𝟏𝟒 –𝟏𝟓 𝚨𝚼𝚪𝚶𝚼𝚺𝚻𝚶𝚼 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏
Ο Ιερός Καθεδρικός
Ναός της Παναγίας στο Τορόντο εορτάζει και πανηγυρίζει την μεγάλη Θεομητορική
Εορτή της Κοιμήσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου, συνεχίζοντας παράδοση 60 ετών από
την ίδρυσή του. Το εορταστικό πρόγραμμα έχει ως εξής:
𝚺ά𝛃𝛃𝛂𝛕𝛐𝛎 𝟏𝟒 𝚨𝛖𝛄𝛐ύ𝛔𝛕𝛐𝛖 – 𝚷𝛒𝛐𝛆ό𝛒𝛕𝛊𝛂 𝛕𝛈ς 𝚱𝛐𝛊𝛍ή𝛔𝛆𝛚ς 𝛕𝛈ς 𝚯𝛆𝛐𝛕ό𝛋𝛐𝛖
3:00 μ.μ. - 4:30 μ.μ.
Ακολουθία του Ιερού Ευχελαίου
7:00 μ. μ. - 9:00
μ. μ. Μέγας Πανηγυρικός Εσπερινός της Θεοτόκου,
Χοροστατούντος του
Θεοφιλεστάτου Επισκόπου
Πατάρων κ.
ΑΘΗΝΑΓΟΡΑ, με Λιτάνευση της Ιεράς
Αρτοκλασία, και Θείον Κήρυγμα, με τη συμμετοχή
του Ιερού Κλήρου
της παροικίας μας.
10:00 μ.μ. – 11:30
μ.μ. Ιερά Παράκληση και τα «Εγκώμια της Παναγίας»
𝚱𝛖𝛒𝛊𝛂𝛋ή 𝟏𝟓 𝚨𝛖𝛄𝛐ύ𝛔𝛕𝛐𝛖 - 𝚬𝛐𝛒𝛕ή 𝛕𝛈ς 𝚱𝛐𝛊𝛍ή𝛔𝛆𝛚ς 𝛕𝛈ς 𝚯𝛆𝛐𝛕ό𝛋𝛐𝛖
8:30 π.μ. – 10:00
π.μ. Πανηγυρικός Όρθρος της Εορτής
10:00 π.μ. - 12:00
μ.μ. Αρχιερατική Θεία Λειτουργία, προεξάρχοντος του
Επισκόπου Πατάρων κ. ΑΘΗΝΑΓΟΡΑ,
με τη συμμετοχή του
Ιερού Κλήρου της παροικίας μας.
Αρχίζει την
Παραμονή της Εορτής στις 12.00 μ.μ. και τελειώνει το απόγευμα της Εορτής μετά
την Θεία Λειτουργία.
Εκ του Γραφείου του
Ιερού Καθεδρικού Ναού της Παναγίας
Well hopefully this year the GCT won’t steal Fr Peters tips again. He openly tells priests that they do it every year. Poor Fr. for what the GCT does to him.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn’t feel sorry for Fr Avryopoulos. He’s the only priest who gets paid by the GCT. The others don’t. Sotirios says how he put his worst priests at the GCT churches purposely. And isn’t shy to talk about the deal Fr Avs cut with the GCT.
DeleteHow can the GCT steal FR Peter's tips unless he freely gives it back to them ? People give tips directly to priests. Stop the nonsense.
DeleteYa I’ve hear Fr. peter say that the GCT steals his tips on the big feast days too. It’s been happening for a long time. He said it’s the treasurer Nikona who gets them to take the money from the baskets of his tips.
Delete3:20 the way the GCT steals Father Peter’s tips are from the trays on each side where you light the candles where people put the list of names to be read with cash or names with their artous bread on the church’ feast day. Father said it gets stolen by the GCT when they walk the icon of the Theotokos around the church on the feast day and at other major days. He has a man who goes and checks during the service (no need to mention his name) but it’s still a big problem for him and he said it’s a lot of money that they take. Father Peter would never lie about something like that!!!!! He’s a very honourable priest!!! Shame on the GCT!!!!!!
