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Saturday, November 5, 2022

Ο πελάτης έχει πάντα (;) δίκιο, λένε οι έμποροι. Λέτε να έχουν και οι αναγνώστες - σχολιαστές; Ίδωμεν...

 Αναγνώστης μας γράφει:

AnonymousNovember 5, 2022 at 10:56 AM

Αντίποδα γιατί τα καλύτερα σχόλια μας τα κρύβεις κάτο από παλιές αναρτήσεις και δεν μπορούμε εύκολα να τα διαβάσουμε οι περισσότεροι που δεν έχουμε χρόνο να ψάχνουμε; Ανέβασέ τα σε παρακαλώ πιο μπροστά για να τα βλέπουμε ευκολότερα και να ενημερονόμαστε. Διότι από τα γραφτά σου όλα αυτά τα χρόνια κάτι μάθαμε μερικοί σαν εμένα άσχετοι, και βέβαια ακόμα περισσότερο όταν γράφει ο κ. Νίκωνα που σαν πρώην πρόεδρος ξέρει πολλά περισσότερα και μιλάει, αντίθετα με άλλους κοινοτικούς που κάνουν την πάπια, όπως και ο Σωτήριος με τους παπάδες του. Ευχαριστώ!

Αντίποδας; Επειδή εκεί μας τα στέλνετε, αγαπητέ, κι’ έτσι πρέπει να γίνει.  Ας είναι, όμως, σου κάνουμε τη χάρη να τα μεταφέρουμε και κατά δύναμη θα το ξανακάνουμε, όταν μπορούμε...

Αρχίζουμε, λοιπόν, από τα τελευταία:

1.             AnonymousNovember 4, 2022 at 3:05 PM

Διαπστώνω κ. Ανίποδα τη συνέχειά σου να μην ασχολείσαι με τα παροικιακά ζητήματα όπως πριν και βέβαια με τη διοίκηση των διάφορων οργανισμών που υπάρχουν και εργάζονται και προσφέρουν στην ομογενειακή παροικία που ζούμε.

Αφορμή για το σχόλειό μου αυτό παίρνω από την τελευταία προ λίγων ημερών μεγάλη παρέλαση στην Ντάνφορθ η οποία ήταν κατά τη γνώμη μου η μεγαλύτερη των τελευταίων ετών που έγινε, και που έτυχε να παραυρεθώ η ίδια αυτιπροσώπως και να την παρακολουθίσω από κοντά. Αυτά τα πράματα πρέπει νομίζω να λέγονται και να γράφονται για να μένουν και στην ιστορία για τους νεώτερους απόγωνους του Τορόντο. Δεν ξέρω πως κατάφεραν να διοργανώσουν μια μεγάλη παρέλαση, τώρα που ο κόσμος της παροικίας λιγοστεύει χρόνο με τον χρόνο, αλλά μπράβο στους γονείς που άφησαν τα παιδιά τους να παρελάσουν και να χαρούν το ΟΧΙ των προγόνων μας, με την βοήθεια και του καλού καιρού της ημέρας. Συνχαρητήρια σε όλους για τη συμετοχή τους!



Nick GeorgakopoulosNovember 4, 2022 at 3:21 PM

The number of participants was really exciting but the number of people watching the Parade was not in my opinion as as expected for the lovely day we had..
This is something the GCT should look into together with the Danforth BIA, but before we criticize them let us see how the other Toronto parades will fare.

