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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Συνεχίζουν τα ...όργανα για την αναπλήρωση Σωτηρίου... Πέντε αρχιερείς ...ερίζουν για να βάλουν τον ...δικό τους.!


Διαβάστε το παρακάτω σχόλιο αναγνώστη μας και πείτε μας τη γνώμη σας, αν έχετε και αν το θέμα σας ενδιαφέρει ή έστω σας απασχολεί...

3:46 AM. Oh, I'm with you. This should scare people much more than when the monasteries in America were terrified that front runner Met. Emmanuel of Paris at the time was going to take over America. Nathaniel of Chicago’s “Geronta” is Arch. Makarios of Australia. And he wants to control Canada with one of his people because he also wanted to be Arch of America. 

The previous summer 2020 he had a meeting with HAH Bartholomew to have Nathaniel replace Sotirios when the chaos was happening here during the pandemic. He found out like others that Bish Iakovos here was behind the attempted coo with a group of people/priests in Ontario to get Sotirios removed over spoons because Iakovos thought that he had the best shot of taking over when the churches were closed in the middle of global pandemic and every one was focused on their own struggling territories. Sotirios and Makarios are very close but clearly not close enough. Sotirios was in fact advocating for Makarios to take over America to keep it in their control because at one point Sotirios wanted America but because of allegations of pedophilia the Patriarch wouldn't give it to him so he pushed for Makarios instead. So Nathaniel has been on the short list for Canada ever since then. Makarios controls Nathaniel. They have an extremely disturbing “relationship”. Except Nathaniel wants to take over America and not Canada. He openly hates monastery people and thinks Canada is full of “Ephraimites”. Nonetheless, he’s still on the short list for Canada. But now Makarios is also pushing for one of his protege bishops in Australia to take over Canada. The push for candidates has escalated now because Sotirios was called to the Patriarchate which is why he left for Greece earlier than he wanted to. His meetings were done the week before and now he's in Greece until Aug. 2. It's not a matter of if. It's a matter of when he retires. There's 5 hierarchs that I know of, of course there could be more, that are pushing for their own candidate. Sotirios is smart, he's not backing anyone in case his guy doesn't get it and there's blowback but he's lead Bish Iakovos to believe he's advocating for him. Like Sotirios is going to back someone that tried to take him out? Gotta hand it to Sotirios, he's very smart but he has no moral compass whatsoever


  1. Welcome to the big dilemma get rid of one idiot and replace him with another. We can’t win. Is there not a man of the cloth that has a moral compass?

    1. Από ποιον και Γιατί να απαλλαγούμε, ρε φιλάρα; Ο Σωτήριος, και πολλοί άλλοι άθλιοι σαν του λόγου του, επιλέχτικαν (και επιλέγονται) να καθήσουν στο θρόνο, για να ξεκουράζουν και λίγο τον κώλο τους, από τις άγριες επιθέσεις των κωλομπαράδων προϊσταμένων τους, σε όλα τα πλάτη και μίκη της γης, όπου υπάρχει ορθοδοξία! Αφού, έτσι, μπόρεσαν να αναρυχιθούν όλοι οι – από πάνω και κάτω – πισογλέντιδες στα ανώτερα και ανώτατα «αξιώματα» της πίστης μας, ας τους αφήσουμε ίσυχους να «κάνουν» τη δουλειά τους και να μείνουμε σπίτι μας, κάνοντας τον Σταυρό μας και την προσευχή μας..... Αμφιβάλει, μήπως, κανείς όλτι ολ Θεός μας έδειξε τον δρόμο αυτό μέσω του κορωνοϊού που μας έστειλε, για να ξυπνόσουμε, επιτέλους; Ή μήπως τον περάσατε βλάκα τον Ιησού Χριστό και ότι δεν βλέπει τι καθάρματα βρωμερά έκατσαν στον σβέρκο μας, πουλώντας μας την ...προστασία του, για να μας τα παίρνουν και να έχουν χρήμα να τον ...παίρνουν; Μακρυά, όσοι και όσο μπορείτε, από τους Οίκους εμπορίου, όπως κατάντισαν τους κάποτε Ιερούς Ναούς που χτίσαμε με το υστέρημά μας.....

  2. A real god would get these clowns thrown in jail, and then get a married lay person to run our church. Not like these current immoral pedos.

