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Friday, August 12, 2022

Πραγματικότητα το ...χρόνιο αίτημα πολλών αναγνωστών μας για τα οικονομικά της Αρχιεπισκοπής...


Μπορεί να μας κόστησε λίγο παραπάνω, αλλά έγινε πραγματικότητα ώστε να μπορούν, πλέον, οι έχοντες οικονομικές γνώσεις, να πουν και σε μας τους άσχετους μερικά πράγματα για την οικονομική κατάσταση της ...Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής μας και πώς θα μπορέσουμε να βοηθήσουμε λίγο ακόμα τον Σωτήριο να βελτιώσει τα οικονομικά της καθώς και τα προσωπικά δικά του ώστε να έχει ...πέντε δεκάρες στην άκρη για τα γεράματά του, όταν με το καλό έρθουν στην ...αυλή του. Παρακολουθήστε, λοιπόν, και πείτε μας ό,σα και ό,τι καταλάβετε, από τα συγκεκριμένα στοιχεία. Τα ό,σα είναι σβησμένα με καραμπογιά, θα μας τα αναλύσει ο ίδιος ο Σωτήρης, αν θέλει, μπορεί και του επιτρέψει ο πανάγαθος Θεός του.!!!



  1. Short term investments note3. of $9.7 Million ($9,667,402) and they want more?
    The HHF gave these idiots money for a camp which he subsequently sold for cost den drepomaste?
    What is the story with the blacked out section on note 10 Employee benefit trust with a deposit of $177,000 in 2020 and $238,000 in 2019 Sotirios side fund?
    ( notice it says employee ( Sotirios) not employees ( all the deviants ) whose else could it be? Ladies & gentlemen continue believing the BS from the Archbishop that he lives off CPP and OAS, his financials say otherwise. I won't even go into the small change of $49,000 for 2020 and $59,000 in 2019 in note 10 disguised as Clergy Group / Pension fund that makes his take between $226,000 and $297,000 excluding his cash bonuses every Christmas from his self directed board of 1. ( the so called Archdiocesan council members ( ) are best advised to resign before some competent authority declares you useless incompetent and complicit in fraudulent activities)

  2. The American's ( Elpidophoros) once again trump the Canadian Archdiocese. They set aside $2,503,207 towards the "Bishops' supplemental retirement benefits" .How does the greek saying go? "Oi papades evlogane ta genia tous prota.Nothing wrong with that provided they see results which we do not have , and again according to the public statements they sent Grants to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of $1,506,000.That grant in my opinion should concern our Canadian Archdiocese which according to the Note 12 of the 2020 statements just released sent $177,000 to the Patriarchate programs that is $1.329,000 less than our American brothers. Could change be coming? I certainly hope so but don't hold your breath.


    Nikona Georgakopoulos CPA,CA,CFP,TEP

  3. Nikona what are you trying to say? I'm not following. Sorry brother for the bother.

    1. What are you trying to say about the grant money going to the Phanar? I don't get it. That's not all the money Canada sends to the Phanar. Canada pays for actual staff at the Phanar and pays for bills to maintain the building. So it wouldn't be listed as a grant. It's not a clear bulk sum sent. It totalled last year $1.8M...where the money is coming from I have no idea but I do know it was $900K as general money going to the Phanar and $900K for staff and building maintenance. It was also disclosed at the last Archdiocesan Council meeting.

      And in America they pay for the staff at the English language office in the Phanar and other things. So it's on top of the bulk sum.

      America has almost 600 churches and doesn't give enough to the Phanar and Canada has almost 80 churches and gives disproportionately more which doesn't make sense. And the big kicker is that Australia which is far bigger than us gives barely anything to the Phanar but when Archbishop Makarios took over Australia he spent from the archdiocese money $6.5 million to purchase a massive multi bedroom high end condominium to live in but says he doesn't have money to send the Phanar? Why should Canada and America pay for staff at the Phanar while Makarios lives it up in a high end condo...the financials and photos of the condo were given to local media which is how that story broke. While Sotirios and Elpidophoros live in their Archdiocese? Really? In America former Archbishop Demetrios sold the Archbishop house that they had for a long time for about $3M since he almost bankrupted the Archdiocese. So now they had to turn offices into bedrooms? Monasteries live it up better. That's just crazy.

  4. theres no document at the link. how can we see it?

  5. look at the audited statements.

