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Sunday, April 3, 2022

Απάντηση της Κοινότητας Ανατ. Βανκούβερ, στην επιτολή του Πατάρων Αθηναγόρα, για την είσπραξη $73.000 (φορο)Λογίας, από την Αρχιεπισκοπή.!!!


Στη συνέχεια της επιστολής του Πατάρων Αθηναγόρα, προς την Κοινότητα του Αγ. Νικολάου – Δημητρίου, του Αν. Βανκούβερ, έπεσε στα χέρια μας και η απάντηση του π. προέδρου της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας Ανατ. Βανκούβερ, κ. Κωνσταντίνου Νικολάου, στην επιστολή της Αρχιεπισκοπής Καναδά, μέσω της οποίας απαιτούνται οι $73.000, ως (φορο)Λογία για τα έτη 2020 και 2021.!!! Παρακολουθήστε, λοιπόν, όσοι ενδιαφέρεστε για τα έργα και τις ημέρες του Σωτηρίου και των επισκόπων – βοηθών του, κι τα ξαναλέμε.:

 February 3rd, 2022

His Eminence Auxiliary Bishop Athenagoras of Patara . The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada

I would like to confirm receipt of your letter dated February 3, 2022 and hope this reply finds you well and you receive it in the spirit it’s intended – which is to covey that we wish continue to work with the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada in a harmonious and unified relationship – as we have done so in excess of 42 years. I am certain you will appreciate that we address your letter in the forefront of this correspondence so we can get the subject matter out of the way. Perhaps your point relating to percentages and payments issued by us to the Archdiocese (for 2020 and 2021) was not well thought out when you committed it to paper. I am certain you are aware of the global crisis and the sacrifices that we as administrators of our (and probably other Communities) have necessitated to enact. 1-As a start, we have had to lay off staff, and cut back on varied expenses due to lack of donation revenue streams, lack in (and restricted) attendance, and an overall cancelation or significant change to our fundraising events. While we have not had to resort to paying our people 8% of their wages, some have seen a change to their hours and others have had their jobs eliminated for the time being. 2-I feel it’s necessary to point out that this Global Pandemic and the affect it has had on us a community - in terms of survival - has only been possible by utilizing understanding, compassion, and sympathy – not only by us as a Council but as a Greek Orthodox Community as a whole. This has included accepting that some people will not be able to afford their annual membership, necessitating leniency on school and other fees and patience on collections. We found that not insulting people when they are down is perhaps a very Christian thing to do, and hope that when they are up on their feet, they will remember our patience. 3-We have modeled ourselves after the multitude of business owners in our community who have taken rent-cuts on their properties, offered discounts for their services, and necessitated to tighten their belts in order to survive. This has yielded a closer Christian Community and Membership that I am certain you will appreciate – as we strive for this in the name and grace of God. 4-Since 2011 ( I cannot speak to “before that era”, since I was not a Director), we have been moving forward with the Archdiocese in a non-confrontational manner with respect to our Community Contributions. I hope that any change in authority structure at the Archdiocese does not translate to insulting chains of correspondence, for up until yesterday, every letter received from your office was non debatable in its respect and its spirit of unification and understanding. 5) On the matter of our Community Contributions At our meeting on February 2nd , 2022 – we discussed our former offer to the Archdiocese – which by relay of Father Tim – was rejected. We respectfully acknowledge the Archdiocese of Canada’s request for payment of Community Contributions. Upon examination of our current financial status and reviewing the income and expenditures for the periods of 2020 and 2021, we cannot meet the obligation as requested. In addition to what was paid in the early part of 2020, we would like to supplement that by $10,000.00 immediately upon acceptance by your office, after which that point, we hope the Archdiocese would consider the obligation for 2020 and 2021 complete. Further, we would like to also offer an immediate $3000 in 3 x $1000 postdated payments ( January to March 2022) towards our 2022 contribution. We also commit to examine our income forecast in March of 2022 and assess what further additional payment we can direct towards our Community Contribution obligations for the balance of the year.