Delete3:20 if you had spend one second looking above to your left and right around the trays you are talking about you would have noticed that there are at least two security cameras recording all the activity around the hallway, those 2 trays are for 1-the souls Eper Anapafseos and 2- for the living Eper i Ygias. The only way money can disappear is if a congregant takes it themselves. Our security cameras have not recorded such an activity because there is none. GCT and its volunteers never touch anything inside those trays EXCEPT to walk them to the alter again in front of another 6 cameras and 200+ congregants. If Fr. Peter told you that the GCT is taking the money. Tell him to call the police and have the GCT individual whom you claim takes the money arrested for theft. Otherwise everything you and he supposedly claim are lies.
DeleteNikona Georgakopoulos - Treasurer of the Greek Community of Toronto. you guys know where to find me.
10:06 agreed. He should do that instead of scandalizing parishioners by saying these things about people in our community. To a few of us he had said something similar pre-pandemic about the GCT stealing his tips from the trays on high holidays, but he didn’t mention you by name just. I don’t know if he tells people this to get more tips from parishioners who feel sorry for him, if he does he wouldn’t be the first priest to do that.
DeleteIt is safe to say all the pre 10:06 pm comments were indeed fabricated by those that want to stir the pot to spin their story. Unfortunately for them the truth always comes out.
Delete12:47 So are you saying Father Peter never said those things about his tips?
DeleteΝαι ρε, ποτέ δεν είπε τέτοιο πράγμα διότι δεν λέει ψέματα όπως κάποια γεροντάκια άλλων εκκλησιών που ζουν και αναπνεουν ακόμα για τα τυχερά των δίσκων και τους παχουλούς μισθούς, ξεκολιάζοντας τα ταμεία των ενοριών που ψευτο-υπηρετούν!
Delete10:37 ξέχασες να πεις ότι είναι και άγιος άνθρωπος χαχαχαχαχα!
Delete9:36 am: that is correct!!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteWell it’s not the first time Nikona (GCT) has been involved in trying to hurt our priests snd churches!!!!!! Last summer our priest from a church in Toronto said Nikona started following our church YouTube channel to see how he was communing so he can report them. Our priest smartly informed the Archdiocese and priests were notified about him. When someone like him spends there time watching online church services that aren’t even GCT churches!!!! so they can try to bust the churches that’s when you gotta really think why do they even participate in a church they’re trying to destroy. If he has a problem with Sotirios go after him but our church isn’t even owned by the archdiocese so what’s the point exactly?????? Maybe if hr focused more on the finances of the GCT churches they wouldn’t have to beg for money because they can’t manage their finances.
Delete6:21pm LMFAO! It’s so hilarious how easily Peter plays you. Did the mole give you the lowdown on what happened at today’s clergy meeting with Sotirios? Did he tell you how hard he was sucking up to Sotirios? Ohhh the monasteries in America are telling our parishioners that it’s blasphemous to commune with multiple spoons but it’s those monasteries that are blasphemous for saying that, look everyone I kiss his ass. Peter should go tell our monastery how he insulted their Geronda if he actually has balls. It’s amazing how he plays it both ways depending who’s in front of him. Snake oil salesman.
DeleteNick got scared and deleted your comment I see. Did Peter tell you to delete it?
DeleteΤον κακό σου τον καιρό παλιομαλάκα του κερατά... Ο Νίκωνας έχει ούμπαλα και γράφει με το όνομά του ενώ τα δικά σου σου τάφαγε η γατούλα... Το σχόλιό του 6:24 ήταν επανάληψη του 6:21 και το σβήσαμε. Ακόμα όταν χρησιμοποιείς ονόματα άλλων, όπως του Νικ και και του Πέτερ, πες μας και το δικό σου, βρε πουτανίτσα ή εστω καθίκι του κερατά με φουστίτσες...
DeleteMr. 9:10 (who does not have the intestinal fortitude to disclose your name ) you have your facts wrong. When and if you publicly disclose yourself I will with much pleasure answer you about the GCT churches. As for your church which you claim is not owned or controlled by the archdiocese. I say you are an idiot and have never read the Uniform Communitity Regulations UCR your church has agreed to abide by. I can tell you with 100% certainty that the GCT has always had its own by-laws well before the Archdiocese /Metropolis/ church came to Canada.
Delete9;10 am Last year your priests also said that Sotirios and his henchman in Toronto Bishop Alexandros Salmas were telling their priests to break the law.