  6. Brother from another mother we constantly hear that our archbishop is untouchable because of the Canadian significant contribution to the Patriarcate which according to CRA and the independently audited statements is not the case.

    The Americans that are at least ten times greater in numbers than we are blowing us out of the water.
    Does that mean anything? I’ll let others be the judge.


  7. Nickona I get what you're saying about the audit/cra but I'm telling you brother the Patriarch and his staff have repeatedly said that Canada gives more money to the Patriarch than America. I don't strategically see why they’d lie to those of us that heard it. And I don't get why they’d give such specific numbers of $900K and $900 for staff/ buildings. It was also said on the last zoom call so while I’m not on the archdiocesan council I can tell you I heard it. So my question is, if it’s true about the $900K x 2 last year, where’s that money coming from then? I know at the Arch Council meeting Sotirios talked about how there’s some account that donors, some being archons, have given large sums of money and it’s like a Bartholomew/patriarchate sort of fund but it’s not public which makes zero sense. It’s out of Montreal. So could there be an external account that’s not officially tied to the Archdiocese?

    I believe what you’re saying, but I’m telling you the $1.8M is real and that’s from both sides. Even America knows it because they used to only give $1M (that’s public knowledge) and then when Elpidophoros took over it was raised to $2M (also publicly announced) in total to ensure it’s higher than Canada.

    I’ll check with someone about that account in Montreal for the Phanar. I guess I just assumed it would be part of the archdiocese and maybe it’s not??? What do you think bro? Is that legally possible? There is lots of money going out from say St Nicks off the books, 2 of those priests told me the Chinese school there pays only in cash and they have other cash revenue streams. Maybe that money is going into that account they talked about in Montreal? I have no idea what’s going on but no way the Patriarch is ok with only getting $177K when’s it’s known he’s a pedo too. Such a risk doesn’t make sense.

  8. If stuff is coming “ off books” as many of us has suspected that in itself is clearly illegal just like having a second dummy cash register to hide restaurant sales. The only thing I believe in is solid proof in the form of an audit trail. I do not believe anything that comes out of their mouths that is not independently verified. Money orders / wire transfers over $10k going anywhere outside of Canada is a FINTRACT reportable event.
    Anything else at best is gossip at best or pure lies.

    Nikona Georgakopoulos CPA,CA,CFP,TEP

  9. The truth comes out. Yorkland secondary school rent and banquet operation continue to be run off books. Even if they get caught they will claim ignorance and hang Merkle.
    Can the same be said about the other rental income in Missisauga,Markham and Donlands etc? Interesting.

    1. I remember being told that the rentals in Markham and Mississauga pay the Archdiocese directly so no one from the churches can touch the money from the rentals. Interesting though at St nicks the rentals pay Merkel/Tasia directly in cash. I wonder if Sotirios does that so if they’re ever busted by the CRA she’s the fall person and not him? Like what happened at All Saints back in the day. I wonder if Sotirios was in on that?

  10. Someone just opened the floodgates here. A lot of stuff to absorb.

    1. Can a not-for-profit have bank accounts that aren’t on the main books? But are used for the church? Also what’s the benefit of the church having an account for the patriarchate that’s separate? Why wouldn’t they just have it all together? Is there a tax benefit to doing it that way?

      I’d be curious to hear more about that account since it makes no sense why it would not be publicized so more people can give money.

      Nikona could you shed some light on any of this given your professional background??

    2. I just thought everyone knew, if I knew and that no one cared what was happening in our church. Hope this information can be helpful to the smart people who know what to do with it. I don’t have a clue.

    3. 3:28 pm you answered your own question non profits cannot have “ off book” accounts that are not reflected in the charity’s books. Setting up an account to do illegal activities such as evading HST and Fintrac and then trying to bury it in another account, clearly demonstrates intent to commit a crime. ( this in itself is worse than committing the crime.) In Ontario the Public trustee of charities imposes well defined and clear requirements for proper recording of the use of all of a charity’s assets. Hence why the GCT created Pronia after each church’s philoptochos refused to address irregularities brought to my attention as the treasurer of the GCT.

      Nikona Georgakopoulos

    4. Thanks Nikona. Helpful. Didn’t think of it like that.

  11. 3:39pm everybody should care if illegal activities are taking place in their church. The minute you do one you open the floodgates for 1000 illegal activities. That is how the mob works. Do everything on by the books.
