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Friday, April 1, 2022

Αφιερωμένο στον …σεπτό «ιεράρχη» Σωτήριο, επ΄ ευκαιρία της σημερινής του γιορτής…


Με την ευκαιρία της σημερινής «εορταστικής» ημέρας της πρωταπριλιάς  και της κατ’ επάγγελμα… γιορτής του Αρχιεπισκόπου και …πατρός υμών κ.κ. Σωτηρίου, του αφιερώνουμε -μαζί με τις ευχές μας- το παρακάτω άρθρο, φίλου αναγνώστη μας, ο οποίος μας έκανε την τιμή να μας μεταφέρει τις γνώσεις του γύρω από την Καναδική Εκκλησία και την ηγεσία της, και να εκφράσει τις απόψεις του για τα, σ’ αυτή, Τεκτενόμενα, αφού έχουν σχέση και με αρχι -Τέκτονες.!

Τουτο το άρθρο, συνδέεται και μάλλον επικουρεί το προηγουμένως δημοσιευθέν, σχετικό με το θέμα, δίνοντάς μας λεπτομερέστερες πληροφορίες, ώστε να μάθουμε -ως λαός της Εκκλησίας- ποιοι …εργάζονται για να μας οδηγήσουν στην αιώνια Βασιλεία του Θεού.!!!

Διαβάστε, όμως, πρώτα το σχόλιο και μετά έχουμε καιρό να τα πούμε και -γιατί όχι- να κάνουμε και κάποιον εποικοδομητικό διάλογο, για τη συμπεριφορά της θρησκευτικής ηγεσίας και την προσπάθεια των φιλοπτώχων μας.:


It is true the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) is investigating the Archdiocese and National Pholoptchos. The Archdiocesan Coucil was informed last month on their Zoom meeting Chaired by Archbishop Sotirios. Irregularies were reported to CRA and 2 specific years of the books are being investigated.

It was not disclosed how much money the Archdiocese has spent to date for outside counsel with the review of the books, not were any documents of financials provided or shown. Archbishop Sotirios only said that whatever the CRA tells him to do we will do and fix since none of it was done with malicious intent but out of honest mistakes, how many “honest mistakes” were made is unclear, minimal information was provided.

As for Quebec, an Archon from Montreal also raised the serious concern of lack of priests in Quebec on that same Archdiocesan Council Zoom meeting last month. Bishop Iakovos had nothing to say as Regional Bishop and Archbishop Sotirios dismissed the serious concerns brought foward saying if need be he will go and serve as a simple priest.

The Archdiocese is struggling to find priests, they are losing more priests than are being hired because the situation in Quebec under the Regional Bishop is untenable for the priests. There have been reports from almost every priest across the province to the Archdiocese and the Archbishop about bullying, verbal abuse, screaming etc. from that Bishop. Yes, it is true he went on vacation to Europe during the first half of Lent leaving his priests to scramble during the busiest season of the year.

The best model for the Archbishop to do is go back to the old model where priests reported directly to the Archdiocese. As for St. Nicholas Church, Archbishop Sotirios did announce that Fr. Spiros has formally requested a transfer in writing. The problem however is that no priest wants to go to that church because of the President Tasia and her Archon son Evangelos control that church with an extremely heavy handed authoritarian approach and the priest has very little power to do anything.

It was reported by the current and previous priests to the Archbishop and the Ontario Regional Bishop that they are withholding the priests tips from them. So if a funeral is performs by the priest the automatic line item for his pay of $300 from the funeral goes directly to the President Tasia, like all tips and envelopes for the priest, with no documentation as to where that cash is going. That is the only church in Ontario where that is happening since that is unofficially the cathedral so the church is closely run with Archbishop Sotirios because of the other building on the property that provide him revenue.

As for the National Philoptochos, the only update they provided at the Archdiocesan Council meeting was that they sold masks during the pandemic. No update was provided as to what was done with that money or of any philanthropic work they did during the entire pandemic. No financial update was provided as to how much was raised or what has been distributed. This is also concerning since it is not clear what is happening with the money being raised. There is most definitely cause for concern but nothing will change until the leadership of the church changes and those mentioned are removed from their positions. It's extremely dangerous that so much power lies in the hands of so few people who frankly have no professional experience in any of this


  1. Ρε συ αντίποδα να με συχωρείς, αλλά μήως για τέτοιες δουλιές πήγε η Βερούταινα στην Εθνική Φιλόπλουτο; και γιαυτό κατέβασε τα πανταλόνια της η μακαρία η "πρόνια" και ενώθηκε μαζί τους; Μήπως καλύψουν τα πράματα λιγάκι; Τι ξευτελισμός είναι αυτός βρε ρουφιάνες; Αν εγώ νομίζω πως όλα τούτα είναι ψέματα της πρώτης του Απρίλη!

    1. Καθόλου πρωταπριλιάτικα δεν είναι κύριε 12:38. Είναι ακριβώς όπως τα γράφεις. τις εκμεταλλεύεται να τον βοηθήσουν να απαλλαγεί από τον έλεγχο της Εφορείας. Σε λίγο θα τους φάει και τα σπίτια τους, όσο γεράζουν για να τις αλαλάξει από το προπατορικό αμάρτημα του απαγορευμένου καρπού!

