Τελευταίες, ανεπιβεβαίωτες πληροφορίες αναφέρουν ότι υπογράφεται σύντομα συμφωνία μεταξύ Ελληνικής Κοινότητας και Αρχιεπισκοπής, με την οποία λύνονται όλα, τα μεταξύ των δυο οργανισμών, προβλήματα και διαφορές οι οποιες υπήρχαν και βρίσκνταν τα τελευταία χρόνια στην καναδική Δικαιοσύνη.
Με λίγα λογια, οι υποψίες μας και μαζί οι φόβοι που εκφράσαμε την π. εβδομάδα, όταν συναντήσαμε τυχαία την Τριανδρία της Κοινότητας, να γευματίζει και να συζητά «συνωμοτικά», σε γνωστό εστιατόριο επί της Ντάνφορθ, πλησιάζουν την επιβεβαίωσή μας με μαθηματική, σχεδόν, ακρίβεια.! Για να μην πούμε περισσότερα με κίνδυνο να πέσουμε έξω (κάτι πολύ δύσκολο) θα περιμένουμε κάποιες επίσημες ανακοινώσεις εκ μέρους των αρμοδίων, ώστε να κρίνουμε το αποτέλεσμα και να εκφέρουμε την άποψή μας. Μετά την επίσημη ανακοίνωση και την πιθανότατη επιβεβαίωση τν πληροφοριών μας, θα ασχοληθούμε και με το πλούσιο παρασκήνιο το οποίο έφερε -αν έφερε- το συγκεκριμένο αποτέλεσμα, ρίχνοντας, βεβαίως, και τις σχετικές σφαλιάρες, αν και ό,που χρειαστεί.!!!
Αναμονή, λοιπόν, για
λίγες ημέρες ή ίσως και ώρες και εδώ θα είμαστε να τα πούμε…
I'm guessing that Sotiri offered them to reduce the annual fee from 40k$ to 15k$ and they jumped on the deal. I wish they realized that he offered the same deal to every other church in the country. The GCT might of thought that they had a weak court case and they might of wanted to settle to save face. I was looking forward to the final ruling in that case because it would have exposed Sotiri for who he is: a scumbag that will be remembered for having divided Greeks throughout the country for 4 decades. Before the GCT settles they need to think of all the children who were molested and all the money that was misappropriated by these men of god. Any agreement needs to include the archdiocese stop funding in any way the corrupt media and they need to agree to post their audited financial statements on their website. Doing so will ensure that Sotiri doesn't have his media cronies doing his dirty work. They should also add a clause for situations where Sotiri offers to buy a church. If he ever does that in the future, The GCT could turn around and buy one of Sotiris churches in the GTA at the price Sotiri offered. That will ensure that any offer Sotiri proposes will be close to fair value. I sure hope that Artemakis & Nikona use this opportunity to take out the trash and to ensure that the problems of the past will not surface again especially when Iakovos takes over the Archdiocese.
ReplyDeleteThe audited statements are available only by requesting them from CRA. The GCTs are all on their website since 1999.He will not post them because it will show where he stashed his emergency get out of town money.
DeleteHow long does it take usually to get the audited statements from CRA?
DeleteI think the bigger issue is that the financial statements are not presented at the annual AGMs like is required of NPOs. I have never heard of an NPO do what Sotirios is doing. Apparently the Philoptochos does though but I don’t know that for a fact, they don’t even have a website and the one the Archdiocese has was made by a kid in Paint.
Sotirios is so irresponsible and the only legacy he’ll leave behind in Canada is that he’s a sex abuser. The churches aren’t his, they’re the faithfuls and were purchased and built by the faithful despite him not because of him. I’ve never seen someone so hated and for good reason.
@ Anonymous October 15, 2021 at 1:38 AM
DeleteYou are full of shit. Bottom line is that GCT made a critical and fatal mistake to stop paying the priests and sue Sotirios. There was no way they would win. What you should be asking is what happened to all the money they collected from the save the GCT campaign? Guess they have the money to pay 5 years of salary to all the priests. Its disgraceful how they played on peoples love of the community to collect money to pay priests settlement. They lied and that is the problem. Will anyone trust them again? I wont.!
4:05PM I’d trust the GCT over Sotirios any day! What we should be asking is where are all of the financial statements from the Archdiocese the last 40 years?! That’s not HIS money, it’s OUR money.
DeleteAnd why is Sotirios secretly liquidating OUR church assets?! He secretly sold our ONLY Ontario CHURCH KIDS CAMP last September. Where did the $2.2 Million go from the sale of “Ignite Camp Metamorphosis Campus”, 467 County Road 19, Ameliasurgh, Ontario? (It was purchased by the Archdiocese for $1.7 Million with other Greek organizations who were not consulted on the sale.) Where’d the money go?
