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Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Παραιτήθηκαν 7 νεοεκλεγέντες, σύμβουλοι, με τον Συνδυασμό «Πράξης», της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας Μόντρεαλ.!!!


Παραιτήθηκαν, 6 μήνες μετά τις εκλογές, 6 σύμβουλοι και ο αρχηγός της ομάδας «Πράξης», κ. Χρ. Σύρρος, από το Δ. Συμβούλιο της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας του Μόντρεαλ. Οι πραγματικοί λόγοι της παραίτησης ΔΕΝ έγιναν γνωστοί, αλλά για τους γνωρίζοντες την εκεί παροικία, είναι δάχτυλος Σωτηρίου, με ...ταχυδρόμο τον επίσκοπο Ιάκωβο, ο οποίος κατοικοεδρεύει στο Μόντρεαλ και εκτελεί, όπως όλα δείχνουν, σωστά τις εντολές και τα μηχανοραφικά σχέδια Σωτηρίου.! Ας διαβάσουμε, όμως, πρώτα την Επιστολή παραίτησης των κινοτικών συμβούλων της παράταξης «ΠΡΑΞΗΣ» και μετά σχολιάζουμε, ο κάθένας μας, το περιεχόμενό της και το μεταξύ των γραμμών, νοήματά της...

Team Praxis

Επιστολή παραίτησης 6 μελών του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της ΕΚΜΜ

Προς την Κυρία Παναγιώτα Τσιούτρα, Γραμματέας ΕΚΜΜ και προς τα μέλη του Δ. Σ της ΕΚΜΜ

Τετάρτη, 14 Δεκεμβρίου, 2022

Με θλίψη και μεγάλη απογοήτευση οι υπογράφοντες ανακοινώνουμε σήμερα την παραίτησή μας από το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της ΕΚΜΜ.

Μετά τις εκλογές της 12ης Ιουνίου, αποφασίσαμε να παραμείνουμε στο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο καλόπιστα με στόχο να προσφέρουμε εποικοδομητικά την εμπειρία και τις γνώσεις μας και με την πεποίθηση ότι θα μπορούσε να υπάρξει κάποιο περιθώριο για μια χρήσιμη συμβολή στην ορθή διακυβέρνηση του ΕΚΜΜ, ακόμη και αν η πλατφόρμα της Ομάδας Πράξις πάνω στην οποία εργαστήκαμε επί δύο χρόνια δεν μπορούσε να μεταφραστεί σε σχέδιο δράσης όπως ελπίζαμε.

Όσοι από εμάς τρέξαμε υπό το έμβλημα της Ομάδας Πράξις προέρχονταν από διάφορα υπόβαθρα, ορισμένοι με δεκαετίες εμπειρίας σε όλες τις πτυχές της ανώτερης διοίκησης, της κυβέρνησης και σε Διοικητικά Συμβούλια, συμπεριλαμβανομένου της ΕΚΜΜ. Εργαστήκαμε στον στρατηγικό σχεδιασμό, στα οικονομικά, στη λογιστική, στο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό, στη νομική, στην κτηματομεσιτική, στις δημόσιες και κυβερνητικές σχέσεις.

Στους σχεδόν έξι μήνες που πέρασαν από τις εκλογές, οι υπογεγραμμένοι και τα άλλα μέλη της Team Praxis αγνοήθηκαν συστηματικά, και οι εποικοδομητικές προτάσεις που κάναμε σχετικά με τον σεβασμό τον εσωτερικών κανονισμών και τη χρηστή διακυβέρνηση αντιμετωπίστηκαν με περιφρόνηση.

Αυτή η διοίκηση ιππεύει το κύμα των 7 εκατομμυρίων δολαρίων επιδότησης μισθών και ενοικίων που δόθηκαν στην ΕΚΜΜ από την ομοσπονδιακή κυβέρνηση στο πλαίσιο των προγραμμάτων ανακούφισης του COVID-19. Τα κονδύλια αυτά εξαφανίζονται γρήγορα και χάνεται η ευκαιρία να τεθεί η ΕΚΜΜ σε στέρεες βάσεις ως αποτέλεσμα ελαττωματικής εποπτείας και διακυβέρνησης.