Nikona Georgakopoulos




ΑΝΤΙΠΟΔΑΣNovember 4, 2022 at 5:39 PM

Θα ήθελα πολύ, Νίκωνα, να συμφωνήσω μαζί σου, αλλά σε βλέπω λίγο αυστηρό στην κριτική σου και μάλον ΔΕΝ θα τα καταφέρω. Πρώτη φορά ήταν, για την αρχιεπισκοπή και τον επίσκοπο Αθηναγόρα, που οργάνωσαν έναν περίπατο, στην Ντάνφορθ, και ήταν επώμενο να μην πετύχουν σε όλα τους. Μπορεί οι ιερείς των ενοριών του Τορόντο, να έχουν κάποια επιρροή στα παιδιά των κατηχητικών και των όποιων άλλων Ελληνικών Σχολείων λειτουργούν σ' αυτές, αλλά ΔΕΝ τα καταφέρνουν και τόσο καλά, στις σχέσεις τους με το πλήρωμα των ανά το Τορόντο, ιδιόκτητων αρχιεπισκοπικών εκκλησιών... Υπάρχει, πώς να το κάνουμε, μια αντίθεση στις μεταξύ τους σχέσεις γιαυτό και μέρα με την ημέρα ο κόσμος απέχει απ' αυτές.! Εξ' άλλου και ο ίδιος ο Σωτήριος το έχει κατ' επανάληψη ομολογήσει δημοσίως, μήπως και τους ρίξει, όπως νομίζει, στο φιλότημο.! Και μη μου πεις ότι ΔΕΝ κατάλαβες, όπως όλος ο υπόλοιπος κόσμος, ότι τα παιδιά των σχολείων που περπάτησαν, είχαν κάποια σχέσει με την παρέλαση των μαθητών που λάμβαναν μέρος τις άλλες χρονιές, στις οποίες υπήρχε πραγματική - σχετικά - τάξη και που ο παριστάμενος κόσμος μπορούσε να καμαρώσει και να χειροκροτήσει τα παιδιά του και οι παπούδες τα εγγόνια τους. Μπορώ, πάντος, να σου πω ότι ο επίσκοπος Σαλμάς ως αντιπρόεδρος της Οργανωτικής Επιτροπής, τα πήγε καλά και την επώμενη, πιθανόν ως πρόεδρος, πλέον, θα τα καταφέρει κάπως καλύτερα. Μη σταματάτε και μην τα βάζετε, ή τα καταβάζετε, κάτω, όπως έκαναν οι ΑρτεμοΚαραντώνηδες και η κουσουριάρικη κλίκα τους. Βαστάτε γερά.!!!



AnonymousNovember 4, 2022 at 6:51 PM

Μήπως είναι στην πραγματικότητα έτσι όπως τα λέτε κ. Αντίποδα; Γιατί κάτι μου μπίκε στο κεφάλι μου τώρα που σε διάβασα και μου φάίνεται κατα κάποιον τρόπο λογικούλικο. Λες να είναι έτσι, θα το ψάξω λίγο παραπάνω όμως, για την σιγουριά, αν και σχεδόν είναι!



Nick GeorgakopoulosNovember 4, 2022 at 9:47 PM

Mr Antipoda you are probably right I may have missed another valid point of view. Thanks for your enlightenment.

Nikona Georgakopoulos




AnonymousNovember 5, 2022 at 10:56 AM


  1. Εγώ τώρα γιατί νομίζω ότι με κοροΙδεύεις κ. Νίκωνα; Αφού μου είπαν ότι προχθές έπινες - δίπλα, δίπλα, - καφέ με κάποιους Κενοτικούς και με τον αντιπρόεδρο της διοργάνωσης του περίπατου στην Ντάνφορθ, επίσκοπο Αθηναγόρα, και υποψήφιο Αρχιεπίσκοπο Καναδά.! Για τον καφέ και την κουβεντούλα που είχατε, δεν είμαι βέβαιος, διότι δεν το διασταύρωσα, αλλά η πηγή μου είναι από τις καλά ενημερωμένες και την πίστεψα. Αν, πάλι, η προσπάθεια που κάνεις, είναι για να προοθήσεις κάποιον γνωστό σου στην προεδρία της Κενότητας, μέσω του Αθηναγόρου, δικαίωμά σου. Να ξέρεις, πάντως, ότι "Ουδέν κρυφό ΑΠΟ τον Ήλιο", που λέει κάποιος δικός σου, ...παραμορφωμένος.! Συνεννοηθήκαμε; ΔΕΝ έχομαι πλάκες...

    1. Να με συγχωρείς αλλά έτυχε να κάθομαι λίγο πιο πέρα και μπορώ να πω ότι ο Επίσκοπος ήταν εκεί και έπινε καφέ με 3-4 νεαρούς όταν μπήκε μέσα ο Νίκωνα με κάποιους άγνωστους και κάθισαν δίπλα τους. Έτσι αυτά που έμαθες και σου είπαν δεν είναι ακριβώς έτσι.

