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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Η Πρώτη (;) επικοινωνία του νέου επισκόπου Πατάρων Αθηναγόρα με τους κληρικούς του Οντάριο....!

 Έπεσε στα χέρια μας η πρώτη (:) επιστολή του νέου επισκόπου Πατάρων, προς τους ιερείς της …Θεοσώστου «ιεράς» Αρχιεπισκοπής Καναδά με θέμα τον κορωνοϊό και τον τρόπο μετάδοσης της Θ. Κοινωνίας στους πιστούς.

Πέρα από τη βεβαιότητά μας ότι όλοι αντιληφθήκατε το περιεχόμενο και φυσικά το νόημα της επιστολής αυτής, θα θέλαμε να πουμε κι΄εμείς λίγα λόγια ώστε να δόσουμε αφορμή στον θεοφιλέτατο Πατάρων να μας εξηγήσει κάποιες απορίες που μας γεννήθηκαν κατά την ανάγνωση του περιεχομένου της επιστολής του.

ΔΕΝ καταλάβαμε γιατί η επιστολή είναι γραμμένη στην αγγλική μόνο γλώσσα και όχι ΚΑΙ στην ελληνική. Έτσι σκοπεύει ο άγιος Πατάρων να υπηρετήσει την ελληνική γλώσσα μέσω της Εκκλησίας, αγνοώντας την;

ΠΟΙΟ …πανάκριβο μυστικό κρύβει η επιστολή αυτή, ώστε να απαιτηθεί από τους παραλήπτες, να μη δει το φως της δημοσιότητας;

ΓΙΑΤΙ μεταφέρουμε την απόφαση ενός καθαρά θρησκευτικού – εκκλησιαστικού ζητήματος στους …ώμους αναρμόδιων για κάτι τέτοιο, όπως είναι η λαϊκή διοίκηση ενός ναού;

ΓΙΑ ποιο λόγο υπάρχετε εσείς οι τέσσερις επίσκοποι, όταν ουτε για ένα τόσο δα, εκκλησιαστικό ζήτημα, ΔΕΝ είστε σε θέση να αποφασίσετε; ΓΙΑΤΙ εισπράττετε τους παχυλούς μισθούς σας, όταν ζητάτε ή και απαιτείτε από λίγους λαϊκούς να αποφασίσουν για τον τρόπο τέλεσης ενός τόσο μεγάλου μυστηρίου όπως είναι η Θεία Κοινωνία;

ΚΑΝΕΝΑΣ σας τελικά δεν έχει …κότσια εκεί πέρα στην ...«ιερά Αρχιεπισκοπή», τρομάρα σας;


  1. Σιγά μην επιτρέψει ο κ. Σωτήριος στον καμαριέρη του να σου δώσει εξηγήσεις για αυτά που κάνει. Δικό τους είναι το μαγαζί ότι θέλουν το κάνουν και όταν έρχονται τα δύσκολα τα φωρτώνουν στο λαό και τα Δ. Συμβούλια των εκκλησιών. Δεν είναι κορόιδα αυτοί να πάρουν πάνω τους τίς ευθύνες για τις δύσκολες αποφάσεις!

  2. Ρε συ κυραντίποδα, τι κατάντημα είναι τούτο; Επί τουρκοκρατίας οι παπάδες μάθαιναν τα παιδάκια ελληνικά, χωρίς να φοβούνται. Τούτοι τώρα οι δικοί μας φοβούνται να κάνουν, έστω και μάταια, μια προσπάθεια να μείνει όσο γίνεται ζωντανή η γλώσσα μας; Τι στο καλό έπαθαν όλοι τους και τόριξαν στο αγγλικό; Σε λίγο μπορεί να μας μιλάνε και τούρκικα, μεταξύ τους! Ντροπή!

  3. Ξέρουν αυτοί τι κάνουν..... Είναι γάτα ο Σωτήριος ....
    Ο Αθηναγόρας έστειλε οδηγίες στους παπάδες στα Αγγλικά εάν προκυπσει θέμα δικαστικό αργότερα, απλούστατα δείχνουν τις οδηγίες στα Αγγλικά και ξεμπέρδεψαν ..... Τι δεν καταλαβαίνετε ...;;;; Μπορούσαν να στείλουν το κείμενο και στα Ελληνικά όπως κάνει ο Σεβάσμιος πατέρας μας με τις φιλοστοκες του.....