    1. Not how the church was established and not how it's governed. A married episcopate? Absolutely! A bunch of lay people dictating what the priest or bishop should do? Absolutely not! There are plenty of good bishops out there that could fill this role. I'd say stop going into the monasteries and start going into the lecture halls. Get some good boys that are forward in their thinking. Stop it with the oligarchy? It ain't working. Maybe grab on to a well rounded married priest. Avoid the fanatics and avoid the corruption.

    2. When there is smoke you usually have fire and our immoral church leaders like to stoke the flame.

  3. 6:45 I responded but Antipodas won’t post it. Maybe he didn’t like that I said Salmas isn’t a pedo. You know Andipothas not everyone who is a hierarch is gay or a pedo. Are there ones like Sotirios and Iakovos, of course. But it’s not every hierarch.

    1. 9:25 unfortunately most hierarchs are indeed gay including Bart.

  4. 7:49 I wrote a response agreeing that a lay person should not be running the church but had a different view on who should. Antipodas the dictator won’t publish it, surprise surprise. It’s like he wants to be like Sotirios.

    1. Ποιά σχόλιά σας ΔΕΝ δημοσίευσε ο Αντίποδας, ρε καθίκια (9:25 & 3:46) του κερατά; Εκτός κι' αν εννοείτε εκείνα τα ...αννόητα, που στείλατε ...νοερώς και τα πείρε στο δρόμο ο αέρας.!!! Βρήκατε βήμα, γράφετε, ανώνυμα, ό,τι μαλακία σας κατέβει στο κεφάλι και ζητάτε και τα ρέστα για να δικαιολογήσετε το τομάρι σας, δίχως την ελάχιστη ντροπή...

  5. ετοιμαστείτε να κλείσουν μερικές εκκλησίες αν φύγει ο Σωτήρης. το πρώτο που θα κάνει ο καινούργιος. και από τις πρώτες θα είναι δυο κοινοτικές. και μετά θα απολυθούν και μερική ιερείς. θα λετε Σωτήρη μου Σωτήρη μου. μην βιαστείτε να τον βλέπετε να φεύγει.

    1. Δεν ξέρω από που αντλείς εσύ τις πληροφορίες σου αυτές κύριε, αλλά θα πρέπει σίγουρα να φτάνουν σε σένα από κάποιες αξιόπιστες πηγές σου, υποθέτω. Όμως όπως όλα δείχνουν, πριν φύγει, θα κλείσουν τουλάχιστον οι μισές για να μαζέψει χρήματα για το φανάρι και τα δικά του κτηματομεσιτηκά όπως το έχει ομολογίσει πολλές φορές ο ίδιος σε δημόσιες αναφορές του, αλλά και σε ιδιοτικές συζητήσεις. Τώρα αν μέσα σε αυτές είναι και κάποιες της κοινότητας δεν υπάρχει διαφορά αφού όλες δικές του είναι με την τελευταία συνφωνία! Όσο για τους ιερείς πού να τους βρει για να τους απολύσει; Αφού οι περισσότεροι καλύπτουν 1-2-3 εκκλησίες σχεδόν.

    2. το άλλο που μάλλον θα γίνει είναι ότι θα φέρουν παπάδες και ψάλτες και άλλους από την ελλάδα και θα τους πληρώνουν καλούς μισθούς απο τα ταμεία τις αρχιεπισκοπής. έτσι θα τους έχουν όλους στην τσέπη τους. οι ντόπιοι θα ειναι απλώς πορτοφόλι. θα πείτε οτι έτσι είναι και τώρα αλλά δεν είναι ετσι αγαπητοί μου. θα σας κακοφανεί και θα είναι πολύ πικρό να διοικούν περιουσίες που δεν τους ανήκουν εννοείται κληρονομικός.

    3. How could someone close the koinotites churches if the archdiocese doesn't even own them? As for the priests here, I hope you're right that whoever takes over dismisses some of the priests here or even defrovks them. It's not just Sotirios who’s sick, others have been made in his image.

    4. 6:06 no one will be missing Sotirios except for the corrupt people around him who financially profit. No one. There will be a party when Sotirios gone and we’ll be doing Keg stands. And let's hope the new guy gets rid of some of the corrupt priests and bishops too. Sotirios has created a sess pool especially in Toronto and Montreal.