  2. I doubt they were having coffee *together*. If you saw the text messages he sent the Salmas during the pandemic church restrictions you’d understand. A number of priests saw them, they were printed out.

    1. Μα είναι δυνατό, ένας ιερωμένος του αναστήματος Αθηναγόρα, να κρατά μίσος κατά του Νίκωνα, επειδή κάποια στιγμή διεφώωνησαν σε θέματα Κόβιτ; Εγώ δεν το δέχομαι, φιλαράκια ήταν και θα είναι για πάντα. Τώρα βέβαια που θα γίνει και ουσιαστικός πρόεδρος της Κοινότητας, ως Αρχιεπίσκοπος, έτσι που τα κατάφεραν και τα έδωσαν όλα για να φχαριστήσουν τον Σωτήριο πριν πάρει το λεοφορείο!!

    2. 1:30 Nikona was probably right. Salmas with direct orders from Sotirios wrote a bullshit letter of instructions to his priests which he clearly stated should not be shared with the media or anybody outside of church circles and Nikona rightfully gave it to public health which immediately warned Sotirios to stop his nonsense. Which he immediately did and blamed Nikona for his sins.

    3. Bishop Athenagoras (Salmas) was at Tim Hortons with his parea am I was with mine and as expected we exchanged pleasantries. Nothing more nothing less. Since that text you are referring to from the Bishop’s private cell our paths have crossed quite a few times. I wonder did the Bishop share any of his other text messages?

      Nikona Georgakopoulos.

  3. 11:59 PM Ya he did share some of your text messages during the pandemic. They were printed out for Sotirios. A few of us saw them while at the Archdiocese.

    It's not just his private cell, it's also his cell for work but the Archdiocese won't pay for it.

    Toronto priests who texted him about what you were doing during the pandemic were also printed out for Sotirios and.some of us saw them too. I remember that Fr. Ted sent a screenshot of you when you started following his live stream to Slamas saying you were monitoring his church. and Later said you reported his church 2xs I think?

    I remember you also sent a live-stream link to Salmas from one of the churches who was breaking the law and I think you made some comment implying you would say something.

    Priests tried to blame you for their churches being reported but Sotirios told priests he knows it was others trying to sabotage him in hopes it would be enough chaos for the Patriarch to replace Sotirios. He said it himself at one of our synaxis meetings «Αυτά ήταν του Ιάκωβο» It was the failed coup that Bish Iakovos had Fanourios, Merkel, Archon Evan, Economou, Ted, I cant remeber right now.who else involved in. They're all idiots for thinking they could unseat Sotirios over a piece of metal, given what he's actually gotten away with. Sotirios told the Patriarch what Iakovos and his cabal did to ensure he never takes over Canada. Patriarch asked him if he wanted him to send Iakovos to never never land but Sotirios said no. I would have said yes.

    1. I love how Sotirios defended Nikona and said it was his dumb bishop and priests. He was honest for once! LOL

  4. 11:59 pm Although I somewhat like and respect Father Ted there were no screenshots of his livestream. If I was going to show any screenshot it would have been of the priest at Metamorphosis giving communion via common spoon at the churches side door.
    So spare me the bullshit your boss is asking you to write and have him explain what he did with the $100K+ raised for baby Alexander which was except for $1,400 given for the cause.
    Maybe you clowns should spend more time finding ways to fill your churches then trying to come after me because trust me I got a lot more to say that you guys don't want out which your lawyer cannot do anything about. Your choice

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

    1. I didn't say you did, I said Ted took a screenshot of his church YouTube channel live-stream that showed you started following it and texted it to Salmas saying you started monitoring his church. And when he informed Salmas that his church got reported shortly after that he said it was you.

      And if you have shit on Sotirios for the love of God release it so we can get rid of him already!

      But you do realize I said Sotirios defended you against what priests like Ted were saying and writing to the Archdiocese. That's why he openly blamed Iakovos at the Ontario synaxis because he knew what that group of priests did. A priest they tried to recruit to join their dumb cabal turned over the messages to the Archdiocese. And another priest they did recruit from Ontario admitted it to Sotirios and who was involved in exchange for something he needed from Sotirios. Can't remember if he printed out the messages between the priests or gave them to Salmas, it's been a while now. But they're in the HR files of the priests.