DeleteIf you fucken idiots were following the law how could Nikona or anybody else have been hurting your priests and churches?
Congrats for at least being honest and admitting you were indeed breaking the law.
What are you talking about?? Fr. Peter is the only priest from the GCT churches that gets paid from the GCT while the other priests don’t. And you’re talking about tips? This priests reports everything he knows inside the Archdiocese to the GCT, he’s their mole.
ReplyDeleteYep it’s true Fr Peter did strike a deal with the GCT and gets paid even though he publicly says he doesn’t. Sotirios knows about this arrangement and openly insults Fr Peter in the Archdiocese. Sotirios also says how he put his worst priests at the GCT churches and except for St Ds I’d agree with him.
DeleteWhy does this not surprise me?!
Delete8:39 am maybe you and your Archdiocease rats should get your facts straight. No priest is currently being paid. As for the quality of the priests at GCT, they are the same as the rest fucken useless just like their boss.
Delete8:04: rats? Fr Peter is your mole for the GCT, that’s why you quietly pay him. The other GCT priests know about this deal as well and are pissed with him and you guys. If anyone’s a rat it’s Peter. He couldn’t keep a secret if he tried.
DeleteThe mole as you say is not Fr. Peter but the disgruntled person that works inside there.
Deletethese comments, sounds like priests fighting and turning on each other.
ReplyDeleteGreat to see Sotirios' spineless machine spinning for him again . If Father Peter is indeed a mole than why doesn't he transfer him to a shit hole in Canada like he does his other priests that don't lick him. You know why he doesn't? HE CAN'T Father Peter, is well connected in the states to Elpidoforo who we all know is destined to be the next Patriarch. He should get rid of his money hungry and thieving Bishops who do fuck all. Oops looks like he can't touch them either. Moral of the story all you pricks at the Archdiocese are useless back stabbers who only care to please Sotirios' visions of grandeur and don't give a fuck about us lay people who unlike yourselves BELIEVE in God.
ReplyDeleteWho cares if Fr Peter is “well connected in the states to Elpidophoro”? What does that have to do with anything in Canada?
DeleteLast I checked Archbishop Sotirios reports to the Patriarch, not to another Archbishop. And last I checked Bartholomew is the Patriarch, not Elpidophoros.
And if anyone is “connected in the states” it’s Sotirios. He has a far better relationships with the Metropolitans, since they were all made Mets under Archbishop Iakovos, than Elpidophoros ever will!
12:41 who cares if someone here knows Elpidoforos, Elpidoforos can barely manage Amureca. No one even likes him in Canada!!!! No priests, no monastics , no lay people. NO ONE!
DeleteWhen Bishop Alexandros had a meeting with the priests from Toronto/GTA they all shit talked him, even Alexandros and they’re “close friends” from school. He was saying how if Elpidoforos does not become Patriarch they’ll throw him out of America for sure! And then it was an hour long pile on of insults from the priests!!!
So what’s he going to do for Fr Peter?
I’d rather Sotirios be my Archbishop any day thean Elpidoforos and I don’t even like Sotirios!!!!
6:15 ask Sotirios why is it that Elpidoforos disciplined him a few years ago and put him in argia a.k.a leave for a short period of time. If you really knew what you were talking about you would have known that the American Metropolitans have absolutely no power next to Archbishop Elpidoforos .The two who have dared to challenge him have been relieved of their duties or moved by Bart to some desert to preach the word of god to diehard Muslims.
Delete8:32 you should spend some time and see where Now Bishop Athenagoras ended up as well as Father Odysseus. Good point Elpidoohoros has no power. Sotirios has nothing to fear. Yeah right
Delete10:32 if you really knew what you were talking about you’d know it was PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW who put Sotirios on Aryiri for commemorating Archbishop Christodoulos of Greece during liturgy and that was a really long time ago. It wasn’t Elpidophoros, he’s not the patriarch! Aryiri works through the Patriarch and His Synod. Read a book.
DeleteYou also have zero idea what’s happening in America. Do you know why the Patirarch and his eparchial synod put Methodios on 1 month aryri and why they promoted Evangelos out? Also Evangelos isn’t in some desert dummie he’s in New Jersey and getting paid the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of AMERICA for life 6 figures a year!!!!!!!