  4. Αντίποδα το προηγούμενο ανώνυμο,ευχαριστω

  5. Ποιό είναι το προηγούμενο ανώνυμο ρε μεγάλε, να το μάθω κι' εγώ;

  6. What do you expect from a morally inept church whose leaders are all corrupt.

  7. for the idiot sep 13 10:28
    what can we expect from satanists like you and the ones running the gct?

  8. Wow Mr Antipodas we have an individual mind reader who has special powers that permit him or her to identify the writer as a Satanist. For your information you ignorant wannabe bible thumper I used to be a director of the gct which came about in 1909 well before your so called church. Now tell me why it is your god fearing church is trying to keep stuff on the hush by saying "PS it is advisable that this text is for the use of the " useless moneygrabbing priests that only care about Tips and the ordertaking board of directors (of which the gct is not )....NOT to be disseminated via Social Media"
    How do you think this Blog got this?
    From a disgrunted priest or from the Bishop himself?
    The GCT should just sell all of the churches to the highest bidder and let Sotirios and his newly eleted vicars run with what ever is left over by way of dying and empty churches. Does that correpond with what you fools want?
    Communion with one Lavida? go for it.
    I will meet all of you in hell.

  9. Hahahaha...everyone knows that you are all fake, cheaters and criminals inside the archdiocese. You are evil business-homos who take advantage of the innocents, sell them fairy-tales and take their money. Money and power is your god instead of serving the christians. Satan guides you. No humility at all. Ego at the max. We knew Sotirios all this long, but now we have a new arch-hypocrite in the snake nest, Athenagoras-Alexandros-Stavros... the devil has many names. Soon, you will hear about the sodoma and gomora he has done in Greece...

  10. Bravo 5:21PM you tell it like it is, all these pseudo clergy men are after one thing which they worship as their GOD, m o n e y....!!!! Nothing is sacred to them, they don’t care about the spiritual life or the souls of their faithful.... I can tell you stories about individual priests that will make your hair stand on edge.... One in particular who was elevated to the episcopal lately is so unworthy that will make your head spin with facts about his sexual preferences...
    Let it be brother, God will take care of things when the time comes.... Let us pray that with all that’s going on out there in the great Archdiocese and it’s miserable clergy will not allow true Orthodox Christians lose their faith...
    God Bless.....!!!

  11. @sep13 3:41
    Your so full of brown sugar that they should name a sewer plant after you. You were a former director eh? I wouldn’t brag too much there, I mean we all know how incompetent failures the administrations of the gct were and are!
    The church was established 2020 years ago! Even a wannabe bible thumper like me knows that. And maybe you should look up when the gct was founded because it was certainly not in 1909. That’s a fact. Try 1955 onwards.
    Useless money grabbing directors of the gct I would say is more accurate. And we all know how much money grabbing you all did, don’t we. Go ahead sell them. What’s stopping you? And so you know it’s only gct churches that are empty, the other churches are just fine. Wonder why that is? And give me one lavida all day long. And hopefully with Christ’s great mercy I won’t be seeing you in that place.

    Repent before it’s too late.

  12. September 14, 2020 at 5:21 PM
    Your just upset because your losing the court case. Head to shoppers, I heard they have a sale on Vaseline.

    1. Don’t be to sure if that. A little birdie has told us Sotirios spilled his guts out during his deposition. Stuff that he does not want to come out. You will hear it from CBC which has them is broadcasting it’s findings and this time Harper cannot save him. Let’s see who needs to head to Shoppers first $10 say Sotirios. But then again word on the street is does not like using it.

  13. @September 14, 2020 at 8:45 PM
    And you consider ratting out your own churches and preventing community members from receiving communion properly caring about what?
    Your a sad sad excuse for a human being. Who rats out their own people!? The gct that’s who. As for your slander statements, we all know what happened with the slander statements in court don’t we. Get a life losers.

