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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Γιατί ο Σωτήριος είναι παθολογικός ψεύτης και δεν μπορεί να πει την αλήθεια...

 Σχόλιο αναγνώστη για τα έργα και ημέρες Σωτηρίου.!!!


Because Arch Sotirios is a pathological liar and can’t tell the truth even if someone gave him money to. And that’s saying something for the money hungry Arch. that he is. He publicly said when he ordained Fr Evangelos a priest that he would stay there for 2 years, it’s been only 6 months. Even though there were priest transfers just 6 months ago, here we are again. 

It’s been a shit show throw down between Arch and Bish Athenagoras at the Archdiocese because Arch keeps on treating priests and their families like they’re disposable. Fr. George is coming back to Toronto from Vancouver and is going to Agia Triada. He was given less than a week’s notice to move, have you ever heard of that happening anywhere else? The recently ordained priest in B.C. will take over his parish. Fr George is leaving behind his grandchildren from his son who committed suicide because of the sexual abuse he endured from Arch. Fr Evangelos is going to St Nicks. 4th priest in 2 years. He will only be parting since he hasn’t actually graduated from our Academy, he has 2 more years to go. So he’s putting a student at one of our biggest churches in the country. A number of priests were asked but they all said no because of Tasia/Merkel. She’s the most hated lay person in the country. But now she has an inexperienced part-time priest so she can continue running the church like the defacto-Archbishop that she is. Fr Spiro is being transferred to St Dionysius church in Quebec where priests go to suffer a slow and painful death. There’s discussion about transferring a few more priests but Arch is being cautious about them because they’ll probably blow up in his face. This priests transfers was triggered by Merkel. One person. She wanted Fr Spiros gone, like the other 2 previous priests, and what she says goes because Arch has gotten weak. Who knew we’d have a woman Arch in our lifetime?!?!! Well she does kinda look like a fat man though.


  1. what other priests are rumoured to be moved? This has become crazy! Is there no way to remove Tasia/Merkel?

    1. Nope, Mike. Not until we get a new Archbishop who’s not part of that group of thieves. Merkel brings in money for Sotirios so he puts up with her bat shit craziness and trucker rudeness for the money. If she didn’t bring him money he would have thrown her to the curb already especially because he hates women and fatsos.

  2. It went:
    Fr Fanourios
    Bishop Athenagoras
    Fr Igantieff
    Fr Chialtas
    Fr Apostolos
    Fr Spiros
    and now Fr Evangelos.

    6 clergy in 2 years at one of the largest churches in Canada which some call our Cathedral church. New Canadian gold medal record!!!! All congratulations are for the President of St Nick’s Tasia Sotiropoulos and her son Archon Evangelos Evan Sotiropoulos. Congratulations for this disaster you created with Sotirios of course. They’re all also the reason money disappears from there too and why the books are cooked. And they’re both the product of Archbishop Sotirios. Monkey see monkey do. The former is Sotirios beard, the latter is his play toy.

    The only way this will stop is if people stop going to St Nicks. And instead go to St John’s or St D’s or any other church in the east end. Just leave that church for now and that’s how they lose their power and money. BOYCOTT ST NICKS CHURCH UNTIL THEY’RE

  3. Εγώ ένα ξέρω ότι και ο παπαφανούρης μας και ο παπαπόστολος και ο παπασπύρος, οι "3" πιο πρόσφατοι παπαδες μας αγαπήθηκαν πάρα πολύ από όλους τους ενορίτες του Αγ. Νικολάου και δεν είχαν δώσει κανένα δικαίωμα!!! Η κ.Τασια που καθημερινά μαλώνει με όλο τον κόσμο, και δεν τη θέλει κανείς παραμένει σταθερή στη θέση της και δεν την μουβάρει κανείς...τα συμπεράσματα δικά σας!


    1. Όταν εσείς τρέχετε πίσω από τους παπάδες μιας ενορίας, ιδιοκτησίας του Σωτηρίου, για την οποία εργάζεται η κ. Τασία, ποιός θα θέλατε να σας πάρει στα σοβαρά και να ασχοληθεί μαζί σας; Η ...επιχείρηση είναι καθαρά - πεντακάθαρα - προσωπική του υπόθεση κι' εσείς είστε οι ...πελάτες του, μωρέ... Ακόμα κι' εσύ που λές αυτά, εκεί ακουμπάς τον οβολό σου ρε φουκαρά.! Μήπως θα πρέπει να αισθάνεστε υπυρύφανοι που ο προστάτης της ενορίας σας, ο άγιος Νικόλας, έχει αγοράσει και μετοχές στο παλιό κτίριο της Επισκοπής, στο 27 Τέτινγκτον;

    2. 5:23 pm you can’t possibly be going to St Nicks on a regular basis if you don’t know what happened to your priests over the last 2 years? It’s no secret, especially if you’re connected to the Archdiocese where it’s like a tabloid magazine of gossip.

      Here’s the St Nick’s butcher shop run down:

      Fanourios was kicked out by Sotirios, not Merkel!, because of the amateur staged fake crying video of himself that he sent to Romfeo over spoons. Except it wasn’t real, it was part of a failed coo to try to unseat Sotirios so his buddy Bishop Iakovos could take over. Dummies.

      Then Bishop Athenagoras went and he had non-stop fights with Merkel because she acted like she’s a priest and knows more than him and was so rude to him that when she tried to give him an envelope of money (she stole from st nicks) as a gift for his ordination he told her to take her money and shove it up her fat ass. Then he went back to the Archdiocese. We like him.