Like it’s not bad enough he’s a pedophile he also goes and take the kids church camp away too? Monster.
Good to see your true comments BUT do you have the proof to back it up? He will deny everything and question how you had the balls to question this omnipotent man of the cloth
Delete12:29 wait and see what happens with metamorphosis kids camp next summer in Ontario. Also why did the metamorphosis camps happen in other provinces in Canada this summer but not ours when pandemic restrictions were lifted for all summer camps here in Ontario. Because we had no camp!
DeletePlus I know who the guy is that sold it for the Archdiocese. Some clergy and archdiocese staff also know.
Δεν υπάρχει σωτηρία για την εκκλησία με τον Σωτήριο στον Καναδά!
ReplyDeleteΜην το λέτε τόσο απότομα και σοβαρά, κύριε, α στεναχωρηθεί πολύ, μα παπάρα πολύ, ο Σωτήριος! Και αν ακόμα δεν την αγαπάει τόσο πολυ όπως ισχυρίζονται κάποιοι και όπως ο ίδιος αφήνει να εννοηθεί, αγαπάει σίγουρα τα χρήματα που του κουβαλάει και από τα οποία έγινε πάμπλουτος αξιοπιόντας τα σωστά και στις σωστές τσέπες του! Τέτοιο μουλάρι ήταν και παραμένει.
DeleteΜπορεί να μην υπάρχει σωτηρία αλλά υπάρχει σίγουρα Σωτηρία που είναι το ιδιο πρόσωπο με τον Σωτήριο. Τι ζητάτε τελός πάντων;
DeleteΜην κοροϊδευόμαστε όσο υπάρχουν κορόιδα που τον προσκυνάνε και πιστεύω τις μαλακίες του δε γίνεται τίποτα
DeleteGreek Community Of Toronto
Support the GCT Team on the upcoming Scotiabank Toronto Marathon
Διάβασα κάπου την παραπάνω ανακοίνωση της κοινότητας και απόρησα. Πώς είναι δυνατό να είναι ένας ο στόχος όταν τα χρήματα που μαζεύονται μοιράζονται με τον αρχιεπίσκοπο ή μάλλον τα περισσότερα πάνε στο δικό του ταμείο; Γιατί δεν μας λένε την αλήθεια η οποία είναι ότι οι στόχοι είναι το ελάχιστο δύο; Κοινότητα και Σωτηρούλα! Η κυρία αυτή μάλιστα παίρνει τα πολλα χωρίς να προσφέρει τίποτα και ότι με τα ψίχουλα που απομένουν πλερόνονται οι παπάδες, οι ψάλτάδες οι νεοκόροι, και όλα τα απαραίτητα που χρειάζεται ένα ακίνητο; Τι πράματα ντροπης είναι αυτά μπρέ;
Time to seriously consider getting out of the church business GCT.
DeleteSotirios should get out of the church business too since he’s been busy the last couple of years trying to sell Metamorphosis and Triada churches. He even put a proposal in to the city for how to convert the Met. church property into an apartment building. Why is the leader of a church trying to secretly sell its churches?
DeleteThere are numbers on the CRA website (https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyBscSrch?request_locale=en) but some of the critical information is vague. For example, Sotiri has 63% of his expenses in the “other” category. Obviously, this is the money he sent to Istanbul and he thinks that we are stupid and don’t know. When all the churches were suffering last year he managed to gather 6.3 m$ in donation compared to 1.0m $ the previous year. There is no doubt that he found some suckers and told them to give money to god and that is how they will avoid dying of COVID. Morons. The audited financial statements give you a better idea of what is going on. For example, you get to see what buildings were sold and how much they spent to settle lawsuits involving pedophile priests. I once asked Sotiri for a copy of the Financials. He told me that if the GCT agrees to abide by the Uniform Parish regulations and we attend the stupid Klirolaiki then he will gladly give me a copy. That’s how much he is a manipulating motherfucker. Here are some interesting numbers from the charity return:
ReplyDeleteYear ended December 31 2020
4100. Cash, bank accounts, and short-term investments $11,618,153.00
4500. Total eligible amount of all gifts for which the charity issued tax receipts $6,258,187.00
4510. Total amount received from other registered charities $1,632,748.00
Total revenue (add lines 4500, 4510 to 4560, 4575, 4580, and 4600 to 4650) $10,427,868.00
Total expenditure on all compensation (enter the amount reported at line 390 in Schedule 3, if applicable) $485,984.00
All other expenditures not included in the amounts above (excluding gifts to qualified donees) $3,190,045.00
Total expenditures before gifts to qualified donees (add lines 4800 to 4920) $5,006,265.00
Year ended December 31 2019
Total eligible amount of all gifts for which the charity issued tax receipts $999,596.00
Total amount received from other registered charities $2,302,204.00
Total revenue (add lines 4500, 4510 to 4560, 4575, 4580, and 4600 to 4650) $5,731,006.00
Total expenditure on all compensation (enter the amount reported at line 390 in Schedule 3, if applicable) $624,884.00
All other expenditures not included in the amounts above (excluding gifts to qualified donees) $3,350,882.00
Total expenditures before gifts to qualified donees (add lines 4800 to 4920) $5,326,433.00
Total expenditures (add lines 4950 and 5050) $5,610,973.00
8:49 thanks for this and the link.
