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Monday, October 18, 2021

Όπου υπάρχει καπνός, προφανώς, θα υπάρχει και φωτιά, (;) λέει ο λαός μας.!!!

 Εσείς, φίλοι αναγνώστες, τι λέτε;

θθΑναγνώστης μας, παρουσιάζει και σχολιάζει εμπειρία γνωστού του μαθητή-σουδαστή  της «Ακαδημίας» κληρικών η οποια λειτουργεί εντός της Αρχιεπισκοπής και υπό την άμεση επίβλεψη του ίδιου του αρχιεπίσκοπου.!


Τις πληροφορίες του αυτές θέλησε να τις μοιραστεί μαζί μας, αφού τις θεωρεί ως απαράδεκτες για το κύρος της Εκκλησίας μας.!! Ενημερωθείτε, λοιόν, για το συγκεκριμένο συμβάν και τα ξαναλέμε…

Archbishop Sotirios also sexually abused a seminarian from The Patriarchal Toronto Orthodox Theological Academy (PTOTA) and he left the church and never became a priest. I knew the seminarian personally and the damage Sotirios did to him doesn’t just disappear, the scars are deep and who would return to a church when the predator is still leading it? There’s no healing that can begin in the Church for all of the victims over the past 40 years as long as Sotirios is Archbishop. Letters were sent to Patriarch Bartholomew about what happened but they went unanswered. Families had called too and no one would help them. It’s disturbing how the Patriarch took such issue with Archbishop Demetrios for the misappropriation of funds from Saint Nicholas Church at ground zero because it happened under his watch, even though someone else actually did it, but an Archbishop who’s a pedophilia and is sexually abusing seminarians and priests is ok with him? Maybe if Demetrios was a pedophile instead of a bad manager he might still be Archbishop of America? The inaction of Patriarch Bartholomew sends a clear message to the faithful in Canada that money is more important to him than God’s children



  1. Premier Ford stop shaking the hands of these wannabe priest who are forced to jerk-off Sotirios in order to graduate and get a handsome assignment in a major city in Canada. GO WASH YOUR HANDS IMMEDIATELY.

    1. I honestly wonder if Ford has heard that Sotirios is a sex abuser and pedophile? Isn’t he giving taxpayer money so Sotirios can build a shrine of himself which will all be thrown in a dumpster once he’s finally gone.

  2. Sotirios has been sexually abusing children and priests for decades so hearing about a seminarian who I’m guessing would have lived at the Archdiocese unfortunately isn’t surprising. I get that Sotirios is a predator, abuser, pedophile, you name it but can someone explain what the f*ck is wrong with our Patriarch though?! Is there no HR department at the Patriarchate to deal with their employees such as Sotirios? Every high office has an HR department in it, does our mother church really not have one? What a disgrace and joke our church has become.

  3. Where are all these accusations coming from? Have the police been involved?

    1. Οι άνθρωποι κυκλοφορούν με ανοιχτά τα μάτια, παρακολουθούν, βλέπουν, ακούνε, κρίνουν και μοιράζονται με άλλους τα συμπεράσματά τους. Δεν έχουν, βλέπεις, τη δική σου φοβία που να τους κανει να κατουριούνται πάνω τους! Οι, έχοντες τη δύναμη, αρμόδιοι, μπορούν αν θέλουν, να ερευνήσουν τα λεγόμενα των αδυνάτων και βγάλουν τα συμπεράσματά τους. Τι γνωρίζεις εσύ για τους μηχανόβιους οι οποίοι τον χαστούκισαν δημόσια, πετώντας του στα μούτρα ένα στικάκι με κάποιο περιεχόμενο της αυτοκτονίας ενός νεαρού; Γιατί το έκαναν γαργάρα, το θέμα αυτό, όλοι μας και όλοι τους;

    2. These aren’t accusations these are facts. You go ask what happened to Fr. Tsiolas son who committed suicide because of the sexual abuse at the hands of Archbishop Sotirios. You have no idea what being sexually abused by a church leader whose sole job is to help you does to you. It makes you want to not live anymore to stop the pain and the psychological warfare.

  4. 11:32 Rumour has it that the Patriarch has also been known to get midnight visits. Why stop a good thing?