 I believe we are not in a unique fiscal challenge, for as stated before, the period after January 2020 our revenue streams were affected by the restricted attendance mandates, closures, and cancelled fundraising events We are also feeling the impact of the efforts to complete our new School Building – and while when it will be operational, we do not foresee any revenue issues, we are in fact currently dealing with less than expected donations to the point that we need to govern our available capital reserves in a manner that doesn’t hamper the project completion. 6) As a point of formality, please be advised that the formal name of our Church is “Saints Nicholas & Dimitrios Greek Orthodox Church” . I have noticed in the past few pieces of correspondence your office has neglected inclusion of Saint Dimitrios in the address, and believe you are interested in ensuring that our Churches complete name is included in future correspondence. In closing, I make myself available to have a telephone or video conference with you if it assists in resolving this matter with the Contributions. To be honest, we were waiting for His Eminence Archbishop Sotirios to visit with us this past week and looking forward to discussing this and other matters in hopes of finding resolution. Beyond this we hope that you understand our situation and look forward to your expediated reply.



  1. What waist of Paper, these idiots at the Archdiocese do not give a shit if the construction of the Greek school for your and our children is completed. You forgot to mention that the Archdiocese tried unsuccessfully to block this important project in favor of payments to their corrupt organization. Sotirios will demand his pound of flesh even if does not exist because he will argue that will open the flood gates for other communities to do the same. The solution is simple, shut the churches down 15% of zero is ZERO. Play their game. They are all money hungry Judases with absolutely no faith in any god except the god of money.

    1. Vancouver should have responded by saying:
      His Eminence Auxiliary (and most useless) Bishop Athenagoras of Patara under the tutelage of the most useless Archbishop Sotirios . The Greek Orthodox Kleptocracy of Canada.
      WHICH PLANET DO YOU MONEY HUNGRY SCUM live in? We will not contribute any further to this sham of an organization. We regretfully announce that we are shutting down all church operations. So in true reciprocal brotherly love you believe in go continue fucking yourselves.

  2. "Μη μου βροντάς εμένα το πόδι παπά, γιατί βροντώ το σπαθί μου και σου παίρνω το κεφάλι" και πήρε δρόμο ο παπάς. Αυτά είπε ο Γέρος του Μοριά στην απειλή του "αγίου" Άρτας Πορφύριο. Αλλά αυτός ήτανε λιοντάρι, εμείς στις ημέρες μας έχουμε κουτάβια.

  3. Υπάρχουν και σοβαροί άνθρωποι στις διάφορες ομογένειες του Καναδά, όπως η περίπτωση του κ. Νικολάου στο Βανκούβερ ο οποίος είχε τα κότσια να απαντήσει όπως έπρεπε στους οικονομικούς εκβιασμούς του πατάρων Αθηναγόρου. Αντίθετα από τους τοροντιανούς Αρτεμάκη - Καραντώνη που κατέβασαν τα πανταλόνια τους, και τους έπιασε τα κωλαράκια η γλυκιά Σωτηρία ...Μπέλου. Να χαθούν τα βρωμόσκυλα. Γιατί δεν έδωσαν τις δικές τους περιουσίες στην βρωμιάρα κωλοπετσωμένη σωτηρία, αλλά υπόγραψαν και του χάρισαν την περιουσία της αείμνηστης Κοινότητάς μας;

    1. Εμένα μου αρέσει πολύ που δεν βγένει ουτε ένα από τα βρομόσκυλα να πει δυο κουβέντες για τις πουστιές που έκαναν με την "κολοπετσομένη" Σωτηρία και τα έδωσαν όλα. Γιατί υπόγραψαν, αναδρομικά, διπλάσιο μισθό στον π. Σπυρίδωνα ο οποίος έφυγε από την εκκλησία αμέσως μόλις τα πανταλόνιασε; Δυο κουβέντες ρε λαμόγια που θέλατε να είστε και προέδροι της Κοινότητς!!!!!

  4. Let’s stop pretending that Salmas wrote that letter already. Sotirios has been doing this all pandemic where he writes dumb shit and makes his Bishops sign them and send them out. The reason Salmas gets targeted is because he’s responsible for the majority of Canada now that Bart retired and Iakovos spends almost 1/3rd of the year vacationing.

    Sotirios wouldn’t even put in writing the new communion distribution choices for parishes because he’s too scared of the fanatics so he made Salmas call each priest in Ontario and Western Canada to tell them they can now use either 1 spoon, multiple spoons or a hybrid. Like put it in writing, what’s the big deal? The fanatics are the minority, loud and rude like hell, but still the minority. Sotirios is scared of a bunch of old ladies? LOL!!!!