If you knew what those 2 actually did you’d know they should have been defrocked but Elpidophoros is so weak that 1 got an actual promotion and lifetime pay from Elpidophoros Archdiocese!!!! and the other got Aryiri for a month so he couldn’t liturgize but could completely do his Metropolitian responsibilities. So clearly you have know idea what those 2 did or you’d know Elpidophoros is weak! I bet you know even know what Methodios and Evangelos and actually ALL of the American Metropolitans did behind Elpidophoros’ back, do you??????? Ya that’s what I thought.
And here’s a question, why did the Patriarch promote Sotirios to Archbishop when he made Elpidophoros Archbishop of America? Why didn’t he leave Sotirios as Metropolitan if Elpidophoros is sooooo powerful???
8:32 Fr Odi is actually under Metropolitan Methodios who’s very close friends with Sotirios and openly doesn’t like Elpidophoros. So what’s does Fr Odi have to do with Elpidophoros? Fr Odi actually wanted to move to Chicago but Met Nathaniel didn’t want him so he went to Boston. So if Elpidophoros is so powerful why didn’t he get him into Chicago? Elpidophoros is like a Metropolitan and only has real jurisdiction over NY and now NJ. He couldn’t he even get 1 Metropolitan to use multiple spoons when he asked them and they publicly went against him on that too and good on them. Wow he’s so powerful that no one listens to him. And the only reason Bishop Athenagoras left Canada is because the actual Patriarch called Sotirios himself and asked him to help him out let him go to the States to help Elpidophoros. Elpidophoros and Sotirios never spoke, it was between Sotirios and the Patriarch. And why did the Patriarch promote Sotirios to Archbishop the same time he made Elpidophoros Archbishop? There’s never in the history of the church been 1 Archbishop of America and 1 Archbishop of Canada, traditionally it was 1 Archbishop for both countries. Yes but it’s Elpidophoros who has the power hahahahahahahwhah!
DeleteΕίσαι συ μια κουφαλίτσα 8:04 που δεν μπορεί να σε φτάσει κανένας. Αν είχες όμως και λίγο περιεχόμενο στο κεφάλι σου, αυτό που κάποιοι ονομάζουν μυαλό, δεν θα έλεγες τόσες μαλακίες. Οι παπάδες του Αϊγιάννη και της Αγια Ειρήνης, εισπράττουν όπως οι ίδιοι λένε, από μια παχουλή σύνταξη κάθε μήνα, ενώ ο Παυλίδης του Αϊδημήτρη ζει ανάμεσα στο χέριτατζε και τα νεκροταφεία τα οποία του φέρνουν αρκετά έσοδα. Ο μόνος που δεν έχει καθόλου έσοδα είναι ο παπάς της Παναγίας ρε κουτορνήθι και η Κοινότητα ως σοβαρός οργανισμός δεν αφήνει κανέναν δίχως μεροκάματο. Εντελώς αντίθετα από ότι κάνει ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος, δηλαδή. Βγάλε τον σκασμό λοιπόν και μη μιλάς αφού έχεις μεσάνυχτα. Αν και θα πρέπει να είσαι ένας από τους αχόρταγους συνταξιούχους παπαφίλιπας ή παπασπύρος.
ReplyDeleteΣοβαρός οργανισμός οι κοινότητα;;; χαχαχαχα,
ReplyDeleteεισαι και κλόουν και οχι πολύ αστείος 1:45. και σίγουρα γαμιεσαι.
10:32 Με τη μάνα σου
Delete🍿🍿🍿 Mr Andipothas this is the best comments debate on your site. I’m a new fan of yours sir.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to our church whose leaders as you can see from all the comments above like shit disturbing AND blackmailing junior priests to do what they tell them. If they don't they are threatened with yet another transfer that will inevitably destroy their families or force them to resign. Shame on you all. You don't believe this ask the priests who did not collect for Sotirio last weekend of August the 15th . Bravo GCT for cock blocking him again. the first time with Baby Alexander raised $120K sent less then $1,500 (GCT raised $6,800 and gave funds directly to the family), and the second for the victims of Greece's fires. let's see if Sotirios tells us how much each of HIS 70+ churches collected and how much was in fact sent. The worst part all you idiot bible thumpers have no problem with this behavior.
ReplyDelete12:44AM yes bravo GCT for driving the GCT into the ground. maybe if you ask him nicely Sotirios can show you how to manage money.