Έξι μήνες μετά την ανάληψη των καθηκόντων της νέας Διοίκησης, η ΕΚΜΜ εξακολουθεί να μην έχει στρατηγικό σχέδιο και να μην έχει εγκεκριμένο προϋπολογισμό. Η κριτική αυτής της κατάστασης πραγμάτων, η οποία σε κάθε φυσιολογικό οργανισμό θα θεωρούνταν δραματική, απλά αποτινάσσεται ως προσπάθεια της Ομάδας Πράξις να φέρει σε δύσκολη θέση την ΕΚΜΜ και καταδικάζεται ως "κοινοβουλευτική τακτική που δεν έχει θέση σε έναν κοινοτικό οργανισμό".

Η τελευταία συνεδρίαση του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της 6ης Δεκεμβρίου 2022 κατέστησε απολύτως σαφές ότι δεν υπάρχει καμία πρόθεση εκ μέρους της παρούσας διοίκησης να συνεργαστεί.

Σπάνια ακολουθούνται οι σωστές διαδικασίες συνεδριάσεων και συχνά δεν επιτρέπεται στα μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου να κάνουν ερωτήσεις. Επιπλέον, τα πρακτικά των συνεδριάσεων διατίθονται με καθυστέρηση και δεν είναι ακριβή, ενώ οι ειδοποιήσεις, οι ημερήσιες διατάξεις και τα έγγραφα αποστέλλονται μόνο λίγες ώρες πριν από τις συνεδριάσεις. Ακόμη και προτάσεις που εγκρίνονται ομόφωνα από το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο, όπως η πρόταση της 10ης Νοεμβρίου για τη δημιουργία μιας Οικονομικής Επιτροπής και την υποβολή νέου προϋπολογισμού εντός εξήντα ημερών, αγνοούνται ή

ξεχνιούνται. Άμεση αίτηση να κατατεθεί η σύμβαση με την Αρχιεπισκοπή που λήγει στις 31 Δεκεμβρίου, 2022, απορρίπτεται και αφαιρείται η πιθανότητα να την δει και να την συζητήσει το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο.

Όλες οι προσπάθειες που κάναμε, εμείς και τα υπόλοιπα μέλη της Ομάδας Πράξις, να επισημάνουμε ότι αγνοούνται οι κανόνες λειτουργίας, ότι λαμβάνονται αποφάσεις χωρίς την κατάλληλη εποπτεία, ότι ο σχεδιασμός είναι πολύ ελλιπής και ότι υπονομεύονται οι εσωτερικοί κανονισμοί, αντιμετωπίστηκαν ως εχθρικές και ως ανεπιθύμητη κριτική.

Καταλήξαμε στο συμπέρασμα ότι ο χρόνος μας θα χρησιμοποιηθεί καλύτερα, σε αυτό το στάδιο της ζωής μας, εστιάζοντας περισσότερο στην εργασία και τις οικογένειές μας και συμβάλλοντας σε άλλους τομείς ενδιαφέροντος που μπορεί να επωφεληθούν από τη συμμετοχή μας, παρά στην επιμονή σε

ανεπιθύμητες προσπάθειες να προσφέρουμε τις γνώσεις και την εμπειρία μας εκεί όπου δεν είναι επιθυμητές.

Ευχόμαστε στα μέλη της Ομάδας Πράξις που παραμένουν, καλή δύναμη και καλή επιτυχία. Τους ενθαρρύνουμε να συνεχίσουν να αποτελούν παράδειγμα των αξιών της αριστείας και του επαγγελματισμού που αντιπροσωπεύαμε.

Ελπίζουμε ότι η Διοίκηση θα βρει το δρόμο της και θα ασχοληθεί σοβαρά με την αποτελεσματική λειτουργία της ΕΚΜΜ όπως αξίζει σε έναν οργανισμό που αντιπροσωπεύει μια παροικία 80,000 Ελλήνων.

Από σήμερα, οι υπογράφοντες δεν θα είναι πλέον μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της ΕΚΜΜ.