  5. If only the useless Archdiocese sending rude letters was the churches biggest problem in Canada. If only.

    It’s a mob culture and Sotirios thinks he’s Tony Soprano. When Sotirios shakes down the nuns for money that’s when you know the church can’t get anymore pathetic. Sotirios and Iakovos have done such crazy and disgusting things to the nuns during the pandemic that I don’t understand why they haven’t gotten up and left for America like the monks did a long time ago?

    1. Agreed. Gerondissa from Bolton monastery called by he Archdiocese the other month to report that Bish Iakovos called her at night time to bully and threaten her for not using multiple spoons, even though his jurisdiction is not even Ontario that's Athengaoras’ jurisdiction. Sotirios also tried to pull Fr. Chris from that monastery too to make the nuns suffer without a priest to perform liturgy. And he told them they have to give him $40K a year or else.

      If you thought things couldn’t get worse! Bish Iakovos went with 2 “doctors” he knows to the monastery in Quebec to try to force the nuns to get vaccinated. LOL!! They wouldn’t so he made them all sit through an info session from those doctors about the covid vaccine and why they should get vaccinated. We weren’t told at the Archdiocese what type of doctors they were but our guess is maybe a dentist and a radiologist. LMFAO!!!!!! What bishop tries to force medical treatment on anyone, he’s not a doctor or their doctor or their Abbott. He’s next level crazy. Also we were told there’s some financial irregularities with the books of the cheese store at that monastery in Quebec which is owned by the archdiocese. Did Iakovos take money from the nuns like he did from his Philoptochos? I wouldn’t be surprised.

      Our church is run by the stupidest hierarchs known to man, starting with Sotirios and his midget pitbull Iakovos. Bunch of clowns.

  6. Καλά ρε Αντιποδα,σου'χει γινει εφιαλτης ο Σωτηρης και τα Π@π@ρ@κι@; Μηπως σου εκανε καμια ζημια και εχεις εφιαλτες στον υπνο σου; Εδω ο κοσμος καιγεται,κοινοτητες καταρεουν,πολεμος στην ουκρανια,με εκατομοιρια στους δρομους, και εσυ ασχολεισαι με τα ουμπαλα της Σωτηριας;
    Κριμας που εισαι και παπαδοπαιδι και εχεις και πενα φοβερη.
    Αμα ειχες και λιγο μυαλο,θα ειχες ασχοληθει τουλαχιστον με το Παναθηναικο αντι να γινεσαι ρεζιλι των σκυλιων. Υπαρχουν και αλλα θεματα σε αυτη τη ζωη.

    1. Ξέρω, πολύ καλά, ότι το σωστό που θα έπρεπε να κάνω ήταν να πετάξω στο καλάθι των αχρήστων αυτό το λιβελλογράφημά σου… Αλλά, τι θα κέρδιζα, εκτός του ότι θα σε άφηνα να -νομίζεις ότι- κρύβεσαι κάτω από τη φουστίτσα σου; Πρέπει, λοιπόν, να σου πω ότι, πρ’ όλο που …κανένας ΔΕΝ γνωρίζει την ταυτότητά σου, φτάνει το το ότι σε …γνωρίζεις εσύ και θα πρέπει κάποτε να μάθεις ότι είσαι Βλάκας, και πως είναι καιρός να το κόψεις, αφού είσαι μεγάλο, πλέον, παιδί… Διότι τα όσα γράφεις, είναι σκέψεις ενός ΒΛΑΚΑ και επιβάλλεται να διορθωθείς λιγάκι, μόνο και μόνο για να μην ντρέπεσαι τον εαυτό σου, ό,ταν και ΑΝ ωριμάσεις, ποτέ. Ποιος, βρε τενεκέ, σου έδωσε το δικαίωμα, να λες όλες αυτές τις μαλακίες σου σε έναν επώνυμο, κρυμμένος, όμως εσύ κάτω από τη φουστίτσα σου; Γιατί ΔΕΝ λες καθαρά τη γνώμη σου με το όνομά σου ρε χαμένε, και ιδιαίτερα όταν αναφέρεσαι στα οικογενειακά μου; Τώρα, μόλις τελειώσεις το διάβασμα του σχολίου μου και θα πας στον καθρέφτη, ΔΕΝ θα ντραπείς για όλα αυτά και δεν θα νοιώσεις την …ανάγκη να κόψεις το λαιμό σου; Από πότε η Σωτηρούλα απόχτησε ούμπαλα, μωρέ; Όλος ο κόσμος ξέρει ότι μόνον τον κώλο της προσέχει, περιποιείται και διαφημίζει… Εσύ πλάγιασες μαζί του και ξέρεις καλά ότι διαθέτει ούμπαλα; Μήπως εκεί, πάνω στον ύπνο σας άκουσες κάτι για εφιάλτες και προσπαθείς να τους πασάρεις σε ‘μένα; Φυσικά, αν ειχα μυαλό, ΔΕΝ θα ασχολούμουν μαζί σου αλλά σε λυπάμαι, ως συνάνθρωπο, ΒΛΑΚΑ, και είπα μπας και συμμορφωθείς.!!!