    2. Interesting how you knew metamorphosis once communed a group of people from the side door. How would you even know that?

      Someone reported them and officers showed up but no fine. Archdiocese was informed from the priest.

    3. 2:00 am what HR files are you talking about the ones in Sotirios’ head? Nikona I have from reliable sources also followed live stream the church of Greece to report to Mitsotakis all the church’s transgressions. Then gamiosaste ole me at psemata sas

  5. Leave Nikona alone you dicks you guys were knowingly breaking the law and tried to blame him for doing so. my grandfather wisely told me that " the fish smells from the head" surely his greedy power hungry bishops would try to backstab their boss BUT they forgot that Sotirios always keeps an ace in is pocket. He unfortunately is untouchable for now. All we can do is embarrass him and his lame institution called the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada.
    He could care less.

    1. I don't care who reported the churches, I'm just glad someone did. And again, Sotirios openly said if was Iakovos and his cabal. Not you. The only people that blamed you were Iakovos’ cabal, deflection much?

  6. Forget about who 's cell it is or why the Archdiocease is too cheap to pay. Have you noticed lately that those under 50 are no longer taking communion ever since you guys went back to the single spoon?
    Why did you guys stop live broadcasting?
    Are you noticing a pattern here?
    You guys are doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That is the definition of insanity

    1. Good questions. Dumb decision by Sotirios but some churches don't care and have ignored him and live-stream still. Panagia in Hamilton and I heard St D’s and Irene’s do too. Go GCT!!

    2. The priests were given a choice between multiple, single or hybrid spoons. Only priest who still does multiple spoons is Fr Theo from Prophet Elias he went to his board for a vote instead of unilaterally deciding for his church. Every other priest ran back to the single spoon.

      The best part is when the issue first arose because St D’s was reported, Sotirios had his priests vote on whether to stop communion until the pandemic was over, use multiple spoons, or use multiple cups like MPP Effie T. told Sotirios that the province was instructing all churches to do.

      What was interesting with the vote, is that while the majority of priests voted for multiple spoons, there was a group who voted for multiple cups because they wanted to follow medical advice. And there were a few priests who voted to cancel communion until the pandemic was over (so 2 years): low and behold it was Iakovos’ cabal: Fanourios, Economou, Paraskevopoulos and Avryopoulos. Imagine cancelling communion for 2 years? Or even 1 year? because a piece of metal. Hmmm, good way to create absolute chaos in the church.

      When it came to Quebec Iakovos told Sotirios his “spiritual conscious” doesn't allow him to use multiple spoons. LMAO!! For a guy who stole money from his Philoptochos, publicly told off many people in the Greek community of Montrral, has a boyfriend who's a Greek school teacher at the school next to his church, didled an altar boy while at St Nicks, has threatened the majority of priests in Canada, it's pretty fucking comical. The best part is when Sotirios busted that cabal of Iakovos he told Sotirios he would do whatever he wanted as long as he supports him for Archbishop LOLOOOLOLO. So Sotirios played along and had him try to force the 2 monasteries to use multiple spoons and get the covid shot. But but but what about his spiritual consciousness?

      Any clergy linked to Sotirios or Iakovos need to be shown the door when there's eventually a new archbishop who brings in new priests. This stupid shit in the church needs to stop once and for all.

  7. Who cares about Nikona? On the other hand if what you say about the participants of the failed coup is true, Ted should look himself carefully in the mirror and remember that Sotirios is the one who did him a big favor by bring him back to Toronto so that his wife could be closer to her parents that could help raise their kids. That may explain why Sotirios would not do the same favor for Fr. Apostolos Gkolias. Everybody is a backstabber.

  8. Μήπως κ. Νίκωνας τα έχεις κάνει λίγο Τάτσι-Μήτσι-Κώτσι με τους Αρχιεπισκόπους, Επισκόπους και δεν συμμαζεύεται και σε αγαπάνε τόσο πολύ τον τελευταίο καιρό; Απλά ρωτάω, αφού κάτι τέτοιο κατάλαβα εγώ..