Με λύπη μας,

Χρήστος Σύρρος

Γιώργος Καρύδης

Δημήτρης Κατσαούνης **

Γεράσιμος Κολαΐτης

Δημήτριος (Τζιμ) Λέκας

Κωστία Πανταζή

** Ο Δημήτρης Κατσαούνης ήταν Αντιπρόεδρος της ΕΚΜΜ και συμμετείχε στο Κεντρικό Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο και στην Εκτελεστική Επιτροπή καθώς κατείχε την θέση του Προέδρου του Περιφερειακού Συμβουλίου του Μόντρεαλ. Έχει αποσταλεί ξεχωριστή επιστολή παραίτησής του στο Περιφερειακό Συμβούλιο του Μόντρεαλ, το οποίο με τη σειρά του θα ενημερώσει την Γραμματεία και το Προεδρείο του Κεντρικού Συμβουλίου για τις αλλαγές. Τη θέση του στο Κεντρικό Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της ΕΚΜΜ και στην Εκτελεστική Επιτροπή θα αναλάβει ο νέος Πρόεδρος του Περιφερειακού Συμβουλίου όπως ορίζεται στους Εσωτερικούς Κανονισμούς



  1. Bishop Iakovos and Archbishop Sotirios (aka the boyysss) caused a lot a lot a lot of shit and now here we are. Those ex-board members have reach the pinnacle of: I have no more fucks to give. It’s a common response for faithful, board members, priests etc that have had to endure Iakovos and Sotirios. It’s very scary when Sotirios is not as bad as another bishop in Canada. Bishop Iakovos has verbally abused those board members and the Greek community. He has worked against them from even before they were elected. I fact Bishop Iakovos attempted to run his own slate for the election but lost. And it was so publicly and obviously done that Sotirios had to explain to Iakovos that he can’t intervene in elections like that as a hierarch and if you’re going to do it at least make sure your guys win. Iakovos is a walking disaster. He needs to be given the boot when Sotirios retires. That’s his monster, his problem, he can have him. I’m so tired of the gay mafia controlling our church in Canada. Like fuck off already you pedos.

  2. Ορίστε, ένας ακόμη Οργανισμός με ημερομηνία λήξης. Από ότι φαίνεται, εμείς οι Έλληνες άμα είναι να φαγωθούμε μεταξύ μας το κάνουμε πολύ επιστημονικά. Εξ άλλου η Ελλάδα είναι το μόνο κράτος στον κόσμο που έχει υπουργείο παιδείας και θρησκευμάτων ακόμη και στον 21ο αιώνα.

  3. Όπως όλα δείχνουν, ο Σωτήριος με τον Ιάκωβο βρήκαν τους αντίστοιχους Καραντώνη και Αρτεμάκη για να τους κάνουν τη δουλειά και στην Κοινότητα του Μόντρεαλ. Επέλεξαν τη λύση της παραίτησης της ομάδας Πράξις για να φέρουν ένα ανακάτεμα στο Συνβούλιο και βέβαια σε κάποιους από το ποίμνιο, πιστεύοντας πως θα πετύχουν τον σκοπό τους που είναι ως γνωστό η άλωση των εκκλησιών του οργανισμού, ώστε να κάνει περιουσία του και κατ επέκταση περιουσία του Φαναρίου - και των εκεί τουρκων κουμανταδώρων του! Απλά πράματα για πνευματικούς... Αλλά ας δούμε όμως και τη συνέχεια. Ο Τσούκας γιατρός είναι πού να ξέρεις τι μπορεί να αποφασίσει ειδικά τώρα που απόκτισε σχέσεις με την προδρίνα και τον Καραντώνη! Μπορεί να υπογράψει και αυτός την ίδια συμφωνία με το Τορόντο! Να δούμε....

  4. There’s a reason Bishop Iakovos is hated by all the priests in Montreal who complain directly to Sotirios which speaks volumes when you complain to Sotirios who himself is disliked by all clergy except Fr Triandaphilos. Iakovos screamed at the Greek community board members, screamed, swore, you name it. Since when is the acceptable behaviour in any organization, especially from a Bishop?? That midget has to go along with Sotirios.

    1. Why doesn’t somebody post a video of bishop Iakovos screaming at the board and have it posted all over CBC? The only think Sotirios is concerned about is what mainstream media says about his institution.

    2. He makes our lives hell.

  5. Sad state of affairs BUT all Greek communities in Canada must run their charities with a clear business goals which include profit or more importantly positive cash-flow to meet the organizations "long -term" goals. Not doing so WILL be destructive. If that means getting out of the church business let it be, the ownership of the physical assets remain with the community to avoid having the church institution selling them due to surplus as is happening with other religions across the world. This is a non-starter for our Archbishop who claims they belong to the church. Unfortunately for Archdiocease they belong to the communities. This is not what my mother and church friends want to hear.
    If you want your church pay for it. If you don't like what you see go elsewhere.

