ask your boss how his priests would feel knowing that he has different paygrades for his corporately owned churches. The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario may start getting busy again. ( Oh and trust me there is a lot more "juicy stuff" than 11:59 pm wrote). Know lets see who the ass is.
    Nikona Georgakopoulos

  31. Theres no “there there”. Other than the normal corporate chicanery. Which btw the GCT does too. The difference is Sotirios is an astute CEO of his organization and has managed to build enormous wealth for it. Too bad that he didnt build up the spiritual side of it but thats a different discussion. The GCT on the other hand squandered all the money it collected over the years and its 9 lives with the public to fucken dishwashing greeks who served their interests not the community’s. What Sotirios is to blame for is the zero spiritual growth of the church here. Hes not responsible for the collective failure of the GCT or its treasurers and presidents. And Nikona Ass, you took him to court and lost, or were forced to settle to avoid getting your anal gape handed to you. Do you really believe that your going to get him with the CRA? Do you really think that they are going to prosecute Sotirios? If you really do i have some land to sell you near kingston.

  32. 8:56am there’s worse financial things than those laundry lists? woah!

  33. Fool it’s not Nikona that has taken him to CRA. It’s me who is totally appalled by what I see the devil Sotirios and is minions doing to our church in Canada.

    CRA has merely been made aware of discrepancies.

  34. Well said astute CEO who has done nothing to build the spiritual side. He appears to have built his personal wealth which he will never be able to enjoy because he will stick around until he is 120 years old. Just another 40 years.