      Then Sotirios sent Ignatieff who Merkel treated like shit. Shocking I know. And she ate him up and spit him out so he went back to the Archdiocese too.

      Then Chialtas came, he lasted longer than either of those 2 but the plan was that he’d always be a filler until they found a full time priest because Sotirios knows that he should have never actually made him a priest but did so out of desperation, like most priests in Canada who are useless.

      Then Apostolos comes from Greece having never served a day in his life as a priest and acted like he’s Robocop towards a seasoned assassin. She destroyed him with her pinky finger and he was kicked out by her pal Bishop Iakovos who threatened him and his families lives. He’s a true leader in waiting.

      Then Spiros comes and it’s instant war with Merkel. It was so bad that he wrote for a transfer from Sotirios out of that insane asylum. Merkel also told Sotirios she wants him gone. So this recent transfer of musical chairs is because of both of them just for st nicks. And Spiros mistake was he thought Sotirios would transfer him to a better church but in Sotirios ways he sent him to one of the worst church in Quebec under Bishop Iakovos who he hates now even though he was his spiritual father.

      Now they got Evangelos to go to St Nicks who’s only half way done his studies and will be a full time student for the next 2 years. Sotirios ordained him a priest this fast because he’s so despereTe for priests because priests continue leaving Canada to get as far away from Sotirios as possible. Merkel has the upper hand because she’s a seasoned assassin so the question remains if he will be obedient like a dog to her or fight her and get kicked out to purgatory?

    3. 11:56 am. “Here’s the St Nick’s butcher shop run down:” LMFAO!!!!! That’s the best post on this blog.

  4. The Archbishop has been lying and playing with peoples lives for decades so no one should be surprised that he did it again. It’s crazy to put a student priest at st. nicks. It was crazy when they put a first time priest there too. While it’s not officially called the Cathedral, Sotirios treats it as such, so it’s obvious him and Tasia want a super junior priest who will be in over his head so he won’t know that what Tasia is doing isn’t the way normal churches function. My question is given that st nicks is a revolving door, how have none of those priests reported psycho Tasia to the CRA for what they’ve all witnessed. They’re all that scared of the boogeyman? Can one of them write here what they’ve witnessed so Andipothas can give it to Nikonas who knows how to anonymously report this stuff since he has a brain and balls.

    1. Thats right! Nikonass is a roufiano. Bang on.

    2. 7:06 pm it takes one to know one BUT if somebody volunteers "credible" information I would be more than happy to share it.... with the world :). What I read in all these posts does not surprise me at all. Solution?
      Walk with your feet and money to another church which may not be as bad as what you think is going on at St Nicks. I personally could care less now that I am enjoying retirement. (Never scared to sign what I write unlike some men in black who are order takers from above)
      Nikona Georgakopoulos CPA,CA,CFP,TEP

    3. 7:06 pm you really need some help.
      Try calling BELL.
      First your fascination with his penis then with his well known connections to CRA and you and all the other pedos have the balls to call him a rufiano? Do you not have anything better to do? Bang this on.

  5. Agreed 100%. Only solution.






    Stop participating in the madness and corruption. Just go to another church until she’s gone. Stop being part of the problem. Be part of the solution. Save the Church!

    1. Ολοι οι βαρεμένοι στο κεφάλοι τρέχουν από πίσω από τον Σωτήριο, μην και τους ξεφύγει καμιά από τις πορδές του, αλλά εσύ ρε παιδί μου το παράκανες!!! Επιβάλεται μια άμμεση επ'ίσκεψή σου σε ψυχίατρο, διότι κινσυνεύουμε να παρασυρθούμε και πολλοί άλλοι μαζί σου. Η φουκαριάρα η Μέρκελ ρε βλάκα, του Σωτηρη τις εντολές εκτελεί, για να τους παλαβώσει όλους και ιδιαίτερα αυτούς που δεν του ...κάθοντε να τους χαϊδέψει, τι δεν κατάλαβες, βρε;
      εκτός και αν δεν είναι διορισμένη "πρόεδρίνα" αλλά είναι εκλεγμένη από σας τους ίδιους, ως μέλη της ενορίας σας... Να υποθέσω ότι θέλεις να την διόξουν για να αναλάβεις εσύ, μήπως, την εκμετάλευση του Μητροπολιτικού Κέντρου; Διότι από σας τους, ανώνυμους, φαρισαίους - υποκριτές, όλα να τα περιμένει κανείς!!!

    2. 4:50PM: do you know when’s the last time St Nicks had board elections? Neither do I, because it’s run by fiat. That’s not democracy when they don’t hold elections. And let’s stop treating Merkel likes she’s a damn victim. And let’s stop pretending she’s doing the job as a volunteer. And let’s stop pretending that she doesn’t give false tax receipts to people. Even if Sotirios himself told her to break the law, doesn’t mean she has to do it. This isn’t North Korea, she has a choice. And the reason that the priests are leaving or kicked out is because of her which
      Sotirios just rubber stamps. If she didn’t go to the archdiocese every day to complain to him like a little bitch maybe they wouldn’t be on clergy #7 in 2 years.

      And no I’d never work for a church that reports to Sotirios, so no I don’t want her job, I don’t work for pedos. But go to st nicks yourself and see how long it takes until she tells you off inside the church. Sotirios is forgetting things, he’s not well, he’s blowing up at people, he’s confused. And Merkel is smart, she takes advantage of that. They’re both the problem. It’s not one or the other, b-o-t-h!