    Nikona Georgakopoulos proud Greek Orthodox Christian Canadian of Hellenic decent.

  6. There is a simple solution to all of this. A boycott where no one participates in these organizations and no one gives them money. Go to your favorite church, pay for your candle, and don't give them a red cent more. Also make them pay for services. That is don't volunteer to do things for free.

  7. Unknown commented on "Παραιτήθηκαν 7 νεοεκλεγέντες, σύμβουλοι, με τον Συνδυασμό «Πράξης», της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας Μόντρεαλ.!!!"
    Why doesn’t somebody post a video of bishop Iakovos screaming at the board and have it posted all over CBC? The only think Sotirios is concerned about is what mainstream media says about his institution.
    (Γιατί δεν δημοσιεύει κάποιος ένα βίντεο με τον επίσκοπο Ιάκωβο να ουρλιάζει στο διοικητικό συμβούλιο και να το αναρτήσει στο Σι. Βι. Σι.; Το μόνο θέμα που απασχολεί τον Σωτήριο, είναι το, τι λένε τα κυρίαρχα καναδικά Μέσα Εενημέρωσης, για τον θεσμό της Αρχιεπισκοπής και την αφεντιά του, φυσικά.)

  8. 6:18 actually it's not just Archbishop Sotirios who cars about negative news on the mainstream media. It's the Ecumenical Patriarch himself. Which is why when the CRA scandal at All Saints in the day pegged Fr John Koulouros in the English news, Sotorios had no choice but to kick him out of our church. That wasn't his decision. That was the Patriarchas.

    So whoever has video of Bishop Iakovos screaming I’d suggest they give it to the media or to Mr. Nikona Georgakopolis who has experience in this.

    Here's the headline:
    Greek Orthodox Bishop Verbally Abuses Greek Community Board

    Also, if you have the video please come forward to get Iakovos kicked out of our church. He sexually abused an alter boy when he was at St Nick’s church (which is why Sotirios kicked him out of St Nicks and sent him to Montreal) and the altar boy left the church and has never come back and his mother still cries about it and has asked people for help to try to bring her son back to the church, with no success. A victim knowing his abuser is kicked out of the church might help return a soul back to the Church. No victim wants to go back to a place they know their abuser is still part of and has close ties you. We can't wait for Sotirios to clean our church since he's an abuser too. So let's do it ourselves.

  9. Hello Mr Andipothas, I think you might have missed my post. Thank you sir.


  11. Try and I will personally forward to those that can help. I bet Sotirios and his guys have already tried to hack Nikona's email.
    Friend of CRA

    1. 2:35 Sotirios doesn't even know how to text someone. And have you seen the archdiocese 1990s garbage website? If his little IT boy Archon Evangelos tried to hack into Nikona’s email, I would be shocked if he was successful.

      And 10:11 I know the mother of the son who Bishop Iakovos sexually abused, she still goes to St Nick’s asking different clergy that go there to help bring her son back to the church. It's devastating to watch her cry about it. May God hear her prayers and heal her son.

  12. Unfortunately Friend of CRA I have had numerous hacking attempts on my email and my personal PC. Fortunately my IT guys have outsmarted the amateurish hackers. Like I said in the past I have fully retired from all Hellenic organizations but I do take pride and have fun calling out what I see as egregious wrongs whether they be from the GCT of which my eldest is a board member and the institution which I have named the not so Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada it's leaders and their blind followers.
    I can assure you that my emails and pc's are of no value to anybody but myself and my 5000 + clients protected by a closed VPN & AOVPM network? which is managed by over 100 IT specialists that are way smarter at these things then I.

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

    1. That should be the new official title: The not-so-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada. LOLOLOL. You're funny buddy.

    2. nikonaass your so full if it. why would anyone at archdiocese want yo hack your emails or network? i mean do they even know how to use a computer? but seriously though 100 IT specialists? If anyone believes that then i have swampland for them.