    5. sorry 8:53, the churches belong to the archdiocese. the koinotita owns the physical building. Sotiri wont do it, but the next guy… probably. Its mo secret that there are too many churches in close proximity to each other struggling to survive with reduced attendance every year. would all those people be better served in one church with 2-3 priests? dont know. but i do know that the current setup is failing everyone.

  6. "A bunch of lay people dictating what the priest or bishop should do?" If priest & bishop spread the word of god like hey should there would be no need to " dictate. Even the morons at the gct never crossed that line the priests and bishops did, they stole from their congregation and lied about it as if they did nothing saying on numerous occasions that IF they made a mistake it was unintentionally AND it would never happen again. Lets us see how that line is working with CRA? Word has it a press release will soon come out about the corrupt Archbishop and his Ladies Philoptochos/piggy bank. even the the friendly Guardian(s) of capital cannot save them or their selves. 9:24 pm Salmas may or may not be a pedo BUT he is like his boss a money hungry cock grabbing backstabbing liar. Nα ton xerosaste.

    1. well except for nikonass no one would be happy about ratting anyone out to the cra. btw nikonass you don't seem to come up on the CA site as registered. hmmm. fail your test?

    2. These guys are so connected that nothing is going to happen to them. they may get a slap on the wrist but that's about it. reference all saints church. nothing happened. and the money is sitting offshore. reference vatopedi monastery which was money laundering on an international scale with churches and monasteries in the US involved. what happened? nothing. sorry guys but you arent getting the justice you think you are.

    3. κόρακας κοράκου μάτι δεν βγάζει.

    4. Is there any proof about vatopedi monastery on mount athos money laundering on an international scale? Never heard this before.

    5. i think he's talking about this.

  7. 9:52 PM CPA ONTARIO GEORGAKOPOULOS ,Nikona tou Christou Kai this Georgia. Stop hiding behind your puppet master. You should be more concerned about 6:20 pm who seems to know more than I. Nikona”ass” as you refer to me has retired from your and other circles for close to a year BUT I would be more than happy to jump back in to deal with idiots like yourself and others who like trash talking anonymously. Please give me an excuse to sing and I will do so in many octaves.
    Nikona Georgakopoulos

    1. Take a chill pill, nikona ass.

  8. 9:52 pm seems to have gotten his nose out of joint. Btw Salmas and the rest of the pedos could never passed any background checks . Nikona already has passed multiple ones in order to get elected to the Gct which does background checks on all directors and employees the same cannot be said of the Archdiocease which refuses to make anything public except a whole bunch of lies and internal memos with clear instructions to NOT share with the public. Nikona, Artemakis others with their hands on transcripts open your mouths and please expose these infidels who are the devil’s pupils.

    1. 6:24 pm. I don't know what your hard on is with Salmas? And if you have something on these guys why won't you release it since you seem to know so much?

    2. Pedophilia is a serious criminal offense. Stop spreading nikonasses lies and bullshit. If you have proof of pedophilia go to the police. They will investigate believe me. But dont lower yourself to. nikonasses level.

    3. Ion Pop a convicted sex offender was permitted in the alter at st John with the blessing of Sotirios and Philip who till this day insists his conviction was full of lies.

    4. Ion pop pleaded guilty. What lies are these guys talking about?He admitted to massaging womens nipples and penetrating them to make the evil spirits go away.

  9. go ahead release details. its easy to do. but the only thing you guys do is talk about evidence and proof and transcripts defaming people with conjecture and innuendo. shit or get off the pot as they say. but you wont because your all bullshit artists. you got nothing.

  10. 11:12 it must be hard for you to cope now that your boy Sotiroula is in Athens. Do you have a big photo of him in your room to keep you company while he's gone? Or maybe a Sotirios blow up doll?

    Anyone that defends a pedo and sex abuser and actively gay Archbishop who has sex in the altar of the chapel at the archdiocese next to the Holy Gifts is seriously deranged. Same goes for his side kick Bish Iakovos. Dumb and.dumber. Sick and sicker. Castrate them both.

    1. @2:51, not really. and my photo is smaller then yours. Btw he's living rent free in your head, shit for brains. If he's a pedo why don't you go to the cops? No proof right just your bullshit made up lies.