    2. 10:09 PM: If Sotirios was just an asshole I’d agree with you, why waste anyone's time since there’s lots of assholes everywhere like you. Except that's not the only problem with Sotirios. And it's not just the secrecy with the church finances which is the faithfuls money not his, and it's not just the financial scandals with the CRA and large sums of money missing from numerous philoptochos accounts that's the only problem. If only it was stealing that was the biggest Canada. Do you know how many priests Sotirios has sexually and psychologically abused? Do you know how many students he's abused? Do you know how many children he's abused? You think it's ok he's turned the Archdiocese into a bourdelo? He's destroyed peoples lives. One of our priests son’s killed himself because of the abuse from Sotirios. You have no idea the amount of sexual, verbal, psychological, financial abuse Sotirios is responsible for. And it's not just him, it's the people around him too, look at his protege Bishop Iakovos look at Merkel look at her Archon son.

      So the next time you wanna insult Antipodaths no that your part of the problem in the church. If your such a Sotirios supporter and you have any kids why don't you go to the a
      Archdiocese and leave your kids with Sotirios for the day alone, if youre so confident there's nothing wrong with him, but you won't because even you know deep down there's something seriously wrong with that monster.

    3. Aπο ποτε εγινες επωνημος; μηπως ο νουνος σου σε βαφτησε Αντιποδα; Ο Σωτηριος ειναι μαγκας και εκανε τη δουλεια του μιας και βρηκε πουλημενα τομαρια, οπως τους αποκαλεις και εσυ.
      Εσυ, ασχολεισαι με το Montreal και με τα δρομενα ολων του Καναδα εκτος απο την ελληνικη κοινοτητα Τοροντο.Μηπως ειναι μια τακτικη σου να ξεχαστουν τα πουλημεμενα τομαρια του Τοροντο;
      Συμπεραινω οτι εσυ φορας τη φουστιτσα και με φουρο και ουτε εχεις κορμακι λυγερο,(Οπως λεει και το τραγουδι:) ουτε 0,50 σεντς μυαλο,
      ΑΝΤΕ ΓΕΙΑ!

    4. Βρε παλιομαλάκα του κερατά, για να αποφύγεις την αυτοκτονία σου, που θα έπρεπε να έχει ήδη συντελεστεί, προσπαθείς να αναιρέσεις την επωνυμία μου μωρέ; Όταν αναφέρεσαι στο λειτούργημα του πατέρα μου ρε καθίκι, ΔΕΝ επιβεβαιώνει την ταυτότητά μου; Άντε χάσου από δω, ασεβέστατο ρεμάλι του κερατά... Μείνε στη σωτηρία σου και τον περίγυρό της, λοιπόν, και άντε αλληλο-πηδηχτείτε, χαμούρες βρωμερές…

    5. 2:40 PM: are you upset that I insulted your gay lover Sotiroula???? If it makes you feel better I think the deal the GCT made with your boyfriend was shortsighted since they should never have agreed to anything without Sotirios and national.philoptochos committing transparency moving forward. And what's with Skoutakis trying to be best friends with your boyfriend Sotirios? Sellout!! If your boyfriend is such a stand up guy why are more priests leaving than are being hired? Name me one priest that likes their closeted boss? Name me one priest that likes his closeted Montreal bishop? Name me one person that like his klepto Merkel? Sorry to break it to you but you're not his only boyfriend, happy sharing.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. 428 am. Why should our President Betty Skoutakis care about "Sotirios"?( it is actually Archbishop Sotirios or more correctly the Archdiocese's) National Philoptochos?. The GCT's now Philoptochos-Pronia has its' books audited every year. The GCT unlike many other organizations (Archdiocease etc.) publicly posts them for everybody to see on their website . That is what you call transparency and corresponds with having nothing to hide. Nikona

    8. ο νικονας ειναι ρουφιανος.