  14. Are we blind??? The majority of the clergy are pure demons. The devil signs and marks are all over them. We just need to stop being blind and look. Declared homos easily to recognize them by the way they talk or move, newly ordained priest with tattoos-the mark of the devil (he will be super trendy when he will have to baptize a baby and gets his arms naked lol), after their divorce ordained priests-always the divorce was not their fault hahaha, priests who destroy their marriage in order not to lose the money, priests who try to kiss their hand to get blessed and they avoid it or they hit your hand while smiling (do you even ask your selves why they do that??? because they know they are fake), cheaters who take advantage of old people and steal their money. Everything for the MONEY. And lies. So so so many lies. So fake. Disgusting fake. Actors. To make us believe the fairy-tale. To fear God. So they can control us. Power they need. If they lose it, they are lost. It's a game for them. Just remember who captured and sent Christ to the cross. The priest of that time. Are we forgetting? Christ sent apostles to serve and speak the truth to the world. Not priests and bishops with power to control and gather money and wealth wearing cloaks like emperors and kings. Wake up people...mas doulevoun psilo gazi. Deamons!

  15. @sep14 11:57
    sounds like you have some first hand(s) experience there.

  16. YES somebody finnally got it right not there is anything wrong with homos and tattoos "as long as they are not priests or bishops" If you happen to believe in our faith you clearly cannot practice. Many claim the directors of the GCT stole money for their personal use. I won't say either way if I agree or not but unless you have any proof that you can take to the police. All you are doing is spreading lies and showing your ignorance.

  17. YES somebody finnally got it right not there is anything wrong with homos and tattoos "as long as they are not priests bishops or your future son-in-law" If you happen to believe in our faith you clearly cannot be a practicing homosexual or my future son-inlaw. Many claim the directors of the GCT stole money for their personal use. I won't say either way if I agree or not but unless you have any proof that you can take to the police. All you are doing is spreading lies and showing your ignorance.

  18. re Malaka sep13 3:41 the church in Canada arrived in 1909. Even Sotirios says the same unless you disagree with his holiness.

  19. @sep15 11:40
    goes both ways. does everyone here have proof of the allegations they are making? i dont think so. its all rumor innuendo and conjecture.

  20. you made a typo sep15 5:18. you meant his Devilness...

  21. What proof re MALAKA SEP15 7:04?????? ARHIMALAKA LIAR. Everything is documented, real, with papers, proof and in common eye view. Go for example tell that devil-signed demonic proof, newly ordained, desperetly trying to hide his tattoos, who doesn't know to speak greek neither to chant, papa Thomas, fact that clearly the ekklesiastical law forbittens a SIMADEMENO person to be ordained, to show you his scars and tattoos. Sign of the devil. uuuust apo do...

    1. Which ecclesiastical law may that be? Read the Rudder a few times and never recall seeing it. Eke tha kolisoume?

    2. @ sep15 9:38
      your mommas ranked puss. the only arhi-malaka is your father. ai gamisou kolofarde.

  22. All of you out there are making all kind of comments which most may be true.... There’s a lot of proof about that evil Archbishop problem is mouths are shut.... No one is talking.... Including me as I don’t want to be made a centre of malicious gossip and nothing else... Knowing that no one will stand by me to support me.... or to have some stand up and say “Me too....!!!” And having Sotiirios day his famous line: “ Who are they going to believe you, or the Metropolitan....”. You out there who have heard this be strong enough and write a note to Antipodas, anonymous and tell it like it is.... Meanwhile now that three newly elected Bishops are moving in to the “Palace of Hell” the Dancing Queens will be celebrating and prey on altar boys, so called students of the “School”, young priests etc...... I wish I could say that may God forgive them as they have scarred many young souls out there...
    But God will not have mercy on their souls....

  23. That ekklesiatical law which you didn't study Sept16 2:38, fat, stupid, uneducated idiot who you only know how to answer the phones and check on the postings on the internet. You didn't study anything 4+ years inside there. Only bullshit na pernane ta hronia to get the fake degree of stupidness and manipulation of the sheep lol. Only koutsobolio and how to be someone's bitch! Ande hasou katina. Go eat some more like a nice pig you are. Dropi sas re, kriveste piso apo tis amarties sas...