  2. Ya forgot about the fire sale of the Ontario Metamorphosis Camp and the Peterborough property with the lake that Sotirios secretly sold. The money Sotirios sold them for is too low from what was announced at the Archdiocesan Council meeting last month. Way too low. It made no sense what was reported.

    1. That’s the oldest trick. Sell at low price to a friendly kickback providing buyer. And in secret get your secret payment.

    2. 3:16 AM.. That would explain things since for both properties they reported it was just under $3M the Archdiocese sold them for
      which doesn’t make sense given how big they are and locations. A bunch of kleptomaniacs!

    3. Don’t believe him. Go check land registry records.

  3. CRA is investigating other non reported benefits that Sotirios indirectly controls through trusts. He and his sham of a board will have a tough time getting out of that one. They have already investigated the ladies philoptochos, and have no appetite for going after old ladies that do not know left from right.

    1. 1:00 am: Come again? What do you mean by your first sentence do you mind explaining that please? Thanks!!

    2. 11:16pm Carefully read the financials of the Archdiocese if you can get your hands on them. Look at long term funding arrangements. Little birdies in Montreal and Toronto said over $1.4 million has been stashed away for Sotirios himself and all of the other fraudsters that have come and gone thru this sham of an organization. Then do a title search of the current non-Reppas owners of 27 Teddington Park. If you follow the leads and connect the dots you get back to the Trust that the Archdiocese does not want you to know about. Sotirios is lying to his own Board that is has to do with 2 years of financials and Philoptochos. He and his paid tax lawyers know quite well that fraud has no statute of limitations and that even his political friends cannot help him. God bless CRA's national anonymous rat line.

    3. 11 PM. Interesting. Thanks. No idea how to get my hands on the Archdiocese financials since Sotirios doesn’t even give them or show them to his Archdiocesan Council.

      Do you know what 27 Teddington Park house is used for because when you search for it online it’s a beautiful home? I hear St Nick’s Church is the other owners to that property?

    4. Κάποτε, κατοικούσαν εκεί κάποια μέλη της οικογενείας Αθανασούλα, αλλά ΔΕΝ έχει μεγάλη σημασία. Το θέμα είναι το ότι το "έφαγε" κοψοχρονιά, μέσα από τα χέρια της τότε Μητρόπολης, με σκοπό να αγοράσει το σημερινό "μέγαρο" της αρχιεπισκοπής, το οποίο τελικά πλήρωσε ο αείμνηστος Χριστοδούλου.! Το 27 Teddington, αγοράστηκε από την εταιρία "Ρεπας" στην οποία ήταν (συ)μέτοχος, ενώ αργότερα, για να θολώσει τα νερά, έβαλε κάποια υποθήκη στο όνομα του ...φουκαρά του ΑηΝικόλα, μπας και εισπράξει κι' Αυτός κάποιους τόκους.! Δικός του ..."άνθρωπος" είναι, εξ' άλλου... Για το λόγο αυτό τον αποκαλούμε Αλητήριο και θυμώνουν μερικοί σφουγκοκωλάριοι, οι οποιοι τρέχουν ξωπίσω του να πιάσουν την πορδή του.!!! Η αλητήρια αυτή αγορά ήταν η αιτία που ανάγκασε τον τότε Αρχιερατικό Επίτροπο της Μητρόπολης, π. Απ. Ανανιάδη, να τα βροντήξει και να φύγει από τη θέση του...

    5. @april 2 1:00am yes nikona they didnt find anything thats why they arent doing anything. maybe your just full of shit. Horse shit.

    6. 9:17 pm that is not what your boss Sotirios told his sham of a council in the zoom meeting.

    7. 9:17 PM: that’s just not true that the CRA didn’t find anything because their investigation is not O-V-E-R. Clearly you weren’t on the Archdiocesan Council Zoom meeting when this was reported. And it’s not just the Archdiocese and National Philoptochos that’s being investigated, it’s also the monastery in Quebec because the store they have onsite is tied with the Archdiocese. This isn’t nothing. CRA doesn’t waste their time for fun.

      And let’s not forget the good old days when All Saints church was investigated by the CRA for committing tax fraud and because it went public in the English mainstream media that they got caught Sotirios had no choice but to remove Fr John from serving in our Archdiocese. He should have been defrocked, like a number of our dirty priests here in Toronto and in Quebec including the Bishops. Any priest/bishop that is part of financial scandals or look the other way and pretend it’s not happening are no better than Sotirios.

    8. Who is going to defrock Sotirios for his financial scandals?NOBODY BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL THE SAME SKATA. Αλήτες.

  4. Sotirios has no one to blame but himself for making those 3 Bishops. Bart “retired” and vanished to Greece. Iakovos has caused him the most problems across the country even though he’s only Quebec. And Athenagoras has no more f*cks to give while dealing with Sotirios on a daily. Another Sotiroula disaster.

  5. hey antipodas, wheres antonis artemakis? wheres nikona? have they re-attached their assholes yet?

    1. 10:12 pm hey Sotirios minion, where’s evangelakis sotiropoulos? Has he re-attached his asshole yet from playtime with Sotiroula?

  6. 10:12 pm Artemakis is having fun with your mother and Nikona is enjoying spending time with his family AND retirement from "assholes" like you. All the best for your miserable life- Nikona