    3. Oh look who’s back. The guy that can't spell. And actually archon evangelist knows how to use a computer. His achon title is for the category of technology. Just look at his Twitter account “keeper of the portals” or something stupid like that. Sotirios believes Nikona’s the one that's been reporting him/archdiocese/churches to the feds and if they could get into his emails they would see what evidence he's sent the CRA (theoretically since no one knows for sure who reported to CRA since those people are protected by privacy laws). It makes complete sense to hack his email. It's something more common than you think that's done in the church everywhere around the world. Remember just because someone says they're a Christian doesn't mean they behave like one.

  13. None of this is surprising. Anything Bishop Iakovos touches turns to shit. Chaos surrounds him. Whether it's screaming at Greek community board members, screaming at priests, screaming at presvyteres, screaming at Gerontisses, screaming at Philoptochos. He's done it all.

    He threatens priests' lives and tells them when he becomes Archbishop of Canada he will destroy them. He's done that to a several priests, including in Toronto. Several people heard his phone call to Fr Apostolos and Presvytera when he kicked them out of St Nick’s for Merkel and Sotirios. He was on speaker phone at a Toronto community leader’s house. The entire block heard his threats. Even animals behave better than he does.

    We all look forward to the day when the Patriarch announces the next Archbishop of Canada because it won't be him. That will be the best payback. I hope the next Archbishop kicks him out like Archbishop Elpidophoros did to asshole Metropolitan Evangelos. Enough of this bullying in the church by the gay mafia.

  14. 9:03am if you had done some basic research you would have noticed Nikona works for a US publicly traded company with over 30,000 employees worldwide. As for the 1:19 pm uneducated moron,haven’t you figured out yet Nikona does not give a fuck what Sotirios thinks because unlike all of Sotirios’ followers he does not fear him or anybody else. CRA does not accept emails just faxes and hand delivered mail both of which are untraceable.

    1. 12:46 am. First of all, Sotirios barely has any followers, except those who eat at the trough with him. He’s hated by many.

      Also the CRA does in fact accept email and snail mail through Canada Post you fucking idiot. It’s on their website. Lots of people email the various level of governments and the identify of the person is legally protected under the privacy act. That’s why when you FOI something so much of it is redacted because not only do they have to redact the persons name they also have to redact anything that someone might be able to identify who the person is.

      And ya you are a good Christian if you report fraud or theft. You are pretending the Church. The people that aren’t good Christian’s are the ones committing fraud and theft. And more importantly, the CRA does not launch an investigation unless there is sufficient evidence. Which means that whoever sent evidence to the CRA over the last 2 years to cause the launch of 4 investigations — Archdiocese, Philoptochos, Quebec Monastery, St Nick’s Church — has sufficient evidence.

      If the leaders of the church aren’t going to protect the Church than the public/faithful need to step up to protect it. Someone’s gotta be the adult in the room. So if it was Nikona who reported them, give him a fucking medal!!!! He’s protecting our Church from thief’s and fraudsters.

      If Sotirios and his cabal didn’t do anything wrong it wouldn’t matter how many times someone contacted the CRA, there would be no investigation if they were clean. But they’re not.

      So learn how governments fucking work before opening your idiotic mouth and figure out your distorted moral compass where you think fraud and theft is okay in the chuck. Here’s a hint: it’s not okay in any circumstance. It’s those guys who need to repent, what they’ve done is a clear sin. Whoever reported them took on a leadership role to protect the church. And that should be commended, whoever it was/is.

    2. Sotirios run !!
      It is clear that 5:17 pm is leaking inside information. You have a rat within your tight knit group. How else would they have known that I was feeding CRA information for 2 years now?

      Friend of CRA.

  15. Sotirios should be more concerned about the truth tellers from St Nicholas church than Nikona.

  16. Let me get this right 1:19pm a good Christian in not a Christian if they report fraud and theft? Ok

    1. 12:55 you’re a dumbass if you can’t differentiate who the sinner is between those that steal from the church and those that try to protect the church. If the Archdiocese and St Nicks didn’t do anything wrong there wouldn’t be evidence to launch an investigation. It’s that simple.

      people who protect the Church=good

      My kid understands the difference between right and wrong better than you.

    2. 9:18 pm lets see who the dumbass really is with an updated equation.
      thieves = bad
      people who protect corrupt church= worse than bad
      those who promote the word of Jesus = very good

      Where does the Archdiocese fit in this equation?