DeleteSo what your saying is the GCT doesn't know what its doing. Your boring us all with the details of your incompetence. Operate the GCT properly or piss off. dont blame sotiri or anyone else for your inability to be financially prudent.
Delete5:41 don’t blame Sotirios? He’s the sickness in the church and he’s tried for decades to try to destroy the GCT to build his own empire except GCTers will never let that happen.
DeleteLet me know the last time you saw the financials of the archdiocese the past 40 years? And Sotirios claims to be so financially prudent and that he’s even said in a sermon that he’s a businessman first and then a Bishop (which was also crazy to hear) If he’s such a business man why won’t he disclose the financials? It’s not his money but he acts like it is, it’s the faithfuls money and the faithfuls churches.
Τhe title.(Όπως όλα δείχνουν, οι φόβοι μας επιβεβαιώνονται.! Η συμφωνία είναι ( :) γεγονός…) ....Causes Me Great Concern
ReplyDeleteDid our community leaders dropped their pants and you are preparing the ground ? They just realized that they can't fight city hall ... or Sotiri in this case with his $$$$$$ for legal fees? Time to tell us the members the truth.
9:58 $10 says you are not a member. You are like all the rest lots of talk no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Gct cannot give away title to anything without having an members special meeting If Sotirios and the Arch archidia could have taken title they would have.
ReplyDeleteMr Artemakis, Nikonas and the entire GCT board need to be commended whatever the final outcome is because there’s no doubt they put the interests of the members first, unlike Sotirios. And anyone who has to deal with him deserves a medal of honor. The church in Canada is still standing DESPITE Sotirios not because of him. He’s not a man of God, he’s a sick man who also created a few clergy in his disgusting image. Most people have figured out after 40 years that Sotirios is a sex abuser the problem is he’s not the only one!
ReplyDelete9:58 You seem to be very new to inocent and green to know how business is done behind closed doors in our community and most of the associations.My kind friend what you see is not always what you get. What is been negociated and what you will hear in the meeting is not exactly what the deals are and how the pie has been shared. Trust me I have been to long in this game. The same coverup happen many times in the past and the last example is the MENEGAKIS cover up. Did you reed the G. REPORT?
ReplyDeleteKράτα και μικρό καλάθι. Η παροιμία αυτή σημαίνει να μη δίνεις μεγάλη σημασία σε υπεραισιόδοξες προβλέψεις.
8:28 PM: What’s the “G. REPORT” you are referring to, do you have a link you can share with us?
DeleteΕίσαστε όλοι σας γκαβοί. Μιλάτε όλοι με ένα παζάρι στο στόμα. Περιμένετε και θα δείτε, όταν σκάσει η βόμβα.
ReplyDeleteH βομβα έσκασε προ καιρού τα σκάγια δεν έφτασαν ακόμα στο λαουτζίκο,
ReplyDeleteΚiss Sotirios goodby. This is his last Goodwill Venture in Canada.
Ummm Sotirios isn’t going anywhere. He’s not leaving except by force or death.
Delete6:35 pm he WILL leave with over $4 Million in his war chest while our priests linger in misery to empty churches.
DeleteWhen the Archdiocese starts publishing its financials it will be quite evident what he has been doing all along besides building his own personal war chest.
Προσέχετε. Ο Σωτήριος είναι αλεπού!. Ξέρει που πατάει και τί κάνει. Και παρόλο που ειναι 86 χρονών, εκεί κάθεται και κάνει σχέδια για πολλά θέματα.
ReplyDeleteΟι παπάδες του τον φοβούνται, εκτός από μερικούς που τον ακολουθούν τυφλά .
Ειναι ικανός να '"εκβιάζει" με τον τρόπο του
10:09 am The G Report is the famous Glynn Group Report which analyzed invoices and corresponding payments made to wards the failed Construction of the famous Hellenic Cultural Centre that Menegakis and his moron cronies started but never completed. He quickly departed when he realized this center was going nowhere. I'm sure George Nikopoulos and or Nikona Georgakopoulos will post it on the GCT website for all to read at their leisure. It stated "that to get a better picture a forensic audit costing over $350,000 would need to happen. Not possible when the GCT was losing $280K per month and Sotirios was offering to buy all our churches at $0.10 on the dollar just like the beginning of 2021.M. F.!!