    9. Ο Νίκωνας δικαιούται να είναι ό,τι επιλέξει, αλλά έχει τα αρχ@δι@ να υπογράφει όσα γράφει, αλλά εσύ όμως, όταν λες τις παπαριές σου, γιατί συνεχίζεις να κρύβεσαι κάτω από τη φουστίτσα σου; Φυσικά και ΔΕΝ με ενδιαφέρουν τα όσα λες για τον Νίκωνα, αλλά, να, είναι λίγο πούστικα ρε παιδί μου, όπως και να το κάνουμε; Διότι βρίζεις ανώνυμα έναν επώνυμο, ΑΝ δεν το κατάλαβες...

    10. Nick 11:17 pm.. I agree with 4:28 Why did the GCT agree to give the Archdiocese $40K per church per year without asking for financial transparency from the Archdiocese FIRST? They want the yearly dues ok but as long as they see yearly financials before they give $160K each year is a very reasonable request, especially when financials for NPOs are to be presented yearly at AGMs. Why did the GCT who held the yearly dues for so many years all of the sudden blindly give it? Why didn’t any of the board ask for financial transparency to be part of the settlement?

      And I also don’t understand why President Skoutakis has aligned herself with the Archbishop. I don’t see the upside for the GCT? At the last Archdiocesan Council meeting the Archbishop announced that she made a commitment to him and the Archdiocese that he would not have any more problems with the GCT. How can she make such a commitment if she can’t predict what might happen?

      She’s also completely overstepped her duties as President of the Greek Community of Toronto by asking for certain types of priests, specifically for young’s ones, for a specific priest for St John’s, or asking for certain types of amendments to liturgical things. It’s not the Greek Orthodox Community of Toronto, it’s just Greek, and she as a lay person has no business inserting herself if matters made at the hierarchal level. GCT only owns the church properties. She might want to learn her place. Why was she directing Fr Apostolos at St Irene’s to use both multiple spoons and a single spoon (hybrid) for communion when the Archbishop himself gave each priest 3 options across Canada for communion? Bishop Athenagoras called the priests not the presidents of churches or community centers across western and central Canada with the new options, he most certainly didn’t call Skoutakis that’s for sure. Maybe she should focus of figuring out how to pay for the settlement she pushed for, for $160K every year and the $1.29 Million for the backpay of priests which is due to be completed next month. Where’s the GCT going to get the money for that? I get that there are some women who seem to be happy that the GCT has a female President for the first time, but did it have to be her? Her relationship with the Archbishop is disturbing at best.

    11. 12:54 pm just to be clear having an individual who is willing to commit their time and effort for the thankless job of the President of the GCT is a feat in itself. To have a female president after 109 years is a BIG STEP FORWARD. Betty Skoutakis is not a new kid around the block she has spent and is still spending thousands of hours doing this thankless job. Just to be clear it is public knowledge that I was 1 of 4 directors who voted against the final settlement. As for your opinion as to why the GCT did not ask for financial disclosure and transparency. I can clearly tell you the GCT got all of it through the now sealed discoveries. After lengthy discussions I get the feeling that the Archdiocese feels that by simply having their charity information filing online and not disclosing their actual audited financials they are being completely transparent. I personally think that is not the case. That is why as President & Treasurer I and our board from day one insisted on publicly posting the GCT's audited statements.
      On the issue of the single or hybrid spoon, the Archdiocese must publicly in writing make its position known. My position as a "so called sinner" is clear, Christ shared a common cup not a Lavida. Ms Skoutakis and her impressive board members with the help of friends and supporteres of the GCT have paid the "backpay of Priests" and appear to be current on the $160K annual fees. If you and I want our GCT churches to continue we have to all help President Skoutakis and her board with EVERY fundraising effort.
      Nase Kala- Nikona

    12. I still don’t agree with Skoutakis’ weird alliance with Archbishop Sotirios. And I don’t think she’s in a position to say that he won’t have any more problems with the GCT. The GCT also wasn’t the problem, it was his leadership of the church. He isn’t nice to anyone if there’s nothing in it for him, so what’s he want? The churches? Likes he’s been trying to go how long?