  17. 9:03 am How about publishing your useless name? Tell your boss it is actually 39,000 employees in over 130 least 1 IT person per country. How is that swampland looking now? You guys need to spend more time worrying about your dwindling flock then any CRA audit for which your boss claims there is nothing to be found. If I was him I would start wiping his own website of his own incriminating evidence. That would be my first free advice to him because they cannot hang you without evidence. Just my thoughts as a Christian who does indeed behave like one. In not quite sure if you guys believe in Christianity or even try to behave as if you do. More to come!!!

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

    1. I don’t know you Nikona but if you reported them I gotta say a huge thank you, man. If I had that evidence I would have done it myself. We gotta protect the Church from the kleptos and fraudsters. So many people are so happy that finally they’ve been reported. Even the Patriarch and his people know about it. They magically obtained a recording where Sotirios is clearly discussing the CRA investigation towards the Archdiocese etc. etc. I heard someone in the circle has flipped on Sotirios, my money is that it’s either Archon Evangelos or Bishop Iakovos. They’ve been trying to take out Sotirios for 2.5 years now.

      Anyway, thanks if it was you and thanks if it wasn’t. Merry Christmas!

    2. Dude, if you reported those guys good on ya. Someone had to do it. You're a hero. It's the best news that's happened all year for our church.

    3. You know when Nikona says mores to come, that things are going to get good.

    4. No one likes a rat, or a snitch, or a Judas. Helping a crooked government that screws you out of your money and oppresses you is not something to be proud of. What do you gain ultimately? Destruction of the church? is that what you want? You think your getting back at a bishop but thats not who pays. What cost will it have on GCT? Do you think people will stand or support people, nikonass and his cabal that have brought so much destruction and pain to the community? What your tearing down will never be put back ever. Remember that. And no one made you guys judge jury and executioner. I feel sorry for you all.

    5. 5:33 pm How can a "rat & snitch ( more like a rufiano) destruct the church if it has not done anything that is illegal?
      "If the Archdiocese is charged with fraud and ultimately loses its charitable status you automatically get Patriarch Bartholomew off his ass and he will immediately do the following:
      1. Gives Sotirios and Bishop Iakovos the boot.
      2. Gets rid of ALL the useless enablers at the Archdiocease Executive/Terry and the unholy priests like Ted.
      3. Gets rid of Merkle and her arcon son from St Nicholas.
      3. Closes down the sham of a Theological Academy which has proven time and time again it is unable to produce any ethical and morally grounded compassionate priests.
      3. Immediately after confirming with Nikona if he still believes, make him and Artemakis archons and gets them to convince CRA that all the rotten eggs are gone. The Charitable status will immediately be re-instated.
      4.Appoints the best English speaking Archbishop that he has available in Canada in consultation with the all the Greek Communities in Canada.

      This will be the best thing that can happen to our morally corrupt church. If everything goes right you will see all our churches in Canada again rise just like Jesus did from the dead for our salvation.

  18. Whoever has the recording of Bish Iakovos screaming at the Greek community board, you realize you are holding gold. I never thought there'd be anyone who the priests hate more than Sotirios but then Iakovos became a bishop and ta da.

    If there was an election for Archbishop in Canada, like they had today in Cyprus, where the orthodox residents get to vote, i
    I would be shocked if Iakovos got more than 5%. In fact i’d bet a lot of money that he couldn't break 5 points.

  19. I really miss Maria Agrapidi screaming at people on this blog for insulting her boy Iakovos. That was some funny shit. Does anyone know what happened to her? Did she flip on him like so many others have?

    1. She’s still his side bitch. You’ll find her tailing him.

  20. Archon Evangelos and his mother should be more concerned about the CRA audit than Sotirios. Why?
    When Sotirios gets nailed he will pass the blame to him and his mom and all the followers including his sham of an executive. Maybe CRA should investigate the annual Christmas cash bonus to Sotirios who falsely claims he lives off his OAS and CPP. Yah right and Nikona is 6’3” and weights 130lbs.