  9. 3:02 pm Besides the rumors out I never reported any churches Greek Orthodox, old Calendar, Ukrainian Orthodox or god forbid Monasteries your priests did.
    What does that tell you about your brothers in cloth?
    I only asked (as was publicly disclosed by the Archdiocese), for clarification by the city and provincial medical officers of health after Bishop Athenagoras/Salmas) emailed a directive full of inaccuracies where he instructed the readers to not share his letter with the public media and blogs . I gave them the letter and the Archdiocese was quickly reprimanded for its' actions.
    Because of that I received threats against my life by gutless fanatics in Canada and the USA who had hired private investigators to find dirt on me to shut me down (Trump Style) .
    The best they could find was that I owned a Black Mercedes with personalized license plates NIKONA. If these idiots had looked deeper they would have noticed that the Mercedes was purchased and paid for 7 months before my involvement with the GCT, and the personalized plates another 15 years before that.
    Just to set the record straight !!

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

    1. After the Ontario synaxis no one thinks it was you Nikona. People know it was Iakovos and his cabal of Toronto priests who were reporting the churches to cause chaos. They even told people that St Johns got a $30,000 fine and so did St Nick’s which was not true they got warnings. As for those priests who fucked Sotiros, I have no doubt that he will get them back before he retires and apparently has been compiling a personal binder he will give whoever takes over with evidence of the serious shit they've all done. There's no way Sotirios doesn't burn them to the ground. It's the only thing he's a master at, payback.

  10. 11:45 A,M. My mother who is a true God fearing Greek Orthodox Christian keeps on ordering me to STOP writing about "them" and asks in vain what good are you doing?She insists I should go with the flow which I have never done in my whole life from the day I was born.
    Because I love and respect the world best mother after the Virgin Mary I have made it my mission to make our church better. How you may ask ? Time will tell one step at a time.
    Is that not what all good Christians want?

    Nikona Georgakopoulos

  11. Ο Νίκωνας με όσα γράφει αποδεικνύει ότι έχει χάσει την επαφή με την πραγματικότητα. Ζει στη Τραλαλά λαντ. Όταν ήταν στη διοίκηση εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες δολλάρια έκαναν φτερά σε δικηγόρους. Στο δικηγόρο που ανέλαβε την υπόθεση ενάντια στον Αρχιεπίσκοπο έδωσαν πάνω από 600,000 δολλάρια! Και όχι μόνο έχασαν την υπόθεση αλλά έδωσαν και τα παντελόνια τους για να σωθούν. Ας πίνει καφέ με τον αποτυχημένο πρόεδρο Αντώνη Αρτεμάκη και ας κατέβει από το ροζ συννεφάκι που ζει.

  12. Τα εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες λεφτά που έφαγε ο αρχιεπίσκοπος και αρχικλέφτης πως τα βλέπεις; Ο χαζός κοσμάκης δίνει λεφτά σ’ αυτόν τον αλήτη κι αυτός τους κοροϊδεύει. Άντε παπάρι Πήγαινεα κρύψου πουθενά και μιλά για κανέναν άλλον.

  13. Why don’t you talk about the Archbishops fascination with having those on their death bed change their wills to give everything to him or the corrupt church?
    Truth hurts?

    1. 8:16 Talk about what? Everyone knows Sotirios does it and he even says it himself. While it's a smart tactic to get large sums of money for the church, it's not genuine because Sotirios doesn't care about anyone unless there's something in it for himself. A direct benefit. If he went to the deathbeds of poor people too I’d say thats different. But he doesn't. Sociopath.

  14. Here is the reality. The Archdioceses is a corrupt organization which takes from the rich and poor and lines it’s own pockets.

    Don’t believe me go look at st Nicholas and st panteleomon. Corruption at its best. That’s why CRA is auditing them.

  15. The reality of the matter you fool is that you guys at the archdioceses are first class thieves and fraudsters. Nikona should be the least of your concerns.
    Spend more time trying to figure out how you will deal with CRA which will crucify you with my help.

    CRA helper.

    1. “CRA helper” that's awesome. I hope you guys bring down the entire house, only way to get rid of sotiroula.