Delete12:44 “idiot Bible thumpers” “cock blocking him” keeping it classy I see GCT.
DeleteWhy don’t you guys actually try doing your jobs for once?
12:44 I’d like to hear what you guys did to help during the pandemic? we set up a vaccination clinic and the parking lot of st nicks was packed before 7AM, making sure Premier Ford opens our churches, securing money to build a Greek museum in our own archdiocese that’s how much the Ontario government trusts you guys that they won’t even work with the GCT. You guys have been busy begging for money because you know the membership will never vote for any church to be sold. Good luck with that.
Delete5:40 Here is a better Idea sell all these churches and focus only on education and nothing else. Sotirios has enough churches he can milk for his personal benefit .
ReplyDeleteMr Antipoda it has become very apparent that the Archdiocese and more specifically Maropoulos and Salmas have been doing Sotirio's dirty work. Nothing changes our churches are empty besides the lies Mrs 9:14 is spewing about st nicks being full, bullshit stick to your illegally run money laundering banquet hall and hiding of people behind your cameras to avoid getting caught breaking capacity regulations. As for whom the Ontario government trusts more time will tell and I'm betting on the GCT. What museum are these fools going to build when all the requisite material is somewhere else? or will they just archive deaths , births, marriages, divorces AND useless photos that they don't have.
ReplyDeletePremier Ford congratulations you gave a religious denomination money for a museum to be built at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Would I an ashiest and proud Greek be permitted to attend even though I would openly criticize the leaders of the church?
ReplyDelete12:06am Well the Premier or any politician isn’t going to give money to the GCT again so it can go in the black hole of waste and mismanagement. Like the GCT did with the money governments gave them in the past.
DeleteCongratulations on being a Greek atheist. Your parents must be so proud.
Τα συγχαρητήρια ανήκουν σε σένα κ. 3:13, διότι κέρδισες τον τίτλο του μεγαλύτερου μαλάκα όλων των εποχών.!!! Αλλά από τέτοια πούστρα, όμως, που κατοικεί στο πουστράδικο, τι μπορεί να περιμένει κανείς;
Delete3:13 pm My parents are proud that I did not turn out a liar like yourself who licks Sotirios ass to get to where you want. Stick with that god if there is one will give you a one way ticket to…h or h..
DeleteAntipodas why did you only post 12:53 pm comment and not mine? Who are you trying to protect?!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteΠες μας ποιός είσαι ώστε να μπορέσουμε να βρούμε τι συνέβη. Εκτός κι΄αν έγραφες τίποτε μαλακίες και τις απέρριψε αυτόματα ο υπολογιστής...
DeleteDid Nikona put you in τιμωρία Andipothas and tell you he wasn’t going to send you things about the GCT to post anymore? Is that why you won’t post mine?
DeleteYou only post comments that are against Sotirios and then you criticize media in Montreal when you do the same.
3:09 pm the Gct unlike the organization you hide behind makes everything public. Good to see you believe I personally have that much power over the media which I don’t. My philosophy always has been that if I post anything I do it with my name in public because I have nothing to hide. Can the same be said if yourself?
ReplyDelete7:12am that’s if you consider an anonymous biased blog “media”. Anonymous blogs aren’t media. You should be asking that question to your buddy “andipothas” who hides behind a blog.
ReplyDeleteΤον κακό σου τον καιρό παλιομαλάκα του κερατά... Ο Αντίποδας έχει και όνομα και επώνυμο και τηλέφωνο και ε-μαιλ. Τα έχει γράψει πολλές φορές και τα γνωρίζουμε όλοι. Το ότι εσύ ξύπνησες μόλις τώρα από το λήθαργό σου κι έχεις μεσάνυχτα, εμάς καθόλου δεν μας απασχολεί. Αν θες να μάθεις λεπτομέρειες, στείλε του το εμαιλ ή το τηλέφωνό σου και νομίζω ότι θα τα μάθεις. Μην κρύβεις το κεφάλι σου μέσα στην άμμο σαν τη στρουθοκάμηλο. Τι φοβάστε μωρέ;
Delete10:22 What’s wrong the blogger is getting under your skin? Bravo to Nikona who says it like it is without hiding behind anonymity. Same can’t be said about you