    1. (1:07)


      How does Archon Evangelos Sotiropoulos who only makes just over $100K (it can be found on Ontario sunshine list) and his wife doesn't make more than that, can afford a new build $5 million home on Bayview on prime real estate? No bank would ever approve such a massive mortgage without a massive downpayment or/and unless they're paying the builders in cash. Either way, the money is coming from his mother Tasia who lives in an old school bungalow and works at a school cafeteria during lunch to help with lunch. They don't come from money nor do any of the family's jobs make much money. The role Tasia carries at St Nicholas Church is President of the the Parish council, that is a volunteer job. She has no legitimate paying job at the Church. But a lot of cash money is leaving the church with her.

      Given the magnitude of the theft from St Nicholas church from her, that would be the most logical explanation. Unless she can prove otherwise.

    2. No nikonass is 4 foot fuck all and weighs 230lbs

  21. Since we know CRA reads this blog. They should look into the claim that the Archdiocese makes that is sends the Patriarch $2 million per year but only reports $700k on its annual filing. Fintrac? Money laundering?

    Friend of CRA

    1. 1:13 am:

      Hi CRA: it's $1.8 million that Archbishop Sotirios sends a year to the Ecumenical Patriarch. $900 is a donation and $900 is for the building, staff etc.

      There's a recording of an Archdiocesan Council meeting where Archbishop Sotirios and this finance person who is an Archon where they explain this. Everyone identifies themselves as well so there will be no confusion as to who’s who.

      Where can I email the recording? It's digital.

    2. Dear.CRA: in addition to my previous post about the $1.8M. The recording also has the Archbishop the finance Archon discuss how there's some sort of Ecumenical Patriarch Endowment out of Montreal that is “private” and that Archons are giving to it at the direction of Bishop Iakovos (Dimitrios) Antonopoulos. Where is that money in the books?

      Happy to send you the entire recording from start to end of the entire Archdiocesan council meeting so you know that the recording is not cut. Again, everyone on the recording is identified by Archbishop Sotirios of Canada before each person speaks.

      It also discusses the CRA investigation you are conducting for the Archdiocese, National Philoptochos and the monastery in Quebec. You will hear the Archbishop’s “talking points” about what he will say to the CRA if they get caught. He's a master manipulator and the recording shows that.

      I will review other recordings to see of there's anything of use to you to avoid you having to listen for hours about the Archbishop talking about his life and how amazing he is. He also talks really slowly so it's painful to listen to.

      Sorry, our church leadership sucks. We are hoping for a real leader to come within the next 1.5 years and then you will all be able to rest.

      Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! And thank you for everything you are doing to protect our sacred Church. It means a lot to many of us across Canada.

    3. Send recordings to (super secure server is in Germany)

    4. 2021 Greek Orthodox Archdiocease filing shows activities outside Canada as follows:
      1. Ecumenical Patriarch - Turkey $301,829
      2. Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania $100,000
      3. Orthodox Metropolis of Korea $24,000
      4. Greek orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa $6,000.
      5. Metropolitan Orthodox Archdiocese of Conco-Brazzaville and Gabon $2,4000

      For a total of $434,229.00
      nothing about the supposedly $1.8 Million.

      Nikona Georgakopoulos

  22. I don't understand why the board just didn't kick bishop iakovos out? They have no formal obligation to have clergy in there, right? When a bishop is screaming and swearing like he belongs in an insane asylum that's when you tell him to get the fuck out now. I don't get why anyone puts up with that shit?

    If that was in the corporate or government worlds he would have been removed immediately for verbal abuse, written up in the minutes, and not permitted to enter again. Period.

    Can we all just stop letting this midget abuse people already. Once a malaka, always a malaka.

    1. They need clergy to run the show: no clergy no sacraments. No sacraments no money. No cleft no churches. No churches no money. It’s all a massive Byzantine shit show of which that midget is the lead dancer.

    2. Also why isn’t the RCMP investigating the midget for molesting the altar boy at St. Nick’s? Are we seriously going to let this guy molest more of our children?

    3. Why dont you file a criminal complaint? If you really care that much about the boy. Or if its even true which chances are its not.

  23. Does anyone know if a public statement was issued about the board resigning on mass? I would.susspect they need to inform the membership?