      And I agree the Archbishop needs to put it in writing about the choices priests have in regards to communion but he won’t because he’s chicken. And Skoutakis should not be directing priests on liturgical matters. That’s a clear overstep of her responsibilities as President of the GCT. Fr Apostolos has complained to people and Bishop Athenagoras about her behaviour and I agree with him. He won’t get vaccinated so did she think he’d be ok with a hybrid when the Archdiocese has given him the option to use one spoon? She should mind her business.

      The Archbishop won’t even allow his Archdiocesan Council to see the financials let alone audited reports. Only his financial Archon can. It’s a joke. That’s why I would have hoped the GCT would have asked for financial transparency moving forward. You guys saw them through discovery but how about moving forward? I don’t see what concession the Archdiocese had to make with this settlement? It seems the only side that lost was the GCT. I have no interest in supporting the GCT after all of that. It was a bad settlement.

      And if the GCT was able to pay off the settlement in full already as you say, hopefully that means we won’t have to hear the we will have to sell a church if you don’t give us money line again. I find it hard to believe she raised 1.3M + of new money in 3 months since taking over but the GCT had such a hard time fundraising under Artemakis? Even though she was on the board too. Find that hard to believe.

    13. 9:08 there was no concession from the Archdiocese. The GCT gave him everything he wanted and then some. What a joke.
      You are correct in my opinion to not support again. What is your solution, give all the churches to the Archdiocese so that Sotirios can run it like St Nicholas?

    14. 2:13 Agreed, no concession from Archdiocese and GCT gave way too much for zero in return. Whoever negotiated from GCT I’d never hire them for anything after that disaster of a deal! LMAO!! give the churches to Sotirios??! St Nick’s is the epitome of corruption at its finest and it’s not just Merkel and her family but the priests too! Fraudsterville. If need be sell a church to a group of families or see if they can hold off and see who takes over Canada. The membership would never agree to sell a church to Sotirios no matter how hard Skoutakis tries for her buddy. My guess is the membership would rather sell the churches to anyone even developers before they do to Sotirios.

    15. I’m sure the GCT would gladly sell its churches to Sotirios but for 100 cents on the dollar. Not 10 like he was demanding.

    16. You really think the GCT membership would be ok to sell to Sotirios even for 100 cents on the dollar? I guess the money is worth more to some than keeping the churches our parents and grandparents built? I wouldn't vote to sell to Sotirios, anyone else but him.

  7. Τόσο κορόιδα είμαστε, τα Πάταρα βρίσκονται πέρα μακριά στην "Ανατολία" , γιατί δεν πάει εκεί να ιερουργήσει σαν καλός ιερέψ που είναι
    Τα Πάταρα ΗΤΑΝ (δεν είναι πλέον) αρχαιότατη πόλη και λιμένας της Λυκίας, χτισμένη μεταξύ των εκβολών του ποταμού Ξάνθου και του όρμου Αντιφέλλου. Να πάει στα Πάταρα να ζητήσει φοροΛογία.

  8. Ατιμούλη Αντίποδα δεν μπορείς να χαλιναγωγήσεις το πάθος σου. Αρπάζεις κάθε ευκαιρία να βρίσεις, τον έκανες τον 2.40 με α κρεμμυδάκια, όπως και τον 10.09. Ήθελα να ξέρω, δεν χόρτασες ακόμη βρίσιμο; Σε κάποιο άλλο σχόλιο σου έδωσα το όνομα Αντιρρησίας, μάλλον ήταν μέγα λάθος. Μάλλον σου ταιριάζει, σου πάει γάντι, το αντίθετο του Χρυσόστομος.

    1. Μου ...διέφυγε, βλέπεις, να σε ρωτήσω για την ό,ποια συμπεριφορά μου. Στο επόμενο σχόλιό μου, πάντως, θα σε συμπεριλάβω για να μην παραπονιέσαι… Αρκεί να φύγει ο κορωνοϊός και να βγάλεις τη μάσκα...