  24. (1:07) CRA: How does Archon Evan. who only makes just over $100K (it can be found on Ontario sunshine list) and his wife doesn't make more than that, can afford a new build $5 million home in Onario, on prime real estate? No bank would ever approve such a massive mortgage without a massive downpayment or/and unless they're paying the builders in cash. Either way, the money is coming from his mother, who lives in an old bungalow and works at a school cafeteria during lunch to help with lunch. They don't come from money nor do any of the family's jobs make much money. The role ……. carries at St N. Church is President of the the Parish council, that is a volunteer job. She has no legitimate paying job at the Church. But a lot of cash money is leaving the church with her. Given the magnitude of the theft from church from her, that would be the most logical explanation. Unless she can prove otherwise.
    ( Σημ. Α.: Όταν κατηγορούμε κάποιους με το όνομά τους για καταχρήσεις, το λιγότερο που επιβάλεται να κάνουμε – αν υπάρχει ίχνος ευγένειας – είναι να βάλουμε ΚΑΙ το δικό μας ονοματάκι κάτω από τις καταγγελίες, ή ...έστω, να γράψουμε και κάποιες αποδείξεις για όλα αυτά... Πού τα βρήκε, πώς τα βρήκε και τι τα έκανε, είναι λίγο προσωπική υπόθεση του καθ’ ενός. Εγώ ...ξέρω, ότι έχει κάποιος δυο πλούσιες φιλενάδες, οι οποίες του δίνουν κάργα χαρτζιλίκι, θα πρέπει να μας το πει, ή μήπως να μας στείλει και φωτωγραφίες τους, για να κοιμόμαστε ήσυχοι τα βράδια; Τέτοιες αναφορές γίνονται μόνον για δημόσια πρόσωπα και όχι για τον οποιονδήποτε, εντάξει;)

    1. Her husband was a business man that owned a company. Thats how she got her money idiot.

  25. (1:07) well Tasia/Merkel made it a public matter when she was bragging to people at Church that her son bought a new build $5M home on Bayview. And it’s public information how much Evangelos makes because he’s on the provinces Sunshine List, just over $100K. And his wife is an account. No one in Canada can get a $5 million mortgage on such little money. It’s impossible. You can’t even get a $2 million dollar mortgage with such little money.

    I know where Tasia lives, everyone knows she works at lunch time at the school helping with lunch, she’s told everyone herself she works for TDSB. That is not a lucrative job. She’s not getting rich on making sandwiches for kids.

    Tasia’s job at St Nick’s as President is supposed to be a volunteer job. Meaning no pay.

    The “volunteer” President of St Nick’s church made it our business when she was bragging. A simple Google search will show you how much her son makes. Do the math. None of them are millionaires from their day jobs. The family doesn’t come from money.

    It’s not my job to prove where he got the money from. It’s the governments job through this investigation of St Nick’s where Tasia and Evangelos are the prime suspects of tax evasion and theft to prove to them where the money came from.

    I won’t tell you my name because of who I work for and I know Archbishop Sotirios will lose his mind. And frankly it doesn’t matter to the CRA who I am since everything is confidential according to the law.

    I just want this never ending nightmare in our church over. So I will share whatever I can to help the CRA who is monitoring this page. They caught All Saints back in the day and I pray they will catch St Nick’s, να ησυχάσουμε όλοι!

    Don’t you want to know if the President of your church is funneling money to her son and to Bishop Iakovos and to the Archbishop of America? It’s not just enough to have an investigation launched. The only way to remove her under Sotirios is for Tasia to get caught. If not, we have to wait until the Archbishop comes and no one except one person in the world who lives in Turkey knows the answer to that question.

  26. Hey Nikona or the CRA friend on this site, do you mind helping 10:08 and 10:29 out, please? How can they get that recording to the CRA? It sounds like interesting evidence.

    1. If they were to directly inquire with the CRA, the CRA would inform them how to submit any alleged evidence.

  27. try
    CRA Friend

    1. 12:14am. What’s mailfence? Where would my recording go to exactly? Not familiar with that.

    2. mailface is super secure email address, that is virtually impossible to hack. It would go to me. and then to CRA itself.

      friend of CRA

  28. Just for laughs- or klamata before Christmas-

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

    1. you for got a 6 nikonaass

    2. 5:44 you “forgot” how to spell again, dumbass.

  29. 5:44pm who is the real dumbass? Nikona who calls out all the bullshit and puts his name on what he rights or you who acts like a mouni with their tale between your legs ?
    Keep going strong Nikona.
